Is there a BMW X5 club? i was wondering if there is any get together where i can meet new friends...
Any other activity in Mirdif that I can be part of?
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
farann wrote:Is there a BMW X5 club? i was wondering if there is any get together where i can meet new friends...
Any other activity in Mirdif that I can be part of?
bushra21 wrote:Also, please go show off somewhere else.
Some of us have better cars than you...loser
senior position my butt
^ian^ wrote:Man I really hate X5s. I wish there was a club so that all owners could be found in the one spot at the one time.
No offence... but did you even look at any other cars? Did they take your licence off you when they handed you the keys?
freza wrote:oh! Why such a warm welcome for Farann? geez.
Bushra doesn't want competition here...she is the queen of showing off, in the most subtle and tasteful *cough* of ways of course.
freza wrote:oh! Why such a warm welcome for Farann? geez.
Bushra doesn't want competition here...she is the queen of showing off, in the most subtle and tasteful *cough* of ways of course.
fayz wrote:Gtmash/Ian is there actual hate for the car or for the people that drive them?
cheap_Deal wrote:any particular reason for that gtmash?? i thought it was a good suv with the handling of a sedan????
cheap_Deal wrote:hey wats wrong with the BMW X5????
farann wrote:my god... bushra21 u surely need to see a doctor....totally psycho.... very interesting case i must it the result of dubai heat, traffic or u are a special specie of your kind.... i guess its quite easy to see who the looser is.. the one who wrote a simple request or the one who went bezerk....
Jamal wrote:when is u all ladies gonna come up with a banana rider's club ... now thats a club id love to be checkin out ... an maybe u all can accept valkryie as a member aswell
farann wrote:and u want to blame me for your own failuresl?
failures? lol, what failures?
i am proud of my achievements and every one else apart from you have whole heartedly welcomed me for who i am
oh really, have you read the other responses...or where you just so upset by the fact that i called you out for being the person you are?
.... i dont understand...
that is obvious dear
did u have a bad childhood?
why, yes, i did...thanks for asking
are u mentaly disturbed or you are angry
i would go with half and half....
kind who dont live nor let people live
actually, i encourage people to live...i tried the whole not living thing a few times, but i guess GOD doesnt want me to die here I am
... i send whatever to individual people
good for you, more power to you
... introducing myself.. and that is my right....
yes, you are quite right about that...
ill ask for your opinion if i need it... which i doubt....
that is where you are wrong...
so tell me... whats your score on 'bullshitting' simple mails sent by people who seek opinion and end up getting weird comments from preverts like you....
well, i never really thought of myself as a pervert...since I havent done anything to qualify myself as one. perhaps you could give me lessons and then i could answer your question better?
i am sure u r very very lonely
that is where you are wrong...people line up just to say hi to me...i would prefer to be alone...but no one seems to want to leave me alone. i guess im just that type of person who gets attention from everyone....the person people love to hate
.... pitty u
pitty me? you pitty me...oh well ummm...i dont really need your pitty thanks
:) right back at ya