HAHHAAHAHA first off scott, love the avatar.
Secondly, I can't let you know my source but it was a study that was an "officialish" study that was done with government involvement, it did not include non-working spouses or children, having said that I agree with all of you that averages are misleading.
I believe the disparity between the two simply lies in the fact that many English people are here, many that are willing to take lower salaries because they like the lifestyle or something similar and simply it is a smaller move for them.
I have an English friend that has 3 kids that were born here, he’s lived here for 30 years, one of his kids salaries is 3500AED so that obviously factors in and pulls the average down, there are i'm sure many examples of this.
I also think that Americans/Canadians that come here, for us it is a big move, 21 hour flight and 11 time zones for me

and for most of us North Americans Dubai is a very foreign place, no word of a lie I even know some people that get danger pay (added supplement) for living here, as such you get less people moving here for the ‘adventure’ we come for the faloos.