Hints And Tips For Breaking My Dubai 7s Virginity

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Hints and tips for breaking my Dubai 7s virginity Nov 29, 2006
Hi folks, I'm new to Dubai and have bought tickets for the "premier social event" (so I'm told) in Dubai this weekend - the rugby 7s.

I will be engaging in the age-old British tradition of drinking beer and going a worrying shade of red in the sun. Any hints and tips for me on things like:

- What to wear - am I OK in shorts and sandals or should I come in jeans and boots if it gets muddy?
- Best way to get there? I hear there are free buses but don't know where they go from?
- What time to arrive?
- Best places to sit for the games?
- How much cash to take for beer, food and souvenirs?
- Any other entertainment I should take in?
- Best post-event party?

Any other thoughts appreciated!


Dubai Expat Helper
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Nov 29, 2006
Ok, here we go:

1) dress as casual as you can cos it will get messy later in the day. Suggest t-shirts, shorts and trainers,
2) taxis are the best. I know that certain drinking establishments around town organise buses, but not 100% sure,
3) BP stand is the larniest and most boisturious of the two stands. All the yaapies (Boks) sit in one corner of the emirates stand,
4) Really depends on how many cans you will drink and pies you will eat,
5) Other entertaiment = just sit oggling at the nice ladies who walk past! :lol:
6) There's always a very good after match party with live music, DJ etc, (that is of cos if you are still standing by that point!),

Few pointers for you:
1) Plan your trips to the toilet well in advance. Its the first time I have ever seen the gents queue's longer than the womens (i have seen many a men standing with legs crossed, clenched teeth or dashing to stand by the palisades as they have cut it too fine! A few had wet patches on front of trousers :shock:
2) Buy beer by the bucket load: Drink said cans and after consumption, take bucket back to get refilled. As the day progresses (if in BP stand), use cans to throw at someone a few rows down. When it really gets going, use bucket to throw water (melted ice) over said people below you, followed by the bucket! :roll:
3) If possible, throw anything you can at the yaapies (Boks) in the corner of emirates stand i.e. empty cans (yes, make sure they are empty, cos you do not want to waste beer)
4) Only buy shirts when you are completely wasted and on your way home, cos you will lose them otherwise,
5) try and get your hands on a set of the plastic tubes that they use for clapping. However, join said tubes together, say 8 of them (get people who you have just met to join yours), pass one end back up a few rows, hold mouth to the lower end of it and get person further up to pour beer down it. Always good for a laugh, cos most of it comes out between the joints, much to either the delight or annoyance of the people below the joints.
6) Just get completely wasted!

All in all, its a great weekend, and you will always meet some great people. Have fun and don't give a monkeys about what you do etc, cos everyone else is completely sozzled and doing the same thing hahahahahaha
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Nov 29, 2006
Oh, sorry, I forgot to cover the "turning pink" bit.

A hat is good, but you may lose it later on, also, sunnies are a must, but try and keep it to your cheap pair, you may end up losing them as well! All of this depends on how much beer you are drinking :lol:

Pink, why, thats a great british tradition. You are no male brit if you take sunblock, for goodness sake. Be a man, you won't feel any pain cos you will be sozzled. hahahahahahaha

PS: i was joking about the can and bucket throwing. There are a lot of kids around, but the water is OK.
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Nov 29, 2006
hahaha, i take it you've been once or twice before then eh Yorky?

Hope you guys going will have a blast :)
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Nov 29, 2006

been twice to the Dubai one, 2004 & 2005. The 2004 one was as described above, 2005 was more reserved in the hosptality Boxes, but sadly, I will not be going this year.

Also, went to 7 no. Hong Kong 7's events. They were far better, but Dubai is catching up quickly.
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Nov 29, 2006
Actually scott1870,

I did not register that you are a sweatie ( :lol: :lol: ).

There are a great group of scots that all sit together. A few of them wear kilts and little else and have the blue war paint aka mel gibson. These guys are a real hoot and have a lot of fun (I mean, the rugby team is crap, so they have to amuse themselves somehow :lol: ).

Seriously, have a walk around and see if you can spot them. I am sure they would not mind a fellow Northener joining them, esp if you have a couple of buckets of beer in tow and they don't have to pay for them.

Damn, thats two insults! hahahaha, only joking.
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Nov 29, 2006

Well, my expectations for the weekend were pretty much as you described so I'm really looking forward to it now! If I'm not lying upside down under a palm tree by sundown I'll know I'll have failed.

As for the "sweaties", they're usually easy to spot, I might join them for a few to watch us get pumped by some nation who only took up rugby 10 years ago :cry:
Dubai Expat Helper
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Nov 29, 2006
You should have a great time. You will meet lots of nice and interesting people who are there for both the rugby and the "crack" so to speak.

First day is always good just to walk around, finding out what is what and where the best place is to sit for the finals the next day.

There's not many palm trees to be found, but plenty of scaffolding poles and palm leaf pallisades!
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Nov 29, 2006
FYI, there will be no buckets this year, after people kept throwing them at one another, mostly filled with stale beer and wee last year.

Also they're trying desperately to make it a 'family' event, and one of the stands is for 'families' only. The organisers are getting tired of the drunk behaviour.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 29, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:FYI, there will be no buckets this year, after people kept throwing them at one another, mostly filled with stale beer and wee last year.

Also they're trying desperately to make it a 'family' event, and one of the stands is for 'families' only. The organisers are getting tired of the drunk behaviour.

I reckon if you stop that you will stop the event.
sage & onion
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Nov 29, 2006
To be honest it was a bit ridiculous last year. The way some people behaved was appalling.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Nov 30, 2006
I totally agree with you Chocs. It did get out of order from what I saw (sitting in the posh boxes). The 7's is not just a piss up, it is a family event and a lot of people do take their kids. I am glad that they have set up a family area, but one whole stand? :shock:
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Nov 30, 2006
yorky500 wrote:I totally agree with you Chocs. It did get out of order from what I saw (sitting in the posh boxes). The 7's is not just a piss up, it is a family event and a lot of people do take their kids. I am glad that they have set up a family area, but one whole stand? :shock:

But you see, you have said it exactly, for some of the louts that live in Dubai, the 7's is just an excuse to get drunk and behave bad.
sage & onion
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Nov 30, 2006
S&O, don't just restrict that to Dubai. It happens all over the world and at every sporting event.
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Nov 30, 2006
Usually when the English are invited! :roll: 8)

I'll be a happy drunk rather than a lary one.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Nov 30, 2006
Reading the title of this topic, it seems you're gonna let 7 guys have a go at you.
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Nov 30, 2006
gtmash wrote:Reading the title of this topic, it seems you're gonna let 7 guys have a go at you.

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Nov 30, 2006
gtmash wrote:Reading the title of this topic, it seems you're gonna let 7 guys have a go at you.

Yowser! :shock:
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Nov 30, 2006
Man I can't wait for the tournament. No one's talked about anything else at work all week.

Hope everyone enjoys themselves.
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Nov 30, 2006
gtmash wrote:Reading the title of this topic, it seems you're gonna let 7 guys have a go at you.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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