Why Was My Saddam Thread Deleted?

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Jan 02, 2007
scot1870 wrote:
bushra21 wrote:
scot1870 wrote:

:shock: All his post was made up (has the US really killed 1/2m people????), yet our replies are "unsubstantiated". Any more nuggets of wisdom hidden away?

655,000 total excess deaths up to July 2006—from the second Lancet survey of mortality (October 2006).

for more details click here

I don't argue the death toll. Who killed them though? Areas can't be reconstructed because Muslims are bombing Muslims, not Muslims bombing Americans, Americans bombing Muslims or anything else.

You dont agree with the death toll, but when they mention Saddam killed thousands of his own people, you will immediately believe it!!! That makes lots of sense. :?

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Jan 02, 2007
Read again. He says he doesn't argue with the death toll.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 02, 2007
uae75 wrote:
scot1870 wrote:
bushra21 wrote:
scot1870 wrote:

:shock: All his post was made up (has the US really killed 1/2m people????), yet our replies are "unsubstantiated". Any more nuggets of wisdom hidden away?

655,000 total excess deaths up to July 2006—from the second Lancet survey of mortality (October 2006).

for more details click here

I don't argue the death toll. Who killed them though? Areas can't be reconstructed because Muslims are bombing Muslims, not Muslims bombing Americans, Americans bombing Muslims or anything else.

You dont agree with the death toll, but when they mention Saddam killed thousands of his own people, you will immediately believe it!!! That makes lots of sense. :?

Ignore my previous post, thought you mentioned "dont agree", but I checked, it was "dont argue". A man has to admit when he misread a comment :)
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Jan 02, 2007
A boy who tried to copy hanging scenes from the execution video of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein died in central Pakistan, said PacKi police.

Mubashar Ali,hanged himself, while re-enacting Husse in's hanging with the help of elder sister, after tying a rope to a ceiling fan and his neck in his home in Rahim Yar Khan district on Sunday, said a local police official.
Mr & Mrs Inquirer
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Jan 03, 2007
**please delete***
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Jan 03, 2007
Have been catching up now on this thread. was too busy looking for the last one.
kanelli wrote:Fayz, the thread was deleted because Jamal says it was disrespecting the dead. He says that because he is a Saddam-lover. If the thread were about Bush or Blair's death it would have stayed in Politics or Fight Club.
The Slobodan Milosevic thread has remained... there is fairness for you.

I agree, should be one rule for all- therefore should have remained. If someone chooses to disrespect the dead that is to their discredit.

bushra21 wrote:but for myself and others it isnt...for myself and others he is a real man and the only one that could have saved the middle east...

kanelli wrote:You think that Saddam could have saved the Middle East? He slaughters his own people and you admire him?

Two people. Two very different opinions. Both have your own reasons.
bushra21 wrote:obviously you dont know much about the iraqi people and what is written about them in our history...

kanelli wrote:Really, a 21 year old Emirati girl who grows up mostly in the States thinks she knows more about how Iraqis feel than anyone else. That is priceless.

I think we should all stop saying we know what the Iraqis feel or want as it is likely very few of us are Iraqi ourselves. Our opinions are from media, sometimes word of mouth therefore we are not qualified.
Secondly what is an Iraqi? a Kurd is an Iraqi, Shias, Sunni, Turkomens, Jews even the marsh arabs! all Iraqis all had different experiences under Saddam. Some may have liked him, some disliked but it is difficult to state which was more obvious. Some suffered, some had success. So no one really knows what the Iraqis wanted. We just think we do given the sources of information.
kanelli wrote:We all know the trial wasn't handled well, but how well can you expect a trial like Saddam's to go? Look at the war crimes tribunal in the Hague, it takes years and years to try people, the judges are changed, lawyers changed etc. It is a mess at the best of times, and leaders of countries and armies are very hard to prosecute. It was the Iraqis who were trying Saddam. It was not American judges and American lawyers, and it wasn't American soldiers who hung Saddam

