I've started to hear increasing rumors from my friends and family in UAE that very soon income tax would be implemented in UAE. I dont know how true this is.
If this is true then it worries me

I look forward to hearing from you.
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Guilo2 wrote:Did you also hear about how the roads here are all toll free? Not for long.
Likewise with taxes, be it corporate or personal income ones. But rest assured, it won't sneak up on you before you arrive. In fact, it would take quite some time (think in terms of years) before the tax schemes/laws firm up.
And welcome!
Guilo2 wrote:Did you also hear about how the roads here are all toll free? Not for long.
Likewise with taxes, be it corporate or personal income ones. But rest assured, it won't sneak up on you before you arrive. In fact, it would take quite some time (think in terms of years) before the tax schemes/laws firm up.
And welcome!
sage & onion wrote:I have been here for a number of years, this rumour comes and goes like the Sunset, ignore it until it actually happens, and make sure your contract says "Free of Personal Income Tax"
^ian^ wrote:Income tax - no. VAT - yes, by the middle of 2008.
xty wrote:The only thing that pissed me off is housing fee/tax. Who said Dubai is a free tax country???
XPClone wrote:Its a tax that is put on your DEWA bill (Water and Elec). Its to cover rubbish removal etc. Its 5% of your rental amount for the year and payable monthly in your DEWA bill.
If you own the property then its a small percentage of the total value of the property.
Its tax and its a princess!
XPClone wrote:Its a tax that is put on your DEWA bill (Water and Elec). Its to cover rubbish removal etc. Its 5% of your rental amount for the year and payable monthly in your DEWA bill.
If you own the property then its a small percentage of the total value of the property.
Its tax and its a princess!
xty wrote:Who said Dubai is a free tax country???
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