ALL Internet In Dubai Being Regulated From Next Year...

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ALL internet in Dubai being regulated from next year... Nov 20, 2006
heard it on the radio today. Due to the markets being openened up the unregulated internet that us in Springs, Internet City, Media City and other areas enjoy is going to come to an end early next year and its all going to go through the same proxy as Etisalat is subject to :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

How about a campaign to stop this happening? I bet people in these work zones are going to be furious. Thoughts?

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Nov 20, 2006
So what's the problem with going through the proxy?
sage & onion
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Nov 20, 2006
Anyone with half a brain will be able to bypass it - even I figured that one out!!!
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Nov 20, 2006
It's easy to bypass, but not with reasonable speeds.

But I know what's on the other side of the proxy and there's not much that appeals to me. I don't understand why businesses would be furious, probably happy they don't have to spend so much on interweb.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Nov 20, 2006
It is a shame that there are some proper references that are blocked, still if you search hard enough on a topic, you can always turn out what you want.
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Nov 20, 2006
the_zooter wrote:Anyone with half a brain will be able to bypass it - even I figured that one out!!!

that sucks having half a brain :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Nov 21, 2006
really... thats strange... i guess the IT staff at your etisalat co. are indians. a big co. like etisalat canot block and make a high professional filter.. sounds dummy. there are a lot methods to filter out the web sites not just ny keywords or whatever else... am sure the etisalat co. emploayees trackin dwn every web site like ur forum to know wuts goin on and to add more web sites to thier blck list, so its stupid to post how to bypass their filter on a forum simply they are gonna know that method and do against it... if u know a method to bypass thir filter keep it secret.
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Nov 21, 2006
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Nov 23, 2006
I really doubt it's going to make anyone "furious", it's going to be inconvenient for sure though.
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Re: ALL internet in Dubai being regulated from next year... Nov 23, 2006
Stan wrote:How about a campaign to stop this happening? I bet people in these work zones are going to be furious. Thoughts?

I'd be, as I work in DIC. We're all mature, why should we bother about blocking? KEEP IT AS IT IS!
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why Nov 24, 2006
:arrow: sure why are they bother themselves with that... there are a lot of p<3n CDs over there... who cares... plus what about the personal relationships or personal networks... what's the philosophy in blockin some things but out there full of sh*ts.. :)

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Nov 25, 2006
You guys should consider that the blockage doesnt only affect the pervs looking for p<3n but many of us would be affected in there day to day job. People in Media would be blocked access from political websites that might have an opposing or controversial opinion than the UAE's "cultural values" .. also people in IT security might need to access hacking tools .. both are blocked by the proxy.

Anyway i dont think its final, TRA is regulating the discussion between Du and Etisalat over these matters and we wont know till the discussions are over.
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