a) Have basic or little ability to drive
b) Have no knowledge of Dubai
c) Seem to think they can get away with taking the longest or most roundabout route
d) Delight in telling you "I am new driver!"
Surely, the purpose of a taxi is to convey us, the customer, to the place we wish to go in the shortest possible time in safety and comfort...?
It seems that the taxi companies policy these days is to take a newly arrived expat who passes an examination called 'identify a car from 5 paces' and then stick him in a uniform, give him a Camry and put him out on the streets to fend for himself.
Speaking to one the other day, they also charge the driver for permission to come to work so that they have to make a basic minimum of Dhs.350 per day before they even start to earn any money. Take that in real terms, if the average cab ride in Dubai is Dhs 15, he has to make 23 fares each day before he even starts earning. With the state of the traffic here, each of those fares could take 20 minutes. Thats 7.6 hours a day...before he starts to earn anything!
That smacks of slavery to me...
