Will Religions Become Extinct Once The Life Is Discovered ?

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Jul 26, 2005
Nik wrote:Yep agree totally choc I think 'near death experiences' are because of the chemical cocktail our nervous system whips up at moments of stress...not to mention that our brain probably subconsciously copycats the near death experience we would expect to see after hearing about the door/white light scenario in so many cases

As for cloning, yeah sure, if a person's brain is cloned as well, it would contain all the memories/experiences as well as the emotions attached to them....we tend to think of memory as something intangible, but really experiences are hardwired into our brains (its proven that our brain chemistry actually alters visibly after behavior modifications)...As for the soul, thats a tough thing to encapsulate, perhaps we classify at as something vague because we don't want to understand it...Maybe the soul is just a combination of genes, hormones and experiences, in which case yeah definitely should be preserved in the cloning process...perhaps cloning would help us understand the science behind being human, which really is still a mystery to us...They say that we can never understand how our brain works, because to have that level of understanding, our brain would have to be even more complex and the complexity always outruns the capacity to understand that complexity!

well well,, you said that !!! NEAR DEATH ,,, its not death ,,, ok ,,near death could be chemical ,, coz its like being sick or something . but death itself ,,, you need someone who really died and got back to life ,, to inform how it was !!!! what happened ,,, what he saw !!! well,, about cloning the brain ,, i dont know ,, but i think that this has to do something with the soul , and we wouldnt know till science succeed in cloning the brain . you are assuming something ,,, well, we have to wait in order to know .

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Jul 27, 2005
castellano, i dont get any ur point!!!
i have one question though... can u please define INTELLIGENT SPEAKING from PLAYING INTELLIGENT?
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Jul 27, 2005
panaghoy wrote:castellano, i dont get any ur point!!!
i have one question though... can u please define INTELLIGENT SPEAKING from PLAYING INTELLIGENT?

hi panaghoy , you said that science and religion ,are two different things , and they can not be related ,, am i mistaken ??? so this is what i said about your idea regarding that the two things are not related,, well maybe they are not related in Christianity ,, but they are in Islam .

In Christianity they are not related , coz the period of Renaisanc in europe has sperated them , of course that was a reaction of the Church behaviour at that time , and its reasnable , Now , for islam , its not like this , Arabs , ( as the ones who first ebrassed this religion ) didnt have any civilization before Islam , i mean this religion urged them to come with too much sciences ,, and i think every one knows about that .

my point is religion should not be an obstacle for science ,, it just takes time to proove things .

now for this : intelegent speaking and playing intelegent ,,, i dont know what you ment by it ,,,, but as i get it ,, you think that i am manupulating with the speaking to make myself itellegent ???? well, you are wrong . i just was trying to explain my point of view about your opinion , if you didnt like it , no need to acuse me of playing intellegent .
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Jul 27, 2005
panaghoy wrote:castellano, i dont get any ur point!!!
i have one question though... can u please define INTELLIGENT SPEAKING from PLAYING INTELLIGENT?

dude is that you in your avatar???
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Jul 27, 2005
mAJOR pAIN wrote:
panaghoy wrote:castellano, i dont get any ur point!!!
i have one question though... can u please define INTELLIGENT SPEAKING from PLAYING INTELLIGENT?

dude is that you in your avatar???

yep! u like it? i mean, u like me?? :wink: :wink: :wink:
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Jul 27, 2005
castellano wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Erm dude, I'm totally confused about your sperm questions, do you know about biology, you need an egg also to create a human being, and if that's you're question, yes we can already, that's what we call test tube babies, IVF etc etc.

With regards to Libans rants about 'near death' experiences. There has been much speculation over why everyone who has had a near death experience sees the same thing i.e. a dark tunnel with a light at the end, and the hovering sensation looking down at yourself. Well from a scientific point of view, when a person is near death the body releases massive amounts of endorphins into the system to numb any pain a kind of natural anaesthetic. So in that sense it's only natural that everyone would experience the same thing as everyone is for want of a better word 'High'.

Here's another one for you. With the recent developments in cloning technology and extracting DNA from extinct species, it is very nearly possible to bring back a once living species using another as the host in which to grow the embryo. With this in mind, if you cloned a dead human being, would the clone contain the memories and experiences of the dead person? Would they also inherit the same soul and have the same personality? Would they make the same choices?

Go to town on this one! :shock:

helloooooooooooo,, i know that you need an egg to complete the operation ,, i just refered to the whole orperation by the sperm,,, and i know about the tube testing ,, man ,,Doly became more famous than Michile jackson ,,, but what i ment is to make it all outside the uterus ,, not only the meeting of a sperm and an egg ,, they will need the uterus at the end ,, why ???????????? this is my question . they cant make the product of a sperm and an egg come alive outside the uterus.. you got me this time ?

who's getting who ???

dude... pregnancies outside the uterus can also happen ... and this would explain how it happens ... you post made me research this shit ... so next time you post something ... do a little GOOGle - ing ...here's the link these might give you something good to post !!!!

