Israel Pulling Out.....

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Israel pulling out..... Aug 24, 2005
SO what does everyone think about this whole Gaza strip jazz? I think it is a step in the right directions, and I hope both sides learn from it. But what do I know, I'm from Texas, I got my own problems... :roll:

Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 24, 2005 i'm not at liberty to get involved, quite frankly. BUT i agree with it. stupid that the palestinians don't want to live in the housing though.. people are people. why spend important money on something so petty.
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Aug 25, 2005
BobbieMasoner i'm not at liberty to get involved, quite frankly. BUT i agree with it. stupid that the palestinians don't want to live in the housing though.. people are people. why spend important money on something so petty.

Its not stupid but logical. Gaza is over crowded and poverty ridden. There are about 800,000 refugees there intermingling with an orginal palestinian polpulation of 500,000.

The housing will provide for 8000 Palestinians. What about the remianing 792,000 refugees? And how ill you distribute the housing. These are low density units. Palestiniuans need high density units. Whats the point of keeping these homes?

Thats why they are being destroye to make room for mult-story buildings and skyscrapers.... Imagine Dubai being simply a bunch of villas... I mean, please!! :)
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Aug 25, 2005
The Israelis are correcting a historic mistake by withdrawing from a small part of the land they conquered in 1967. Now they need to do more and withdraw from all the land they conquered through their own surprise assault on June 7, 1967 including East Jerusalem.

We arabs are asking for 30% of the 1948 injustice of stealing our land. Only 30%!!!! Of historic Palestine. Thats all!!!!!

1967 borders = secured permanent peace.

Jews and Arabs are semetics and were always at peace living as neighbors in Palestine until that SOB Lord Balfour opened his trap. The Prohet Mohammed (PBUH) even helped his Jewish neighbor when the latter was sick. Lets become good neighbors again.
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Aug 26, 2005
I heard it was the joint attack of the 4 neighbouring country that resulted to this. The God of Israel protected them and thus they were able to repel all 4 country with their meagre defence and at the same time..capture that strip.
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Aug 26, 2005
No, read your history books. Israel launched a surprise attack against its Arab neighbors in 1967. It was the agressor.

In every war, whether it is 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, or 1982, Israel received arms and backing from the States (except in 1956 it received support from Britan and France).

Please do not start with this god of Israel bull because there is only One God and he is the God of the Universe and Beyond....
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Aug 30, 2005
Though I have my own religious convictions, I don't see why should call other people beliefs Bull. Thats no way to coexist with people of different religions.

Now as to Israel. The Gaza withdrawal is a courageous move on behalf of Ariel Sharon, I suppose it is Abbas's duty now to meet that with a serious crack down on terrorist cells operating within Gaza.

And then we can expect to see some progress on the West Bank's front.

The historical context of the conflict is really irrelevant at this point, if some progress towards peace is desired, then seriously! enough with this land is historically Palestine or this land is historically Israel. Eveyone can believe their own slice of history, but that shouldn't influence the conflict today, it only creates more blood-shed.
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Aug 30, 2005
abs wrote:I heard it was the joint attack of the 4 neighbouring country that resulted to this. The God of Israel protected them and thus they were able to repel all 4 country with their meagre defence and at the same time..capture that strip.

and what and Who are you reffering to when you say God of israel ??? pls elaborate .... there is only one supreme being , only one GOD and its written on all 3 books all 3 religion ... Jew / Christian / Islam all this 3 relligion got only one GOD ... so What are you talking about "GOD of Israel" ... is that you being ignorant .. or are you trying prove a rude stupid point ?
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Aug 30, 2005
If anyone beleives that Ariel Sharon's pullout from Gaza is a step towards peace. They should reconsider.

The move was unilateral, it doesnt include any recognition to the people who reside inside, or who is to run there affairs or what not.

The pullout is a pure PR play on Ariel's part, show the world pictures of burning Jewish settlments, crying women and kids and it will make the world think we are putting huge sacrifices to get out of gaza. Meanwhile at the same time Jerusalem and the West bank is being chocked by an 8 meter high wall that is improsining the Palestinians like they are some kind of animal.

Lets hope i am wrong, but from knowing Ariel Sharon and the history of this conflict i am going to take this withdrawl with a grain of salt.
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Aug 30, 2005
MaaaD wrote:If anyone beleives that Ariel Sharon's pullout from Gaza is a step towards peace. They should reconsider.

The move was unilateral, it doesnt include any recognition to the people who reside inside, or who is to run there affairs or what not.

The pullout is a pure PR play on Ariel's part, show the world pictures of burning Jewish settlments, crying women and kids and it will make the world think we are putting huge sacrifices to get out of gaza. Meanwhile at the same time Jerusalem and the West bank is being chocked by an 8 meter high wall that is improsining the Palestinians like they are some kind of animal.

