If you do not mind me giving you some facts as my best friends father works for the RTA....
every 4 months there are close to 110.000 tests taken and of that 80% fail, and 20% pass I was strongly advised by many not to go near the Major driving schools?
All students are taught to pass by instructors who know less than the learners... don't belive me ask them some simple questions, they won't know.... If you want to put your life in their hands then that's up to you..Personaly I wouldn't and haven't that was my choice.
I would have got the telephone number from him and saved all the hassle.. but he is on indefinate compassion leave...
I was only trying to find the person I felt I would be safe with... if your intelligance has been insulted I will apologise for that...
But look at the statistics do you really want your friends dead because they have only been taught to pass(naah if that happened you would not have anyone to annoy?)
Try and help people rather than put them down all the time