i differ on this one. Iraqi flesh carrying out the execution doesnt mean that it was the Iraqis doing it. In WW2, many jews took part in the killing during the Holocaust but ultimately it was the Germans who instructed it - they were just executioners.
once again, what is an Iraqi? how do you know these guys were genuine Iraqis who lived and suffered under saddam? How do you know that these were not political dissidents, completely unrepresentative, who's parents were exhiled and only got back to the country with their own political agendas after 30 + years?example : Ahmed Chalabi, US Nominee to "Lead Iraq"
So it is difficult to verdict that this was the Iraqis who did it.
My opinion is that it was a flaw of a trial. and Killing him was just a hope to hopefully tone down the insurgency. He was a dictator, did what other dictators did around the world (and some elected Presidents/Prime ministers may i add) which is to kill many people. Life sentence was a better punishment, but that is my opinion. i already discussed a while back why i am against death penalty as i did say it often becomes a tool for revenge and some argued that this had taken place here, esp with the taunts just before the execution.
kanelli wrote:but in the end I don't lose sleep over it because he was blatantly guilty of murdering thousands! Do we need to spend years hashing out all the details of the decades of criminal activity to come to the exact same guilty verdict in the end? Some people are definitely in doubt of being innocent or guilty, but Saddam's case was pretty clear cut. Murdering one person is enough to make someone spend the rest of their life in prison, let alone thousands.

My issue here is that why were we "The West" still his friends, when he was commiting these crimes? EVERYONE knew he was doing it. In fact the US Congress authorised the sales of gas to him even after Halabja! it was kept quiet as it served a political purpose - which was to defeat Iran at the time.
Another thing is, yes its clear he did kill people. But Pinochet killed more way before saddam did. Why was Pinochet given a luxury life?
Additionally, Muammar Gadhafi was a more hated figure than Saddam. He was the guy everyone in the west hated. He is a dictator, He harboured terrorists, tortured and killed his own people for a lot longer than Saddam, had WMD. So many attempts to kill him. He then Opens the OIL market to the west...compensates the killed passengers' imemdiate families and he is now forgiven. ??? Why is he now "OK"? What about "People of Libya" who only, what seemed like yesterday, were dyeing at the hands of this wretched man/dictator?
And oh, China flattens whoever it wants it seems... any G.I. Joes gonna help out?
The greatest Irony is the inconsistency.
scot1870 wrote:I make no excuses that we created the mess. But at the same time, it astounds me how few people blame the Shias and Sunnis for bombing the crap out of each other each day. That's nothing to do with Bush and Blair, that's decades of hatred built up by having a minority Sunni group unjustly rule the Shia. Wait a minute, anyone see a theme in my argument? Nah, best ignore it, blame it on the West instead.

Why does it astound you? Bring down the authoirty in any country with freedom to roam with weapons and what ensues is a scramble for power and ultimately civil war.
Happened in Somalia, and Afghanistan.Happened all through history. Both times the US was also to blame. the Sunnis , Shias killing each other is the aftermath of a big screwup - the Invasion itself. It has ignited old wounds. Now people with power are carrying out revenge attacks on something which happened years ago. Then someone retaliates. then the other side does the same. It is the domino effect of a major screwup. And falls back to the fact that the UK and US did not have an immediate plan after flattening a countries infrastructure!
scot1870 wrote:but the mess would have come when Saddam died or an uprising had occurred. That the other Muslim states stand by and do nothing but watch is also an atrocity, the power and influence exists to reduce the bloodshed but the silence remains.

Now you are just talking hypothetically. You cannot guess what would have happened. He had sons who could have taken over. and if anyone was overthrown, the people of the country would have done it, not an invading force with political agendas. How do you know the other states would watch? the neighbours have already staetd they may contribute if the US leaves. Your statement appears as one of justification...even if you didnt mean it
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Jan 03, 2007
What we all need to do is chillout a bit. And stop cursing each other on this forum.