Lets hope i am wrong, but from knowing Ariel Sharon and the history of this conflict i am going to take this withdrawl with a grain of salt.

Very good point, those crying babies will get alot of attention especially if Palestinians dont control the violence. They may come out looking like bad guys.

And I thought Israel was attacked, beat the crap out of everyone, and that is why they got the land they got(Gaza). Who says that they even have to give it back. As for them having the backing of the US, that is undeniable, but why can't other countries get together and drfeat Israel. Maybe if they would stop bickering amidst themselves, they could be a force to be rekoned with. It's not what you know, it's who you know. America has no problem hanging Israel out to dry if things get to deep, were shady like that, and it's no secret.
Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 30, 2005
Yeah and hav you thought of the Jewish lobby that effectivly controls Washington??? George Bush Sr. hung Israel to dry and lost even though he won the Gulf War 1... The son is a strong supporter of Israel and was re-elected even though he is losing in Iraq...

Jewish Lobby..... :evil:
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Aug 30, 2005
And they control all the banks and Hollywood too! :D
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Aug 31, 2005
Israel bigget supporter in the U.S is not the Jewish Lobby.

It's the Christian Evangelical Community led by the likes of Pat Robertson and Franklin Graham.


I don't see why we should go and take the worst possible scenario. All the Palestnians have to do now is stop Hamas, GIA and all the other fanatics, and we will progress towards a Palestinian State.
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Aug 31, 2005
I think it is a progression towards a peaceful outcome. (plus wouldn't you move if you were being given 200,000 Dollars and a new house?) I mean to put a different spin on it to see pictures in the news of Palestinian and Israeli children playing football together was great, do you think these children care about old wars? No!

Once the old men with old wars and scores to settle have gone, the future generations can move forward more productively and peacefully.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 31, 2005
Exactly .. :)
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Aug 31, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:I think it is a progression towards a peaceful outcome. (plus wouldn't you move if you were being given 200,000 Dollars and a new house?) I mean to put a different spin on it to see pictures in the news of Palestinian and Israeli children playing football together was great, do you think these children care about old wars? No!

Once the old men with old wars and scores to settle have gone, the future generations can move forward more productively and peacefully.

I wish it was that simple. Hate is being breeded in the generations to come. Israeli kids who are growing up to them seeing there fellow countrymen killed in bus/nightclub bombings and Palestinian kids growing up seeing there peoples killed daily, houses demolished, living around a big wall .. Its easy to see things all nice and flowery from the outside (which is to the best interest of the two govements (Palestinian and Israeli) to attract international donations and funds.

I was in Palestine in July. The reality is very different. There is no progression to peace. People are very frustrated, economically, socially in every way you can think. This same frustration is what is breeding and fueling groups like Hamas, Jihad Islami and so on.

As long as the Israeli regime continues to oppress and occupy the Palestinian people it will be easy to recruit suicide bombers. They have nothing to look forward to, nothing to let them love life. They are lured by promises of heaven and what not.

I dont understand people who are trying to put the pressure on Palestinians making it look like they have the key to the solution of the Palestinian probelm ?

The stronger side (Israel) has the keys to the solution. A brave and swift pullout from the west bank and east jerusalem just like they did in Gaza.

That would be progression to peace. Not what we have today.

For those of you intersted here is an excellent article on the withdrawl : ... houthi.php
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Sep 01, 2005
It's sad, children are so innocent and open until hate filled and narrow minded people poison them against others.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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what do we have here.... Sep 01, 2005

lets assume that this a step in the right direction, but which party's direction? nothing happened to the Palestinians... its the same old hassles .. actually its worse now... coz in the eyes of the world... isrealies are peace makers now .. and are doing the Palestinians a huge favor.

2nd, Have any one.. i mean anyone wondered where those colonials are going to be shifted to...

they are settle down now in Jarusilm... have anyone reveled that.. have anyone talked about it ? why?? i think we all know why.

the last 2 months 8,000 new colonials flew in for being setteled in Jeruselm.. soon ... very soon.. it No Palestinians would be there at all.

all the westren media captured the event with Huge Massive machines and they allocated all the time and resources needed to show the pulling out.... why ? :)

it was shown like they have lost something which is theirs... but every one forget that those colonials were brought to palistain recently... the whole situation was showen like: "a nation loosing their lands" ..... :) ... its weird how TVs could freez the images in our unconscious mind. and make us unable to use our minds in anyway but only... with the given inputs.

at the end ... i believe that you guys have rational minds.... please dont let the propagand corrupt it .

peace for all :)
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