Science Vs Religion?

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Jul 15, 2005
Sorry Bobbie, You're right 21grams, got my numbers mixed up.

But wouldn't reincarnation be cool just for a few times around? I mean you could do things differently, living as a woman, then a guy and animal - whatever, that is if you would actually be able to remember what you did in your previous life.

But I think you would get bored being around forever, you'd run out of things to do. I'd like to come back in say 500 years time and see what's changed.

But the thing that frustrates me is you see so many people just wasting their lives. You're here for a flash in terms of space and time, and people just seem to throw their lives away. You should live every day as though it were your last and try to make every second count.

So now I'm going to toddle off and stop blabbering on in here. :roll:

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 15, 2005
Liban wrote:
sniper420 wrote:mmmmmm some serious discusion is goign on here may be I should join in :twisted:

The key word is serious. You are incapable of that...

Guys look who is talking about serious talk..... :lol:
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Jul 16, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:Sorry Bobbie, You're right 21grams, got my numbers mixed up.

But wouldn't reincarnation be cool just for a few times around? I mean you could do things differently, living as a woman, then a guy and animal - whatever, that is if you would actually be able to remember what you did in your previous life.

But I think you would get bored being around forever, you'd run out of things to do. I'd like to come back in say 500 years time and see what's changed.

But the thing that frustrates me is you see so many people just wasting their lives. You're here for a flash in terms of space and time, and people just seem to throw their lives away. You should live every day as though it were your last and try to make every second count.

So now I'm going to toddle off and stop blabbering on in here. :roll: are all looking at things from man's perspective.
Do remember that God is the ultimate CREATOR.
Do you think He will stop creating after heaven on earth is established?
You think He'd be dumb enough to NOT know we will get bored after ..say..200 years?
He will keep on creating places and things you and I never even dream of and He will exceed that unimaginable thought of unimaginable events.
God is like the ultimate Gamemaster who never stops creating MODS for His people...
And if you are not a gamer then you won't know what I am saying.

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Jul 16, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:But wouldn't reincarnation be cool just for a few times around? I mean you could do things differently, living as a woman, then a guy and animal - whatever, that is if you would actually be able to remember what you did in your previous life.

But I think you would get bored being around forever, you'd run out of things to do. I'd like to come back in say 500 years time and see what's changed.

Hi Chocoholic,

Rest assured, I'm not trying to single you out in anyway by quoting you, but for me, it's the human condition, displayed in comments like this which support my doubts about the authenticity of the origin of organized religion.

When listening to other people's believes about such things as the afterlife or re-incarnation, it's all to often they express their views in terms such as: "...hmm...yeah...I like that idea..." or "...that would be 'cool' if this is what happens...". They immerse themselves in what may be an interesting or intriguing concept, which isn't based on deductive logic or reasoning, or even what thier life experiences has presented them with. The underlying message I get from this, is that people are choosing their beliefs. For me, believing in a creator is like falling in love... you don't have a choice.

[A provoking thought on re-incarnation: My mother recently revealed to me, that for my first two years as a child (the third in our family), as opposed to just spurting out standard baby-babble, she was convinced I was attempting to articulate and vocalize a foreign language!... For me this may simply reveal that my speech-centers (left frontal lobe) developed faster at an early age... but for others, it's "strong evidence" for the concept of re-incarnation.]

Chocoholic wrote:But the thing that frustrates me is you see so many people just wasting their lives. You're here for a flash in terms of space and time, and people just seem to throw their lives away. You should live every day as though it were your last and try to make every second count.

I couldn't agree more. Your last sentence in this statement would hold true, especially if this one time on earth really is all we all have... singularly, and with each other...


This story of your friend's hardship, is very inspiring, like those which are written in many holy texts. But by allowing ourselves to assume devine intervention is constantly taking place in our lives, it negates the achievments and the power of belief in the human mind.

Mohammed Ali (the boxer, Time Magazine's athlete of the century) for example, was deeply spiritual, and renounced his christian faith for a muslim doctrine. Apart from being naturally formidable in a physical sense, Ali was (and is) incredibly intelligent, creative and among other things, he believed he was the best... The power of belief is what allows us to succeed and achieve against impossible odds... It's this view, which drives the model by which I live my life...

When I train to fight, I train to defeat and believe I can beat Ali, Bruce Lee, the Gracie family, and so on... While I play and learn aspects of guitar, I visualize and believe I'm going to be better than Jimmy Hendrix, Satrini, Vai, Joe Pass, Petrucci... When I'm drawing or or laying things out artisically, I try to surpass DaVince, Michaelangelo, Van Gough and Picasso etc., because I believe I can... Now, I know this isn't true in all three cases, and these beliefs probably won't come to fruition, but in trying to believe such things are possible and setting it as a goal, it has allowed me to excell in ways I never originally imagined possible, and I admittedly would never have acheived otherwise. Belief inside the human mind, and the human mind itself, may almost be as powerful as we think any GOD is... I find this an inspiring thought.

Abs, if you and others in this forum really believe that GOD is going to return to earth in some form or another, consider this... I think most reasonable people might agree, that although GOD's words were recorded in the best and most reliable and reproducable method of the time, today, in the age of reason (supposedly), GOD Himself should probably reiterate his plan for us, perhaps, for example, through the use of the latest video and audio recording technology. By doin this, he would cut out the human middleman, which I'm sorry, inevitably taints his words. If He proves His existence to me, I will have complete faith in every other facet of His teachings. Doing less is asking to much from a race aspiring to be reasonable. However this is just my opinion.

