sauron wrote:Just finished reading these:
'We need to talk about Kevin' Lionel Shriver
Quite a disturbing and heavy read, but compulsive too. A mother writing about her son who committed a Columbine type massacre.
' A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian' Marina Lewycka
Not really about tractors and not written in Ukrainian. Easy to read and very, very funny. Story written from point of view of a woman whose elderly father marries an Eastern European goldigger.
Btw, we have a book club at work : here's how it works:
- 10 members who pay 50 chips into a kitty monthly
- members take it in turns, monthly, to spend the kitty money ( on books! ) and host the book swapping session
- new books are numbered ( and name of person who bought is written on them ) as they are bought and each month we note down who is taking and returning what at the monthly meeting
- books are 'retired' after a year and given to the person who bought them
Works really well and saves a lot of money.
My friend is still reading that book, i will borrow after.

We're not officemates, we can't be a member.
sauron wrote:Might also prevent you from being arrested for burglary!!!
You're an accomplice now. No worries, we'll leave no trace.