I think the nature of the execution was something which has offended many people. I personally didnt like the fact he was killed on a Holy Day, after the pilgrimage and im European!
You have to respect the sensitivities. regardless of who he was. We westerners would all be disgusted if an Iraqi beheaded a Western mercenary(who may have killed many innocents) on Christmas. Natural reaction would be , why not just shoot him?

Many who hated him previously now could see him as a hero. he died defiant, and showed more courage than any other Arab leader would have.
Im not quite sure that he could have saved the middle east, but if what Bushra meant was that he had shown that you dont have to obey to every order from the americans, then he could have been an inspiration. But for that every Arab will need to want to do that... i've said many a time, the Middle East has lacked balls since the Turks left. But then, thats just my opinion.

I think those who were affected emotionally by the execution should not take out the verbal lashes on the Western contributors on this forum as that is unfair. Others have their own opinions based on what information they deem to be correct. At the same time we westerners need to be less defensive and realise the finger will keep getting pointed at the West for its role in the Invasion.

End of the day it doesnt make me happy or sad as he was no longer making the decisions. It is the ordinary Iraqi who will either suffer or benefit from it as a result.

My few cents.
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Jan 03, 2007
I for one don't believe in the 'eye for an eye' punishments. Plus the way the media televised and published footage of the hanging is disgusting.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 03, 2007
[quote]I for one don't believe in the 'eye for an eye' punishments. Plus the way the media televised and published footage of the hanging is disgusting.

Yes it was disgusting the way they taunted a condemned hero
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Jan 03, 2007
The point is, did the world really need to see it? On Greek tv, they showed the entire thing, it was horrific.
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Jan 03, 2007
Chocoholic wrote:The point is, did the world really need to see it? On Greek tv, they showed the entire thing, it was horrific.

The same was shown here as well...
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Jan 04, 2007
sadam in my opinion was a great guy. ok u guys wont admit with me cos he killed his own ppl i.e the kurds. who doesnt kill his own ppl to keep the country united. the kurds wanted a state of their own a country of their n split from IRAQ you tell me which leader will allow that. in India when there was a Sikh rebellion they wanted their own country wot did INDIAN leader do he killed them with the help of the army.
In pakistan when the baloochis living in balochistan want their own country wot did Musharaafe do with the help of the army, he killed them all.
In Northern IRELAND they wanted their own country away from the rule of the British Monarchy, wot did Margret Thacher do guess wot she killed them with the help of the British Royal Army.
Where was USA when England did this. n y didnt the whole world say it was a bad thing to do. y didnt the world say the same about Baloochistan in Pakistan or the Sikh Rebellion in India. lol no1 said anything to these countries and many more cos hey they all suck USAs balls. n since USA love getting suked, USA didnt say anything to these countries or condemn them.
During the IRAN n IRAQ war USA n the west Supported Sadam cos they wanted to get rid of IRAN so they happily backed Sadam then with supplies n miliarty help. only did they turn their back on sadam when sadam was out of the control. they knew Sadam couldnt be controlled so they will have to get rid of him. and thats exactly wot they did for no reason except for killing the kurds. lol da main reason y they went to IRAQ in the first place was to find weapons of mass destruction. they didnt find that instead they started looking for new excuses to get rid of Sadam i.e a Kurdish uprising which Sadam put an end to because he knew it would destroy IRAQ cos hey if da kurds got their own state the shias would want their own state, n that would mean 3 mini iraqs separate from each other. tell me which leader is ready to do that.
Yeh we should ask the Iraqis if Sadam was a good leader or not. But Iraq is made up of kurds in the north n shias n sunnis. am sure u ll get a mix response. but then again who doesnt. go to USA in Texas they will luve BUSHY baby if u go to some other state they probably hate him. But i m sure the IRAQIS would rather have the good old days when Sadam was there cos during his rule there was no violence no bombs no suicide bombings.
As for the movie of the hanging. is good it came out it showed the whole world the truth about the whole affair how da shias were behind it how they taunted him n it shows how Sadam was calm n normal n his eyes didnt pop out like USA wanted to. instead he didnt want his face to be covered n he died like a martyr. n he did wot no other Muslim leader would ever think of doing cos they are scared pussys :D that is stand up against AMERICA. too stand up against America u have to be brave n strong n thats wot sadam was. da movie is a warning to all da Muslim leaders that if u stand up against America u ll be caught n hanged on EID. hmm shows how civilized da west is for hanging someone on Eid. for hell if someone hanged Bush on Christmas day they will make a Santa Claus out of him. lol

