**JOKE** Creation (Genesis For Christians)

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**JOKE** Creation (Genesis for Christians) Aug 23, 2005
On the sixth day, God turned to the Angels and said: "Today, I am going to create a land called Lebanon, it will be a land of outstanding natural beauty. It shall have tall majestic mountains full of snow, beautiful sparkling lakes cutting forests full of all kinds of trees, high cliffs overlooking sandy beaches with an abundance of sea life."

God continued, "I shall make the land rich so to make the inhabitants prosper, I shall call these inhabitants Lebanese, and they shall be known as the most friendly people on earth." "But Lord", asked the Angels, "don't you think you are being too generous to the Lebanese? "Not really", replied God, "just wait and see the neighbors I am going to give them!"

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Aug 26, 2005
I don't see that in the Holy Bible. Care to point out where I may find it?
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Aug 26, 2005
Its a freakin' joke!!!! Read the subject heading... Sheesh... Dude you have to get out more....
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Aug 27, 2005
Well , all I can say is that you obviously need to work on your sense of humor , and while you're at it , try to stay away from god and religon related jokes ya ....
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Aug 28, 2005
Oh please.... Get that stick you got entrenched up your rectum and chill....
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Aug 28, 2005
well, Liban, I laughed :wink:

lighten UP everyone.
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Aug 29, 2005
I cried :cry:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 29, 2005
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Aug 29, 2005
3weela wrote:Well , all I can say is that you obviously need to work on your sense of humor , and while you're at it , try to stay away from god and religon related jokes ya ....

oh abs and your friend here 3weela ... guys you need to buy your selves a couple of sense of humour upgrade.... i heard they are on sale at City Center .... or download them at www.indesperateneedtolaugh.com


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Aug 30, 2005
They have a valid point. I dont think a joke about Islam would go over so well in here. People would be cussing and threating and blah blah blah, but it's ok to joke about Christianity?

Not that I care either way, just doing what I do, creating conflict, enjoy! :twisted:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 30, 2005
Islam has creation too in it so this joke is on all monotheistic faiths.... 8)
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Aug 30, 2005
l0ol ..

The joke is funny, their reactions are funnier..

Lighten up people.
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Aug 30, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:They have a valid point. I dont think a joke about Islam would go over so well in here. People would be cussing and threating and blah blah blah, but it's ok to joke about Christianity?

Not that I care either way, just doing what I do, creating conflict, enjoy! :twisted:

yeah but its not really a joke about christians in general ... as how i see it ... it really do revolve on how self centered lebanese are ... (or Christian Lebanese) the joke more targeted a nation with a self centered ideology ... it similar to his first joke ....

its pretty much friendly on how it was pitched ... its not a joke against Christians its more on directed to the nation ...and its always good to see people who can joke of their own nation .....

right liban ?

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Aug 30, 2005
Ah. Comeon .. "its just comedy, nothing more"
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Aug 30, 2005
You are correct. If one has a strong enough personality and solid beleifs, one can joke around and take a joke or two because it is what it is, which is to say a joke.

I got this joke from a Lebanese Christian (Maronite) website. Maronites have historically been quite nationalistic and right wing, while Muslims and Druze have been more left leaning and as such have been more pan-arab....
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Aug 30, 2005
mAJOR pAIN wrote:
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:They have a valid point. I dont think a joke about Islam would go over so well in here. People would be cussing and threating and blah blah blah, but it's ok to joke about Christianity?

Not that I care either way, just doing what I do, creating conflict, enjoy! :twisted:

yeah but its not really a joke about christians in general ... as how i see it ... it really do revolve on how self centered lebanese are ... (or Christian Lebanese) the joke more targeted a nation with a self centered ideology ... it similar to his first joke ....

its pretty much friendly on how it was pitched ... its not a joke against Christians its more on directed to the nation ...and its always good to see people who can joke of their own nation .....

right liban ?


You explained it perfectly. Yeah, Lebanese people and Texans are so full of shit!!!
Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 30, 2005
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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