Truthfully, I almost always keep these thoughts to myself, so I'd like to thank you all of you again for listening to them.
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Jul 17, 2005

Of course I look at things from a 'Human' perspective, as I've said before I'm not at all religious. I don't live my life believing that everything is already mapped out for me and 'GOD' is behind everything. I find it quite frustrating that you can't put your own ideas across which going on about such things.

YOU have a brain, intellect, creativity, the power of thought, try going off on a tangent for once.

Dubaiman: You're welcome to pick up my points that's no problem at all, I enjoy your replies.

I truly believe that everyone has to believe in themselves, trust me on this one, having gone through many personal battles, yes I might have had help from the outside, but to achieve and be all that you want in life, you have to look inwards, if you don't have faith or believe in yourself, why should anyone else look at you any differently.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 17, 2005
when we were born they gave us our religion, of course they cant give us things they dont know..
we 'humans' feel 'safe' to the things we grew up with...
neweyz its good to be here...
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Jul 17, 2005
DubaiMan says everything I want to, but with tact and class!!!

What about cloning and God? Will God punish us for trying to create life?
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 18, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:DubaiMan says everything I want to, but with tact and class!!!

What about cloning and God? Will God punish us for trying to create life?

Cloning doesnt create life u moron it's just making a carbon copy of a person. :lol:
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Jul 18, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:DubaiMan says everything I want to, but with tact and class!!!

What about cloning and God? Will God punish us for trying to create life?

If God meant us to clone then we will do it because it would be His bidding... But I think cloning is immoral and God would never will it, the devil would though...
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Jul 18, 2005
Why? What's wrong with cloning cells which can repair damaged ones or help cure people?!

God gave us the scientists and the tools to be able to accomplish these things, so in that respect why would God not want us to use it!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 18, 2005
There is a difference between cloning cells to help people and creating a human being out of nothing for no particular reason other than to say, hey look what I can do....

Islam accepts and encourages cloning to a certain point, it allows stem cell research to find cures for deseases, to allow a person with no legs to get some, to make regtarded people normal...

But not to play with nature by making your baby super strong, or blond instead of brunette, etc... Islam is against that and so am I.
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Jul 20, 2005
I believe in myself.
But I believe more in Jesus.
I did not say lie down on the floor and wait for God to feed you.
I am saying trust in God in everyway.

Sometimes God just need to take away everything you have, destroy everything you have and when you have no one else to turn to, you turn to Him.
And thats when He comes and tell you that He did all this so that you can have everything He wanted to give you.
One of these days, you are going to say this : "God, help me please."

And just to remind you, if things do sort itself out afterwards, remember God.

The hardest thing is always to put pride aside. After you have done that, you can achieve anything.
I cannot tell you what it feels like to be truely free after becoming a believer. I cannot tell you the feeling of loving everyone all of a sudden.Everyone that I see, I have a sense of love for them.
Just like all of you.
Sometimes I get angry, but I cool down real fast without doing anything rash.

Its good that you always strive to be the best. Always aim high.
Then if you fall short of greatness atleast you will be good.

God Bless all
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Jul 20, 2005
Ummm... abs.... your post had nothing to do with science vs. religion... :)
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Jul 20, 2005
Liban wrote:Islam accepts and encourages cloning to a certain point, it allows stem cell research to find cures for deseases, to allow a person with no legs to get some, to make regtarded people normal...

To make retarded people normal? huh? If that's the case then u seriously need to be cloned...... :lol:
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Jul 20, 2005
Oh you are just so funny...

Learn to read you stupid mofo... I am speaking of stem cell research in cloning... You dumb ignorant f$#k...
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Jul 20, 2005
Liban wrote:Islam accepts and encourages cloning to a certain point, it allows stem cell research to find cures for deseases, to allow a person with no legs to get some, to make regtarded people normal...


Ah what was that? research in Mental Asylum to clone the brain cells so ppl like u can get some brain implants eh? :lol:
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Jul 20, 2005
Never mind... :roll:
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Jul 20, 2005
Liban wrote:Never mind... :roll:

Do u have a mind....... :lol:
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Jul 20, 2005
Yes you are funny... har har har...

you dumb f%#k...
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Aug 24, 2005
Now that sniper420 is DEAD, we can get back on topic, which was........I dunno so ponder this

What's the deal with ghost? I mean they're dead, they got nothing better to do than fcuk with me? :P
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Aug 24, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:Now that sniper420 is DEAD, we can get back on topic, which was........I dunno so ponder this

What's the deal with ghost? I mean they're dead, they got nothing better to do than f&%K with me? :P

habibi, they're CONFUSED., they don't know that they're dead... poltergeist are ones freaking with you :wink:

it all makes sense now, huh?
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Aug 24, 2005
I need to get some of that Ghost-Be-Gone spray! :P
Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 26, 2005
The evil spirits messes with you because they know you don't have protection.
Just pray. If you can pray in tongues that will be better. Because when you pray, you "fumigate" your "house".
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Aug 26, 2005
Pumpkin farts in order to fumigate his house :lol:
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