This is a white mans world if u do wot a white man tell u to do u ll survive in this world and if u dont u ll be hanged n thats wot happened to Sadam.

RIP Sadam Hussain
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Jan 04, 2007
rvp legend as usual has some excellent posts. It would be interesting to see what type of direct reply his statements would get from some folks.
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Jan 04, 2007
The fact the the video was shown speaks volumes for the problem that the arab world faces.

Everyone, including Sadam, is equal in death.
Showing videos of someone dying/dead is disrespectful, and something that I cannot begin to understand.

I have seen several dead people, but never once have I seeked and/or gained an ounce of enjoyment from it.

But it is something that I see nearly every day in the Dubai.
Why do you think people stop at the side of Sheik Zayed road to look at a car crash? To see if there are any dead people.

These people lack the most basic respect towards other people and until this changes, there is no hope.
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Jan 04, 2007
rudeboy....ur post is logical and makes sense....wondering if anyone would really understand it!!!
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Jan 04, 2007
rudeboy wrote:In Northern IRELAND they wanted their own country away from the rule of the British Monarchy, wot did Margret Thacher do guess wot she killed them with the help of the British Royal Army.

Erm, Northern Ireland is a country with its own parliament! You're talking about terrorists (the IRA and others) who wanted NI to rejoin the Irish Republic. Their political wing, Sinn Fein, continues to fight their cause but won't ask for the one thing which would have ended all this decades ago - a referendum.

See, the fact that the international community doesn't seem to grasp about NI is that their people want to be part of the UK! So we should concede to terrorists a country that doesn't want to be conceded?

You should also note that almost all the killing in NI was done by paramilitary groups for each side.

I won't comment on the Saddam thing, I've made my point and I reiterate to people, if you hate America then why speak in an American accent?
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Jan 04, 2007
there are ppl who will agree with me n some who wont. but da western MEDIA has hyped da reason for killing sadam i.e he killed the kurds gased them or wotever. they couldnt find weapons of mass destruction ANYwhere in IRAQ so they wanted to look for another excuse to get rid of Sadam.
I wonder if any of the british prime ministers will be arrested for killing their own ppl in Northern Ireland :D i wonder if Bush will be hanged or tried if Alaska tommorow said hey we want our own country. you think Bushy baby wont bring da uprising down with a mighty force even it involves gasing ur own ppl or shooting his own ppl.
If u ask me Sadam was da greatest Arab leader of his time, he went to war with Iran n Kuwait but we all know da Americans were behind that. He was da only leader to stand up against America n he did this for a DECADE which NO other leader has done before. n he helped da palestine cause n da whole world knew he supported financially da suicide bombers family. I dont think any other leader from the Muslim world support them n tell da world publicy. maybe there are some who do help but they dont want anyone to find out cos they are scared of being hanged. they more like cowards if you ask me.
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Jan 04, 2007
I'll have a go.

Although largely correct, rudboy's opinion is sadly one sided.
He obviously hates American's and white people in general.
Otherwsie he would have also mentioned the fact that it is muslims who are doing most of the killing in Iraq, namely Sunnis targeting Shites and westerners.

However, he was incorrect on one point.
WMD... yer right!
Sounds like the americans have you fooled too rudeboy.
They went in for control of the oil of course. Didn't you know that?

But they are not all bad and their sub-intentions are well meaning.
They want to establish a democracy.
Democracy is not perfect, but it is a hell of a lot better than an unfair dictator.

