isabela wrote:^ian^ wrote:I will make it clear I voted no.
I think if the ladies want to discuss girly stuff, then they should do it well away from this forum, free from prying eyes. That way people can be invited to the 'other' place and the politics and bullshit relating to it stay away from this place.
If you're nice, Andyba might setup or something, but I think in the interest of privacy, security, and the catfights, that we keep this place focused for what it is.
Which what it is I might add, is a forum for playing silly games.
It used to be about Dubai.
Oh how times have changed.
Back in the summer of 69....
Hey cowboy..we always talk about Dubai ..
we never played games... silly!
hey i saw you in that write about the person below thread

If you know your history, I first proposed write about the person below you.
If you know your history, you will know I think there should be a section dedicated to trivial games.
If you know your history, you will know what the name of Noah's son was.
Anyway, I've made my point, and I'm no cowboy, I am a King.