Wow never expected replies at 6am....seems apart from lonely people, dubai also has a lot of insomniac people
Well I'd like to think that there are many genuine sincere people around, just that they never get to demonstrate their sincerity...I suppose the environments you talk about would be for trust your friends, well thats another facet of Dubai syndrome : people have way too many acquaintances and not enough true friends who would look out for them like that...I don't mean to generalize though, sort of speakin from personal experience
Still I think that even if one had to filter through people at a large gathering, its not so bad as long as you can fathom the other person on the right criteria, that just doesn't happen in bars/clubs...but it could be possible at other venues such as cafes, art galleries, music recitals, stuff like that...just I guess people don't interact as much at places like that over here...there should be more places where minds can meet..
lol ok I better get off my soapbox now

you must forgive an over enthusiastic newbie who really should get to bed
Take care folks,