Whatever your feelings are the alternative is far worse:
America leaves Iraq.
Iraq self-implodes.

So, the best thing that you can do is stop hating America, forgive them for their mistakes and try to work with them.

That is unless of course you also refuse to embrace western ideals, in which case you should move back out the desert with your camel.
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Jan 04, 2007
I just got around to reading this, RVP special thanks for your inputs, very well written.
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Jan 04, 2007
benwj wrote:The fact the the video was shown speaks volumes for the problem that the arab world faces.

Everyone, including Sadam, is equal in death.
Showing videos of someone dying/dead is disrespectful, and something that I cannot begin to understand.

I have seen several dead people, but never once have I seeked and/or gained an ounce of enjoyment from it.

But it is something that I see nearly every day in the Dubai.
Why do you think people stop at the side of Sheik Zayed road to look at a car crash? To see if there are any dead people.

These people lack the most basic respect towards other people and until this changes, there is no hope.

Wait, im confused....these people?

Which people are you talking about?
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Jan 04, 2007
benwj wrote: namely Sunnis targeting Shites and westerners.

Hmmmm.....You don't really know what the hell is going out there, right? Otherwise you would have mentioned the whole fact.....Everyone is killing everyone!!!......Shiitas are doing worse incase you were too blind to see!!!...Even the americans admit to it!!!

benwj wrote:They want to establish a democracy.

I think its you who is really fooled if you actually believed the americans went to establish democracy!!!....So democracy in your point of view only comes after you invade another country, steal its oil and increase tensions between its different religion groups in iraq!!!!!!!!!!!

benwj wrote: Whatever your feelings are the alternative is far worse:
America leaves Iraq.
Iraq self-implodes.

Very true....it will get worse, but let them fight it between themselves till the stronger rise!!! If you knew the histroy of this region, you will know this is the only way this country will ever live in peace, and every IRAQI knows that!!!!

benwj wrote: That is unless of course you also refuse to embrace western ideals, in which case you should move back out the desert with your camel.

Look who is showing his true identity, and hates the arabs now?!!! Look who is the one who thinks western views are the only right views!!!....I think you better go back to ur mama and learn some manners before writing a post over here!
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Jan 04, 2007
scot1870 wrote:
rudeboy wrote:In Northern IRELAND they wanted their own country away from the rule of the British Monarchy, wot did Margret Thacher do guess wot she killed them with the help of the British Royal Army.

Erm, Northern Ireland is a country with its own parliament! You're talking about terrorists (the IRA and others) who wanted NI to rejoin the Irish Republic. Their political wing, Sinn Fein, continues to fight their cause but won't ask for the one thing which would have ended all this decades ago - a referendum.

See, the fact that the international community doesn't seem to grasp about NI is that their people want to be part of the UK! So we should concede to terrorists a country that doesn't want to be conceded?

You should also note that almost all the killing in NI was done by paramilitary groups for each side.

I won't comment on the Saddam thing, I've made my point and I reiterate to people, if you hate America then why speak in an American accent?

yeh IRA thats wot i mean. anyways wot the government did to put down da IRA is clear they fought back. n this is happening everywhere around da world. in pakistan da government is putting down a Baloochi rebellion which wants a country of its own. you tell me which leader is ready to do that. let someone make a country out of a country already made
Da USSR was a big mite n could have kicked americas ass :D but everyone wanted their own countries. da czechs da slovaks etc n look at it now. its economy is suffering. lets 4get IRA n Ireland cos hey they are in the West n we cant blame them can we now :D.
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Jan 04, 2007
benwj wrote:I'll have a go.

Although largely correct, rudboy's opinion is sadly one sided.
He obviously hates American's and white people in general.
Otherwsie he would have also mentioned the fact that it is muslims who are doing most of the killing in Iraq, namely Sunnis targeting Shites and westerners.

However, he was incorrect on one point.
WMD... yer right!
Sounds like the americans have you fooled too rudeboy.
They went in for control of the oil of course. Didn't you know that?

