This Made Me Teary....:(

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Dec 04, 2006
Dear Friend,
We are all free to choose to throw shit at each other or try and make out a common standpoint.
As always in life, there are many shades of anything that's pro- or anti-.
And just to let you know - for me personally it's not about whether it's gay or anything.
It's about respect for a human being.

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Dec 04, 2006
dubaimisfit wrote:Dear Friend,
We are all free to choose to throw shit at each other or try and make out a common standpoint.
As always in life, there are many shades of anything that's pro- or anti-.
And just to let you know - for me personally it's not about whether it's gay or anything.
It's about respect for a human being.

Well said. :D
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Dec 05, 2006
dubaimisfit wrote:It's about respect for a human being.

Oh PUH-LEEZ! weren't you the one bashing gays and accusing each and every homos.exual of being flamboyant and all about s.ex , even saying that the video has no relation to real life? You just straight out said that gays don't have any true feelings towards each other and only want se.x. OH-TeH-ResPecT ! You used a gross, very untrue styreotype to make your story. When you stereotype people that means you have no respect for them as indivisuals.Get a life loser, calling me your "friend" and making yourself sound so calm and cool and oh so peaceful dosent hide the fact that you're a hypocrite who preaches one thing and does another.

maybe you should check your posts to make sure which twist is the right one to save your ass.
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Dec 06, 2006
Would you care to READ my post again?

I was not bashing every single gay.

Quote: I like many gay guys and am friends with them. We have great respect for each other.

I only dared to share that there is another perspective to what you said. Unsolicitedly YOU BASHED EVERY HOMOPHOBE upfront, as if EACH HOMPHOBE was a potential murderer.
And if you care to read - I NEVER said gays are all about s3x -

Quote: the idea remains. The need for love and warmth that's universal to human beings.

As per the video: I also didn't say it has no connection to reality - only that it shows only one side of things.

And as a Lybra - I prefer to WEIGH BOTH sides.

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Dec 06, 2006
dubaimisfit wrote:But the idea remains. The need for love and warmth that's universal to human beings.
Sometimes, though, it gets kinda off the socially accepted track. Be it genes (though no evidence on that still), be it the upbringing in a family that somehow inhibits a boy (in this case) from having a "healthy" 6 drive. It's there.

THERE! I quoted the full thing for you in context so you could stop going back and forth in your opinion. To you it's "socially unaceptable" and "abnormal" and "unhealthy" to be gay. How about YOU start reading your posts?

Oh yeah ! I AM bashing homophobes, the same way I bash racists and all the real abnormal fucks out there! and YES ALL HATE CRIMES AGAINST GAYS ARE DONE BY HOMOPHOBES, DUUUUUUUUH????? that's what I said and will always say, yet you twisted it to "every homophobe is a murderer".your problem.

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Dec 06, 2006
dubaimisfit wrote:As per the video: I also didn't say it has no connection to reality - only that it shows only one side of things.

And you are too ignorant to realize that that little "other side" is not restricted to gays, AT ALL. every mthrfuking se.xuality out there has lots of people doing kinky stuff- specially straights, so to only address it when discussing homos.exuality means that you believe a majority of gays are on that otherside and are- again- all about se.x.

EDIT: so you shouldn't have mentioned it in the first place, cause it's very irrelevent. it's about "people having se.x with whoever only for the pleasure" and not "gays having se.x with whoever for pleasure".
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Dec 11, 2006
If I was the society, I would agree, but I'm a misfit
so the fact I write "socially non accepted" does nit reflect my opinion

fcuk off and do not bother to reply
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Dec 12, 2006
dubaimisfit wrote:If I was the society, I would agree, but I'm a misfit
so the fact I write "socially non accepted" does nit reflect my opinion

f&%K off and do not bother to reply

Now that I got you cornered you're just being a loser .That was obviously your opinion otherwise you wouldn't have stated it the way you did.Again, you really should re-read your posts.

And YOU should fcuk off my topic and stop spamming it with hateful crap like your face. k k ?
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