Top Chinese General Warns US Over Attack By Using Nuclear

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Top Chinese general warns US over attack by using nuclear Jul 17, 2005
Top Chinese general warns US over attack

China is prepared to use nuclear weapons against the US if it is attacked by Washington during a confrontation over Taiwan, a Chinese general said on Thursday.

“If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone on China's territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,” said General Zhu Chenghu.

Gen Zhu was speaking at a function for foreign journalists organised, in part, by the Chinese government. He added that China's definition of its territory included warships and aircraft.

“If the Americans are determined to interfere [then] we will be determined to respond,” said Gen Zhu, who is also a professor at China's National Defence University.

“We . . . will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all of the cities east of Xian. Of course the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds . . . of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.”

Gen Zhu is a self-acknowledged “hawk” who has warned that China could strike the US with long-range missiles. But his threat to use nuclear weapons in a conflict over Taiwan is the most specific by a senior Chinese official in nearly a decade.

However, some US-based China experts cautioned that Gen Zhu probably did not represent the mainstream People's Liberation Army view.

“He is running way beyond his brief on what China might do in relation to the US if push comes to shove,” said one expert with knowledge of Gen Zhu. “Nobody who is cleared for information on Chinese war scenarios is going to talk like this,” he added.

Gen Zhu's comments come as the Pentagon prepares to brief Congress next Monday on its annual report on the Chinese military, which is expected to take a harder line than previous years. They are also likely to fuel the mounting anti-China sentiment on Capitol Hill.

In recent months, a string of US officials, including Donald Rumsfeld, defence secretary, have raised concerns about China's military rise. The Pentagon on Thursday declined to comment on “hypothetical scenarios”.

Rick Fisher, a former senior US congressional official and an authority on the Chinese military, said the specific nature of the threat “is a new addition to China's public discourse”. China's official doctrine has called for no first use of nuclear weapons since its first atomic test in 1964. But Gen Zhu is not the first Chinese official to refer to the possibility of using such weapons first in a conflict over Taiwan.

Chas Freeman, a former US assistant secretary of defence, said in 1996 that a PLA official had told him China could respond in kind to a nuclear strike by the US in the event of a conflict with Taiwan. The official is believed to have been Xiong Guangkai, now the PLA's deputy chief of general staff.

Gen Zhu said his views did not represent official Chinese policy and he did not anticipate war with the US.


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Jul 18, 2005
Why post this?

If China does nuke the US the world is in deep deep doodoo... Many people would be happy at first but when the US strikes back and then the couterstrike after counterstrike, God help us...

It will never ever happen...
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jul 18, 2005
I think we should have news section on the site, where people can post and comment on the daily hot news topics.

It was only a matter of time before something like this was going to come to a head between the US and the Chinese.

But nukes? Are they mad? That's World War 3 dude!

Upto a point having them has been a good thing, because nobody has had the balls to use them. The US has to learn to stop butting in and other countries have to learn to solve their issues diplomatically.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 18, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:I think we should have news section on the site, where people can post and comment on the daily hot news topics.

It was only a matter of time before something like this was going to come to a head between the US and the Chinese.

But nukes? Are they mad? That's World War 3 dude!

Upto a point having them has been a good thing, because nobody has had the balls to use them. The US has to learn to stop butting in and other countries have to learn to solve their issues diplomatically.

if chinese fakefcukers talk this way i say let the americans bomb them first !!!!! die !!!! fetus eaters DIE !!!!!! fake DVDsellers !!!!! die you freaking drug pushers !!!!!!!!! and geez with their remarks i dont think americans would even be scared of that!!!! i mean they cant even make their copys right!!! in DVD for example for fcuks sake all they have to do is copy the damn thing word for word and still they fcuk up in spelling !!! or in chinese eclectronic items ... when did a chinese made stuff actually work properly !!!! america wouldnt be scared of a nuclear attack !!! the countries who are supposed to be scared are canada and mexico or any latin american country!!! because if it happens knowing chinese "craftsmanship" it would never be in target !!!! so liban and all you guys !!!! better get your asses here in dubai ASAP!!! hahahaha
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jul 18, 2005

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Jul 18, 2005
Mettle decides a person's lot or fate.This is why you are not able to conquer Israel. Loser.