But they are not all bad and their sub-intentions are well meaning.
They want to establish a democracy.
Democracy is not perfect, but it is a hell of a lot better than an unfair dictator.

Whatever your feelings are the alternative is far worse:
America leaves Iraq.
Iraq self-implodes.

So, the best thing that you can do is stop hating America, forgive them for their mistakes and try to work with them.

That is unless of course you also refuse to embrace western ideals, in which case you should move back out the desert with your camel.

ok now its my turn :D lol i hate white ppl n america hahah where did i say i hate white ppl. for ur information i really dig white chicks :D does that mean i hate them ;) eerrrrr nooooooo. yeh i do hate da AMERICAN GOVt i hate Bush i hate clinton but him getting sucked by his gf under the table lol that was funny :D but that whole incident showed the whole world that american leaders are arrogant . he said hey i m da worlds strongest guy on earth so i ll get it sucked in my office in front of my wife n my 2 daughters lol as for Bush he sleeps with animal theres a rumour going around that his 2nd wife is a sheep that lives with him on his family barn in da state of Texas :D. mate some of my mates are white so can u tell me how can i hate white ppl lol.
n oh yeh u need to read my posts again cos i clearly say it that shias n sunnis are killing each other.
u wanna tell me y Bush went to UN for UNS permission to attack Iraq n the reason for Bush choosing to attack Iraq was WMD. yeh we all know they want the protection of the oil wells in Iraq that will continue to fuel da tanks jet fighters n aircraft carriers in da middle east so they continue launching attacks.

lol establish a democracy. WHO DA FUK IS AMERICA to establish a DEMOCRACY in another country. lol y doesnt AMERICA establish democracy in KSA or UAE????? when da paki general took over Pakistan they did nothing cos da same general which came into power became their puppet n sold his soul to Bush n his princess. LOL dont give me this bull about establishing democracy. Iranian president was elected FAIR n SQUARE n yet they want to attack iran to establish democracy LOL. USA will only interfere in another countries affair where its interests are at a threath. It could have attacked Pakistan n restored democracy there but no USA didnt cos they needed Pakistan to help them fite tailaban. USA can attack KSA n put a democracy there but USA doesnt have da balls to attack KSA n it will only attack KSA when its interests are at a threath. that involves da bases in KSA da oil supply to USA.

America left Vietenaam wot happened. did it self implode?? see america shouldnt come n invade a country in da first PLACE. it invaded Afghanistan n thats a mess ppl are dying every day. America invaded Iraq n ppl are dying in dozen every day. lol America shouldnt be attacking a country in da FIRST place. it should stay there across da atlantic n mind its own business. but the princess it is it has to go sniffing into other ppls business.

by da way da desert is much better the the city itself. :D u can do wotever u like there u have da freedom to do wotever u like n no1 stops u.:D

n no i aint got american accent lol n hey if u dont like da customs of UAE i.e da desert n camels y dont u get drunk book a flite n head home. but then again u wont be safe in america either ;) peace
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Jan 05, 2007
Thanks to Freza and Fayz for the positive feedback.
scot1870 wrote:if you hate America then why speak in an American accent?

There is a massive difference between hating America and hating American Foreign policy. The latter is what is evident here on DF. People here DO NOT hate Americans regardless of what it seems.
benwj wrote:He obviously hates American's and white people in general.
Otherwsie he would have also mentioned the fact that it is muslims who are doing most of the killing in Iraq, namely Sunnis targeting Shites and westerners.

Actually Rudeboy doesnt hate whites at all. He has opinions and has his own way of expressing it.
I must say Rudeboy however, although i like reading your posts - i feel really tired at the end! ;-) Sunni, Shia violence is a result of the Invasion - no one can argue against that.
benwj wrote:But they are not all bad and their sub-intentions are well meaning.
They want to establish a democracy.
Democracy is not perfect, but it is a hell of a lot better than an unfair dictator.

.,....So, the best thing that you can do is stop hating America, forgive them for their mistakes and try to work with them.