A)Abdominal Pregnancies

Extrauterine pregnancies (also called abdominal pregnancies) are possible, and an amazing 5% of them are viable. It's very rare, but babies can be grown abdominally and then born live by surgical delivery. This sometimes happens when the fertilized egg heads the wrong way down the Fallopian tube and comes out in the abdomen instead of in the uterus.

All that is necessary is for a fertilized egg to implant in a place where it can tap into a blood supply. The uterus is ideally suited to this function, but other internal organs can be attached to; the fertilized egg produces enzymes which eat into whatever it lands on so that it can attach and tap into the blood vessels.

There are two catches:

The fetus is essentially a parasite; whereas the uterus is designed to support the parasite, other internal organs are not, and serious damage can be done to the host.

If the fetus implants in a place where it can thrive without killing the host, it can grow to a point where it is viable and can be delivered surgically. However, this leaves the big problem of what to do about the implantation site. Again, the uterus is ideally suited to coping with the eight-inch wound left when the placenta separates; other organs have no mechanism for helping the placenta to separate and then contracting around themselves to stop the bleeding.

Current medical practice is to cut the umbilical cord close to the placenta and leave it inside. If all goes well, it will eventually shrink and be reabsorbed. There is a serious risk of infection and other complications.

So, although it's possible to grow a baby without a uterus, it's very unlikely and very dangerous. :o

b) Ectopic Pregnancy Now this is a very dangerous even more dangerous form of having the baby outside of the uterus ....where the host can even bleed to death ....

i love google!!!!!!!
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Jul 27, 2005
It doesent beat good old fashion deep dicking and skeet skeeting!!!!!! :D
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 27, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:It doesent beat good old fashion deep dicking and skeet skeeting!!!!!! :D

hahahhaa, how appropriate :wink:
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Jul 27, 2005
The "LAWD" said so, ask abs...........
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 28, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:It doesent beat good old fashion deep dicking and skeet skeeting!!!!!! :D

what the hell does this mean ????
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Jul 28, 2005
mAJOR pAIN wrote:
castellano wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Erm dude, I'm totally confused about your sperm questions, do you know about biology, you need an egg also to create a human being, and if that's you're question, yes we can already, that's what we call test tube babies, IVF etc etc.

With regards to Libans rants about 'near death' experiences. There has been much speculation over why everyone who has had a near death experience sees the same thing i.e. a dark tunnel with a light at the end, and the hovering sensation looking down at yourself. Well from a scientific point of view, when a person is near death the body releases massive amounts of endorphins into the system to numb any pain a kind of natural anaesthetic. So in that sense it's only natural that everyone would experience the same thing as everyone is for want of a better word 'High'.

Here's another one for you. With the recent developments in cloning technology and extracting DNA from extinct species, it is very nearly possible to bring back a once living species using another as the host in which to grow the embryo. With this in mind, if you cloned a dead human being, would the clone contain the memories and experiences of the dead person? Would they also inherit the same soul and have the same personality? Would they make the same choices?

Go to town on this one! :shock:

helloooooooooooo,, i know that you need an egg to complete the operation ,, i just refered to the whole orperation by the sperm,,, and i know about the tube testing ,, man ,,Doly became more famous than Michile jackson ,,, but what i ment is to make it all outside the uterus ,, not only the meeting of a sperm and an egg ,, they will need the uterus at the end ,, why ???????????? this is my question . they cant make the product of a sperm and an egg come alive outside the uterus.. you got me this time ?

who's getting who ???

dude... pregnancies outside the uterus can also happen ... and this would explain how it happens ... you post made me research this shit ... so next time you post something ... do a little GOOGle - ing ...here's the link these might give you something good to post !!!!

A)Abdominal Pregnancies

Extrauterine pregnancies (also called abdominal pregnancies) are possible, and an amazing 5% of them are viable. It's very rare, but babies can be grown abdominally and then born live by surgical delivery. This sometimes happens when the fertilized egg heads the wrong way down the Fallopian tube and comes out in the abdomen instead of in the uterus.

All that is necessary is for a fertilized egg to implant in a place where it can tap into a blood supply. The uterus is ideally suited to this function, but other internal organs can be attached to; the fertilized egg produces enzymes which eat into whatever it lands on so that it can attach and tap into the blood vessels.

There are two catches:

The fetus is essentially a parasite; whereas the uterus is designed to support the parasite, other internal organs are not, and serious damage can be done to the host.

If the fetus implants in a place where it can thrive without killing the host, it can grow to a point where it is viable and can be delivered surgically. However, this leaves the big problem of what to do about the implantation site. Again, the uterus is ideally suited to coping with the eight-inch wound left when the placenta separates; other organs have no mechanism for helping the placenta to separate and then contracting around themselves to stop the bleeding.

Current medical practice is to cut the umbilical cord close to the placenta and leave it inside. If all goes well, it will eventually shrink and be reabsorbed. There is a serious risk of infection and other complications.