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Jul 18, 2005
I got just two words.......fcuk CHINA!!!!!!!!! :D
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 18, 2005
LLLppp wrote:Mettle decides a person's lot or fate.This is why you are not able to conquer Israel. Loser.

Dunno what the hell "mettle" is but umm.. oh yeah... F$%k Israel...
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Jul 19, 2005
LLLppp wrote:Mettle decides a person's lot or fate.This is why you are not able to conquer Israel. Loser.

I agree with yah , I read the account of six day war and previous wars arab troops had really bad commanders so Isrealis kicked their ass and I even read some 80,000 egyptain troops dissapered in the sand which made the isrealis think they are the chosen ppl . lol . I mean y not Let China and US nuke each other and Arabs take nuke from pak and nuke Isrealis an persians and isrealis nuke Arab world (like automatic retaliation missle) and india says Holly shit they are nuking each other why not take pur chance and india nukes Pak and russia to establish supreme authorithy nukes india. Eurpean countries get pissed and nukes Russia and russia sends topol missle and Europe gone from the map now half of russia remains and to establish supreme authority they nuke australia and australia nukes russia. Now which country is supreme - OFCOURSE MONGOLIA , let the Mongolians rise and rule and the glory be returned one of the best and fierciest warriors the world has ever seen.

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.. Jul 19, 2005
umm..... interesting debate.

Well.. .the americans can have a stockpile of nuclear arsenal but others can't

The americans can carry nuclear war heads on thier submarines and F-16 while th e rest of the world has to still go around in row boats

America is the world's holy dog whle the rest of the world are scoundrels

Double standards huh??

Let the chineese bloody the american arses with nuclear bombs. Americans need to view other sovereign states with respect

For too long the Amercans have treated the rest of the world with utter disdain. America has used a combination on ecomonic and military measures to bully other nations and take advantage. This is the time for others to stand up to the buly.

If its going to be the chinese.... so be it.
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Jul 19, 2005
Lol its no coincedence that the ironic Cold War term Mutually Assured Destruction(referring to why nuclear weapons made a good deterrent) can be abbreviated to the acronym M.A.D. ...because that's exactly what it is...going nuclear is never directed at one country in particular, its a guarantor of worldwide destruction and the end of humanity, coz under the current climes with everyone and their uncle possessing nuclear weapons, all it takes is one strike to spark a chain reaction of attacks and counter attacks...its so stupid that people develop nuclear weapons as 'deterrents', they've reached such a saturation that eventually some fool is going to panic and trigger off nuclear holocaust...that said the US has not done enough to get rid of its stockpile and reassure others that we no longer live in the spectre of nuclear war...Its strange all the worries about nuclear weapons just seemed to dissipate once the Cold War ended, but IMHO people should still be plenty scared of the prospect of worldwide nuclear destruction
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1. Do not panic. Remain seated at your desk.

2. Loosen your tie and any other constricting garments.

3. Bend forward.

4. Place your head between your legs as far as you can.

5. Kiss your ass good-bye.
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Jul 21, 2005
once the chinese or muslims invade the US, and shut down Mcdonalds and BK, they won´t need nuclear weapons, the fat ass Americans will starve to death. What I am really afraid of is some fat fucked up American slob pushing the button by accident, reaching out for his 15th donut before 9 in the morning...scary shit.

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Jul 21, 2005
banana wrote:once the chinese or muslims invade the US, and shut down Mcdonalds and BK, they won´t need nuclear weapons, the fat a#s Americans will starve to death. What I am really afraid of is some fat fucked up American slob pushing the button by accident, reaching out for his 15th donut before 9 in the morning...scary shit.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Jul 23, 2005
The only people I ever see eating all the junk food in this town are the locals!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 23, 2005
" i mean they cant even make their copys right!!! in DVD for example for fcuks sake all they have to do is copy the damn thing word for word and still they f&%K up in spelling !!! or in chinese eclectronic items ... when did a chinese made stuff actually work properly !!!!"

