Things I dislike about Dubai
Superficial and expediant people, High rentals, Heat and humidity in summer, Dust, Bad drivers, Sea temperature in summer, Camels with no road sense, Pedestrians with less road sense, "indirect tax" levied by the municipality and government, Litterers, Spitters, Lack of architectural sensitivity, Money is everything attitude of some people and the Arrogant attitude of others, Morning and evening traffic jams, Siesta - even in winter??? Dual standards in most things, DSF - to commercialised and few bargains, To many malls, Rules and regulations that are changed without notification, The "small print", The waste of money on some projects that are absolutly hare-brained when other more deserving causes are basically ignored....
Things I love about Dubai
A/C, Cheap cost of living, No tax, Fair exchange rate, Cheap petrol, Cheap vehicles, Autumn, Winter and Spring, Desert drives, No lack of vision, Good road system, Cheap electronics, Multi-cultural, Rain on the odd occasion, Greenery when you least expect it, To many malls

Dynamic, Safe, Builds character, Pace, True friends..... oops almost forgot my one-day weekend!