1) Stop the sale of new cars for 6 months
2) cars being re-registered that are over 10 y/o are to be scrapped (cash given in return). The exception is Classic cars. What is a Classic car would need to be defined.
3) NO Pick-up trucks, Mini-vans, Busses, trucks, Mitsubishi lancers (1.3), Nissan Sunnies, Toyota Tercels are allowed in the fast lane of either a 2,3 or 4 lane road.

4) In the case of a 4 or more lane highway, Pick-up trucks, Mini-vans, Busses, trucks, Mitsubishi lancers (1.3), Nissan Sunnies, Toyota Tercels are to use the inner two lanes only (see above).
5) Any of the above caught in the outside lanes can be legally pushed off the road.

6) Trucks should use the roads after sundown and before sun-up only.
7) Keep Sharjah registered cars IN SHARJAH. If seen outside of Sharjah, please see 5) above.

YES, I have had a bad couple of days where I nearly crashed on numerous occassions due to the above named cars with above said registrations, and it is seriosuly pissing me off.
Oh how i wish I had a H1 with HUGE bull bars
I must add, I am no expert, just my observations.