Buy the original DVD, stop buying the copys then you will get the spelling right.

Look at the bottom of all the eletrical products at home and see how many of them are made in China. Chinese do make good quality stuff, it is all depends how much you are paying for your Chinese goods. If you buy a DVD player for 10 Dollar, I doubt it will work properly even tho it made in USA. A lot of big brands like Sony, Mitsubishi etc... are all made in China. I don't see any problem with my Sony Hi-Fi.

You get what you pay for!!
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Jul 23, 2005
Most items are made in Taiwan, more so than China...
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Jul 24, 2005
Liban wrote:Most items are made in Taiwan, more so than China...

Taiwan, China, Hong Kong <----- we are all Chinese.
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Jul 24, 2005
FeiPo wrote:
Liban wrote:Most items are made in Taiwan, more so than China...

Taiwan, China, Hong Kong <----- we are all Chinese.

feipo baby are you chinese???? if you are then .... i lov e chinese then !!!! fcuk americans !!!! fcuk americans!!!!!!
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Jul 24, 2005
mAJOR pAIN wrote:
FeiPo wrote:
Liban wrote:Most items are made in Taiwan, more so than China...

Taiwan, China, Hong Kong <----- we are all Chinese.

feipo baby are you chinese???? if you are then .... i lov e chinese then !!!! f&%K americans !!!! f&%K americans!!!!!!

That's mature, dear.
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Jul 24, 2005
I guess China will be ancient history then, they dont really want it with the US. F*&K them and the horse they rode in on :lol:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 24, 2005
FeiPo wrote:
Liban wrote:Most items are made in Taiwan, more so than China...

Taiwan, China, Hong Kong <----- we are all Chinese.

Taiwan is an independant country. A puppet state of the US no doubt, but it is no longer part of China.... You guys lost it for good after your civil war...
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Jul 25, 2005
Liban wrote:
FeiPo wrote:
Liban wrote:Most items are made in Taiwan, more so than China...

Taiwan, China, Hong Kong <----- we are all Chinese.

Taiwan is an independant country. A puppet state of the US no doubt, but it is no longer part of China.... You guys lost it for good after your civil war...

Taiwanese is Chinese.
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Jul 25, 2005
mAJOR pAIN wrote:
FeiPo wrote:
Liban wrote:Most items are made in Taiwan, more so than China...

Taiwan, China, Hong Kong <----- we are all Chinese.

feipo baby are you chinese???? if you are then .... i lov e chinese then !!!! f&%K americans !!!! f&%K americans!!!!!!

Yes I am Chinese, don't you know that.. I am from Hong Kong.
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Jul 25, 2005
I know people from Taiwan and they say that their forefathers were Chinese but not them...

They say its like saying that Americans are British. Thats not really the case... Same for Taiwan vs. China...
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Jul 25, 2005
The British are there own species. Only two good things came from GB, the US and the Spice Girls :lol:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 25, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:The British are there own species. Only two good things came from GB, the US and the Spice Girls :lol:

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Jul 26, 2005
Liban wrote:I know people from Taiwan and they say that their forefathers were Chinese but not them...

They say its like saying that Americans are British. Thats not really the case... Same for Taiwan vs. China...

I am not going to argue with you. I know people they both in Australia who has black hair and yellow skin said they are Australian not Chinese. So I cannot fight with you for some Taiwanese said they are not Chinese because they born in TW.
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Jul 26, 2005
I have a couple of Chinese friends and I love to get on their nerves with this subject :)

Personally, I hope that China blasts pro-US Taiwan back to the stone age very soon in a sustained military bombardment... We arabs have no beef with China and would support their need to retake whats theirs....
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Jul 26, 2005
I guess it's a good thing you suck and we RULE!!!!!! :D
Pumpkin Escobar
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