So, although it's possible to grow a baby without a uterus, it's very unlikely and very dangerous. :o

b) Ectopic Pregnancy Now this is a very dangerous even more dangerous form of having the baby outside of the uterus ....where the host can even bleed to death ....

i love google!!!!!!!

well,, what i ment was totally outside the human body ( taking in consideration men who got pregnant loooooool ) but ,, that was interesting .
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Jul 28, 2005
castellano wrote:
mAJOR pAIN wrote:
castellano wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Erm dude, I'm totally confused about your sperm questions, do you know about biology, you need an egg also to create a human being, and if that's you're question, yes we can already, that's what we call test tube babies, IVF etc etc.

With regards to Libans rants about 'near death' experiences. There has been much speculation over why everyone who has had a near death experience sees the same thing i.e. a dark tunnel with a light at the end, and the hovering sensation looking down at yourself. Well from a scientific point of view, when a person is near death the body releases massive amounts of endorphins into the system to numb any pain a kind of natural anaesthetic. So in that sense it's only natural that everyone would experience the same thing as everyone is for want of a better word 'High'.

Here's another one for you. With the recent developments in cloning technology and extracting DNA from extinct species, it is very nearly possible to bring back a once living species using another as the host in which to grow the embryo. With this in mind, if you cloned a dead human being, would the clone contain the memories and experiences of the dead person? Would they also inherit the same soul and have the same personality? Would they make the same choices?

Go to town on this one! :shock:

helloooooooooooo,, i know that you need an egg to complete the operation ,, i just refered to the whole orperation by the sperm,,, and i know about the tube testing ,, man ,,Doly became more famous than Michile jackson ,,, but what i ment is to make it all outside the uterus ,, not only the meeting of a sperm and an egg ,, they will need the uterus at the end ,, why ???????????? this is my question . they cant make the product of a sperm and an egg come alive outside the uterus.. you got me this time ?

who's getting who ???

dude... pregnancies outside the uterus can also happen ... and this would explain how it happens ... you post made me research this shit ... so next time you post something ... do a little GOOGle - ing ...here's the link these might give you something good to post !!!!

A)Abdominal Pregnancies

Extrauterine pregnancies (also called abdominal pregnancies) are possible, and an amazing 5% of them are viable. It's very rare, but babies can be grown abdominally and then born live by surgical delivery. This sometimes happens when the fertilized egg heads the wrong way down the Fallopian tube and comes out in the abdomen instead of in the uterus.

All that is necessary is for a fertilized egg to implant in a place where it can tap into a blood supply. The uterus is ideally suited to this function, but other internal organs can be attached to; the fertilized egg produces enzymes which eat into whatever it lands on so that it can attach and tap into the blood vessels.

There are two catches:

The fetus is essentially a parasite; whereas the uterus is designed to support the parasite, other internal organs are not, and serious damage can be done to the host.

If the fetus implants in a place where it can thrive without killing the host, it can grow to a point where it is viable and can be delivered surgically. However, this leaves the big problem of what to do about the implantation site. Again, the uterus is ideally suited to coping with the eight-inch wound left when the placenta separates; other organs have no mechanism for helping the placenta to separate and then contracting around themselves to stop the bleeding.

Current medical practice is to cut the umbilical cord close to the placenta and leave it inside. If all goes well, it will eventually shrink and be reabsorbed. There is a serious risk of infection and other complications.

So, although it's possible to grow a baby without a uterus, it's very unlikely and very dangerous. :o

b) Ectopic Pregnancy Now this is a very dangerous even more dangerous form of having the baby outside of the uterus ....where the host can even bleed to death ....

i love google!!!!!!!

well,, what i ment was totally outside the human body ( taking in consideration men who got pregnant loooooool ) but ,, that was interesting .

ohhh outside the human body ok .. .... its not that i really care ..

interesting ....
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Jul 28, 2005
HHmmmm interesting, there have been a few cases where a foetus has grown on the intestine, I remember there was much research into this as if it's possible for a baby to grwo in this respect then it would be perfectly possible for men to carry babies.

With regard to not having to use speerm, isn't this already possible? This is how cloning works, you don't need sperm you just put the required DNA into the egg and off it goes.

But to actually grow a feotus to term outside the body, they have already experimented at this with goat feotuses where they've taken it out of the mother at a certain stage and placed in a special tank filled with a warm saline solution which is oxygenated and then tubes and stuff attached to provide the nutrients and everything needed.

Scientists have been messing around with this for ages.

Scarey stuff.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 28, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:HHmmmm interesting, there have been a few cases where a foetus has grown on the intestine, I remember there was much research into this as if it's possible for a baby to grwo in this respect then it would be perfectly possible for men to carry babies.

With regard to not having to use speerm, isn't this already possible? This is how cloning works, you don't need sperm you just put the required DNA into the egg and off it goes.

But to actually grow a feotus to term outside the body, they have already experimented at this with goat feotuses where they've taken it out of the mother at a certain stage and placed in a special tank filled with a warm saline solution which is oxygenated and then tubes and stuff attached to provide the nutrients and everything needed.

Scientists have been messing around with this for ages.

Scarey stuff.

It's all very George Orwell :wink: haha
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