If Democracy arrives in the form of B52's then its a failed political ideology. Fact is the US and UK has done more damage to Democracy than promote it. Additionally the US has made it absolutely clear that for as long as it is in Iraq it will not allow a religious group to take full power, Iran-like...even if the people vote for it. So much for erm...democracy?

15 years ago a group of men in Beijing, China confronted a Tank, on Live TV waving banners demanding democracy. They were shot to pieces and a Chinese campaign went underway to kill off these movements in China and they almost wiped all the people involved, out.

I still havent seen the US invade China yet...to help the Chinese who obviously want democracy. Have you?

If they cannot make their allies in Saudi, UAE etc adopt it....how can they enforce it on another?

So the shout for democracy doesnt wash.

Regarding things being better than the unfair dictator.... well Three years ago, 12 year old Abdullah could sell his fruits in the market without the risk of being blown to bits. Crime is at an all time high. Kidnapping is a sport. Without sounding like a fan of saddam, None of this existed before the invasion. So its another failure. Iraq is in same situation as Afghanistan.

And how do people stop hating American foreign policy? two countries invaded in a row... no WMD's in sight... Oil looted, Abu Ghraib scandal, rape of Iraqi Children, and a continuing occupation with unaccountable mercenaries.
How do you forgive a nation who is already using the same rhetoric to repeat the same actions with Syria and Iran? ...where do you draw the line?

I wont even bother with your camel comment. It is a discredit to the western contributors.
rudeboy wrote:pakistan da government is putting down a Baloochi rebellion which wants a country of its own. you tell me which leader is ready to do that. let someone make a country out of a country already made

Pakistan previously battled Bangladeshis and failed miserably, so is now more defiant not to let go of Baluchistan, as it has the most natural gas left in Pakistan. Fact is no country takes it lightly when a breakaway is attempted.
If the Kurds did that in Iraq now, the Turks would get involved and really clamp down on them as it would also threaten their eastern border.
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Jan 05, 2007
rvp good summary of wot i said :D
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Jan 05, 2007
rvp always has good things to say....even if i dont agree with it some times, i still like the way he says it. it doesnt make me feel as though he trying to force me to believe his idea, which makes it easier for me to actually want to discuss things
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Jan 05, 2007
Excellent & Unbias post from rvp_legend
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Jan 05, 2007
Actually, I started out posting in a way that gives my opinion without personally insulting anyone. However, since so many of you are Saddam-lovers and West-haters and didn't like my opinion, I was subjected to name calling and insults. It went downhill from there.

So, I see now that if someone posts something you pretty much agree with then they are considered fair, unbiased and respectful. If someone posts something you don't agree with, they deserve any kind of disrespect they get. Nice :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Jan 05, 2007
kanelli wrote:Actually, I started out posting in a way that gives my opinion without personally insulting anyone. However, since so many of you are Saddam-lovers and West-haters and didn't like my opinion, I was subjected to name calling and insults. It went downhill from there.

So, I see now that if someone posts something you pretty much agree with then they are considered fair, unbiased and respectful. If someone posts something you don't agree with, they deserve any kind of disrespect they get. Nice :lol:

You assume many who disagree with ur views are Saddam-Lover and West-Haters, and then you wonder why I agree with an unbiased and respectful post. Is it too difficult to guess? :lol:
Dubai Forums Talker
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Jan 05, 2007
kanelli wrote:Actually, I started out posting in a way that gives my opinion without personally insulting anyone. However, since so many of you are Saddam-lovers and West-haters and didn't like my opinion, I was subjected to name calling and insults. It went downhill from there.

So, I see now that if someone posts something you pretty much agree with then they are considered fair, unbiased and respectful. If someone posts something you don't agree with, they deserve any kind of disrespect they get. Nice :lol:

no kanelli thats not it. i even said that i dont agree with rvp at times, but the way he posts his opinions is not offensive. he doesnt make you feel like your either with him or against him....

and that is not how you post.
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