damnn you done scared her away man
let me show you how its done
this right here this poem is for you Miss guest
I know you are far away
but i can feel you
you exist in my every breath
in every beat of my heart
adding a spectacular sizzel in all the right places
even when i close my eyes i see your face
and feel the fine of your caress
your presence is a tangiable thing yet as hard to grasp as the air
i reach for you but you elude me
still i can feel you
the softness of a petal
a warm wind on my cheek
a ray in my vision a distant light that every dreams me near
you see what im trying to say is that
let me erase the imprints on your heart
so we can make a new start
allow me to ease your misery
lets make our own new history
hmmm wat do you say baby girl
damnnn u see Andyba u get let them know let them feel it know what i mean

damnn i aint only a rapper an damnn good rhyme sayer but im a lover a poet by nature