I was working as a flight attendant with MEA. I was on a flight from Beirut to Paris. You know the type of passengers that get french if they are ehaded to france and English if they are landing in London. Those who refuse to speak Arabic and become changed people. They ask for Lórient Le Jour and lots of red wine (in the early morning).
I still remember, first row aisle seat thre was this lady - oh and i don't speak french- who asked for Lórient Le Jour. I said in English that I do not have it. She replied in French. I said I do not speak french, just English. She kept going on and on about how MEA empoloys girls who do not speak french. She was saying that she booked a seat on Air France and had no clue why she was on MEA instead. I did not understand french but I understood what she was saying. She was now talking loudly and making a big fuss out of it. I called the girl on the other side of the aircaraft and I said in Arabic, "Come speak to GRANDMA here who is pretending not to understand ENGLISH. Damn the french!"
To cut it short, she was Lebanese as she clearly understood what i said and just lost it.
I think she was more embarassed because everyone knew that the whole fuss was for nothing since she spoke Arabic, English and French.