Where In Hell?!

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Jan 02, 2007
scot1870 wrote:The Iraqis decided his fate.
Yeah..right. And the tooth fairy is real and she actually took your wisdom tooth in exchange for cash.

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Jan 02, 2007
scot1870 wrote:
freza wrote:It's the way Saddam died and who actually decided his death (and that sham trial) that makes it all wrong. Is this so difficult for some of you to understand? Apparently...

But this is the point we're making. The Iraqis decided his fate. He led a party that represented 20% of the population and ruled the other 80% with an iron fist for decades, using death and kidnap as suppressents, often for such mundance "crimes" as voting against the Ba'ath party in elections. Funnily enough, there's a large queue of people who wanted their own back on him. It is not a Western conspiracy, why is it such a shock they would want justice for crimes against them?

As for the timing, I can see your greivance but there is no reason why the US would want it to have happened on Eid, if they wanted him dead all they needed to do was stick a grenade down the bunker when he was found.

Or left him "unattended" with some angry victims. The US could easily have killed Saddam just like his sons.

And Bushra, no, we don't do the same thing. We try to talk out the logic and all we get back is "you have no idea because you aren't Muslim and you aren't from the Middle East, and all you watch is CNN, BBC and FOX".
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Jan 02, 2007
scot1870 wrote:
freza wrote:It's the way Saddam died and who actually decided his death (and that sham trial) that makes it all wrong. Is this so difficult for some of you to understand? Apparently...

But this is the point we're making. The Iraqis decided his fate. He led a party that represented 20% of the population and ruled the other 80% with an iron fist for decades, using death and kidnap as suppressents, often for such mundance "crimes" as voting against the Ba'ath party in elections. Funnily enough, there's a large queue of people who wanted their own back on him. It is not a Western conspiracy, why is it such a shock they would want justice for crimes against them?

As for the timing, I can see your greivance but there is no reason why the US would want it to have happened on Eid, if they wanted him dead all they needed to do was stick a grenade down the bunker when he was found.

Scott welcome to "Conspiracy World" it's a riot (no, not that kind but a "riot" as in funny and amusing). By the way, don't think the conspiracy of you joining on 9/11 has gone unoticed :wink:
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Jan 02, 2007
Grapes, I don't believe in any of those consipracy theories, so what's up with that comment? You're generalizing...what exactly?
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Jan 02, 2007
freza wrote: I don't believe in any of those consipracy theories,

You should they are fun. Unless of course the conspiracy theories are a conspiracy onto themselves [i think there is medicine for that]
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Jan 03, 2007
freza wrote:
scot1870 wrote:The Iraqis decided his fate.
Yeah..right. And the tooth fairy is real and she actually took your wisdom tooth in exchange for cash.

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Jan 03, 2007
freza wrote:
scot1870 wrote:The Iraqis decided his fate.
Yeah..right. And the tooth fairy is real and she actually took your wisdom tooth in exchange for cash.

I'm sorry, do you not need American approval to post on this site? According to you nothing happens around here without them being involved. Best call the White House straight away, wouldn't want you making any rash decisions without their say so :wink:
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Jan 03, 2007
scot1870 wrote:
freza wrote:
scot1870 wrote:The Iraqis decided his fate.
Yeah..right. And the tooth fairy is real and she actually took your wisdom tooth in exchange for cash.

I'm sorry, do you not need American approval to post on this site? According to you nothing happens around here without them being involved. Best call the White House straight away, wouldn't want you making any rash decisions without their say so :wink:

Just give George a call. White House Phone Number 202-456-1414 [real number].
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