freza wrote:you see lady, I didn't take it to a personal level, but you did.....what are you proving here? I think you've done something counterintuitive (to the thread's point)...Not that consistently - I have my phases. I have no problem admitting that I'm boring - I like discussing politics - that automatically makes me quite a boring person. You seem to be boring by nature though...kanelli wrote:Freza, some of us might be boring according to your opinion, but you are consistently insulting people on this forum and getting into flame wars.Well how are you viewed on this forum? It seems some people think you're extremely biased, stubborn, wacky-emotional and preachy (and that's just putting it nicely.)That should say something about how you are viewed on this forum.If I were to turn up to an event, would you call me a Saddam-lover, West-hater and then strike that (in)famous phony smile(y) of yours (:lol:) ?I turn up in person to events and represent myself on here as I would in person.
I have no interests in Dubai meets, but I'm thankful to DF for giving me something to do when I had completed my work at the office but I still had hours to spare, when I missed Dubai while away from it, when I needed to search important or not so important info, etc. etc. And I've met some few, but really cool/quality people from the forum. So I'm apparently this persona non grata to you peeps, oh well... the virtual world reflecting life for you. Personally I'm not someone to let negativity of others here affect me, not here not anywhere - I'm a bit beyond that stuff not withstanding my notorious immaturity, so I have to say that I've gotten more positive things out of this forum than negatives....
Freza, this is getting so tedious. Grow up!
I am the first person to admit that I am opinionated and stubborn, but that doesn't mean I am preachy. I am most certainly not wacky-emotional, but there are a few other people on here who would fit that category, but since they share the same political views as you Freza you won't mention them.

Freza, yes, if we had a discussion in person I would have the same kind of debates. I don't recall you ever saying that Saddam was a hero of the Middle East, so I probably wouldn't call you a Saddam-lover. Ask anyone who has met me if I have given my opinion outright when we have been discussing and they will tell you "Yes". Ask any of my DF friends if I am a phoney with how I post and how I act in person. They will tell you you are wrong.
Freza, you have no interest in Dubai meets because you like to post what you want here and not put your face out there, except with a select few you have chosen to meet (if you really have met anyone). You are constantly harsh to people and you think you are an expert on every topic and you belittle anyone who disagrees with you. I don't think you are a bad person, I just don't like how you treat people when you are on this forum.
This is the last I am going to say on this topic. I'm quite fed up with your constant accusations of my lack of intelligence and my alleged phoniness. You are a rude person to constantly harass me on these points like you do, especially when you have never had the guts to meet me in person and everything you say is false. Move along and find some other target for your nastiness. I'm not going to pay any further attention to you.