Unacceptable Behaviour

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Unacceptable behaviour Aug 14, 2005
Hey All,

Just wanted to share and experience that I had yesterday, which has left me pretty upset and so completely angry.

Was getting out of my car to go to a shopping mall in Dubai and see this family Father, Mother, Son walking towards the mall.

I notice that the child is quite upset and is crying, not unusual for kids, but then the father just starts slapping him around for no apparent reason, this wasn't a you know being naughty smack on the bum, it was proper punching clenched fist in the childs back and then slapping him across the head.

I had to step in, so I confronted the father an told him what he was doing was completely unacceptable and no child should be hit like that. He retorted that it was none of my business to which I replied that he made it my business when he decided to start beating the kid in public and would he find it acceptable if I started to slap him about!

People like this make me sick, there's never any need to hit a child the way he was slapping this kid about and in public, my god what happens behind closed doors? Of course the mother said nothing, he probably beats her aswell.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 14, 2005
these monsters should be put in jail ...
Dubai Expat Helper
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Aug 14, 2005
Beating a kid is not necessarly gonna teach him a lesson.... It will just make the kid fear the person hitting him, but once that person is out of site the kid will do whatever it was that got him the beating....

What a parent should do is be stern but polite the first time, even more stern the second time, the third time would involve you holding the kid by the arm and raising your voice, if there is a fourth time then stand up, stare down and the kid and say, "either you stop or someone is gonna get hurt" that should be enough to make the kid stop.

If he doesn't, well then you ain't going things right.... I will only slap the kid's bum or mildly slap the face (enough to make him feel some pain but not to hurt him) as a last resort...
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Aug 14, 2005
Whats really ironic is some people smack their cryin kids brutally coz they think they're making a scene in public! Good on ya choc, confronting him...I've been quietly disgusted on many occasions, but never worked up the courage to say anything...Frankly I think its just plain abuse, and that's really all you're teaching the kids...you want to propagate respect to your kids not fear, and those two are mutually exclusive
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Aug 14, 2005
That shows you what kind of childhood this bastard had..
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Aug 14, 2005
well,, this is totally not acceptable :shock: this happened with me before ,, i mean i saw a lady grabing her child from his arm and just pulling him up and down , forword and backwords ,, i mean she was not trying to force him to come with her ,, she kind of was punishing him ,,,,the kid was in her hand like spongy doll ,,, it was horrible .

i remember how my mother or my father used to deal with me in such situations in public ,,, a look from their eyes made me understand that i will be sent to hell at home ja ja ja,,, that was a joke but they punished me only when we got back home .

i think punishing a kid should only be away from the eyes of people ,,,, of course not that kind of punishment that chocoholic mentioned there ,,, but there are ways ......... :twisted:
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Aug 15, 2005
My mom would slap the SHIT out of me in public and whoop anyone's ass that said anything to her. Needless to say, I didnt act up in public often. I LOVE YOU MOM!!!!!!
Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 15, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:My mom would slap the SHIT out of me in public and whoop anyone's a#s that said anything to her. Needless to say, I didnt act up in public often. I LOVE YOU MOM!!!!!!

nice ... does she still wack you on the head ?? ....
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