Kanelli morons like u r causing all the misery on this planet. hmmm...u lost me?...let me speak in ur kinda of language..if u can forgive humans..instead of taking revenge.....negotiate..instead of taking ur weapons..the world would be a much safer place..daily hundreds of pple die in iraq cause of Bush and his dog Blair...y in hell r pple supporting this
assholes..and joining this stupid war of them (is it cause some pple got brainwashed..or r 2 stupid 2 think for themself..don't be shy Kanelli..which one r u.........both?!..great!)...ok back 2 our story..It's crazy 2 see that only power and revenge r driving such pple..which leads 2 more death pple..
some dumb pple (Kanelli ) ... keep repeating that the iraqi pple wanted Saddam death..u mean the little group of population..and who knows..may-b they r even sponsored by usa?
It's clear 2 see
a) the americans attacked iraq under false pretenses
b) iraq has plenty of oil...something that the americans really can use..
c) bush & his administration..hate Saddam
d) that the living conditions in iraq... become worse
and the list goes on...
ofcourse Saddam killed thousands of pple...but the usa killed more than 500,000 already!!..and the number of victims is increasing daily..
think abt it...was it worth it to kill some many innocent pple(much more than saddam ever could kill)..just 2 bring saddam down...
let's not forget the innocent iraqi children who died at the hands of those who ''supposed to protect them''..
what does all these deaths mean actually...were all these pple somehow less human..was saddam's life worth more ?!

on pple like u..who only think abt revenge..i'm well aware
that saddam has killed&tortured..but who gives us the right 2 hang him up..it's an illusion 2 believe that justice has been done by serving the death penalty...Saddam's death was the wish of Bush and his puppets..
if they really wanted to serve justice..they would have put him on trail in the international court of justice in Den Haag...but noooooooo
that would be against the wish of the iraqi pple..or should i say against the wish of usa...cause that way it would show..that all the things saddam was being accused of...that usa always played important role in each of them..
It's obvious 2 see..that the whole trial was a big joke..when they were hanging saddam..they should have put bush and his dog blair beside of him...but heeeeeey...their time will come
pple who say that i'm a saddamlover...anti-west..blah blah... they r clearly not understanding any SH*T..so go ahead dream on...who knows..may-b u might wake up in the real world some day..