Science Vs Religion?

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Jul 12, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:Science vs Religion right???

So lets say we make contact with another lifeform from outer space, how do ya'll think the different religions wuold cope with that?

I like that question...

Especially if we discover hundreds, thousands or millions of new species of sentient beings over the next millenium... how special would we be in GOD's eyes then? What if some of them had their own creationist theories? What then? I guess one would have to wonder why GOD allowed so many perversions of his image.

It is humbling to think that there are 400 billion stars in our galaxy alone, one of trillions of galaxies in the viewable universe... "if it is just us, seems like an awful waste of space..." - quote from Contact. haha

I think if GOD didn't exist, it would still be necessary for sentient beings to invent him... (especially through early sentience)

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Jul 12, 2005
God is all powerful. He is behind creation. If extra-terrestrials did exist then it is of God's doing.
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Jul 12, 2005
Liban wrote:God is all powerful. He is behind creation. If extra-terrestrials did exist then it is of God's doing.

Do you believe GOD created us in His image? I'm sure most Christians do... What if GOD did create humans in his image, and these sentient extra-terrestrials did not look like us? A whole species of sentient beings who GOD has little or no empathy for, and no real place in the universe or an afterlife.

Would an all-powerful, rational and empathetic GOD create a sentient species with no place in his plan? (unless it were to remind humans how special we are.) It would be a disturbing thought if He did...
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Jul 12, 2005
Another thought...

"... I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved." -- Genesis 32:30

"No man hath seen God at any time..."-- John 1:18
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Jul 12, 2005
DubaiMan wrote:
Liban wrote:God is all powerful. He is behind creation. If extra-terrestrials did exist then it is of God's doing.

Do you believe GOD created us in His image? I'm sure most Christians do... What if GOD did create humans in his image, and these sentient extra-terrestrials did not look like us? A whole species of sentient beings who GOD has little or no empathy for, and no real place in the universe or an afterlife.

Would an all-powerful, rational and empathetic GOD create a sentient species with no place in his plan? (unless it were to remind humans how special we are.) It would be a disturbing thought if He did...

God did not create man in his image. God has no image that is comprehensible to man. God cannot be described. God created us to be rational and intelligent so as to make us beyond the level of animal.

Islam doesn't refer to any image of God. Comparing our looks to his image is sacriledge.

That is why Islam would best respond to a situational whereas we contat extra-terrestrials that look as different from us as we do to a leech.
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Jul 12, 2005
Liban wrote:God created us to be rational and intelligent so as to make us beyond the level of animal.

I've been told I should have faith that GOD loves me, and if I'm a good person, that perhaps He will give me eternal life, and that I should have faith that He will listen to my prayers and watch over us. But, if GOD "created us to be rational and intelligent", why would he ask for faith in his very existence? Isn't that a bit too much to ask from a rational and intelligent being?

By the way, why does being rational and intelligent make us "beyond the level" of other animals? We have a larger brain, and dextrous hands with which we can manipulate our enviornment... that adaptation is exclusively our own (after we killed off Neandertals).

Personally I don't feel I'm "beyond the level" of an eagle, we'll say for instance. The sharpness of their eyesight is at least four times that of a person with perfect vision, not to mention, they can fly... wouldn't you say that makes them superior to us?
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Jul 12, 2005
Another thought:

Lo! those who believe, and those who are Jews, and Sabaeans, and Christians - Whosoever believeth in Allah and the Last Day and doeth right - there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve. - al-Ma'idah 5:69

And whoso seeketh as religion other than the Surrender {Islam} (to Allah) it will not be accepted from him, and he will be a loser in the Hereafter. - Al-Imran 3:85
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Jul 12, 2005
God created man in His image. Becos the Holy Bible says so.
The Holy Bible is older than any other books on earth so don't argue with its accuracy .

God only created life on earth. There are no ETs.
The Bible says so.
Above us is the air thats surrounded by the forces of evil. We call it the layer of heaven closest to us.
The devil will send you all kinds of false signal to divert you away from the one true path to eternal life.

Jesus said: "I am the truth, the way and the light. Nobody goes to the Father BUT THROUGH ME!"
If you believe theres a God..then believe this.

Aliens will come in the end to deceive many.
Don't be naive.

The ways of man is not the ways of God.
Do not think for 1 sec that what you think is right Should be fine in the eyes of God.

To make it easier for you to understand..think of the movie "MATRIX".
Many think they are living the life they know until they take the "Red Pill".

Jesus is the Only Way.

Without believing in Him...God will not hear you at all.
Without the shielding of Jesus...God will kill you on base on the sin thats in ALL of us.

Peace and Grace.
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Jul 12, 2005
Dude... Are you Benni Hanna in disguise? :lol:
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Jul 12, 2005
Guys, Chill out.

As I've said before, I don't believe that we are the only beings in this vast universe, it's got to be virtually impossible.

Plus why should millions of people of other religions around the world, change their minds and convert to something else?

Does it matter what someone believes, if in the end they are all striving for the same goal?
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Jul 12, 2005
DubaiMan wrote:
Liban wrote:God is all powerful. He is behind creation. If extra-terrestrials did exist then it is of God's doing.

Do you believe GOD created us in His image? I'm sure most Christians do... What if GOD did create humans in his image, and these sentient extra-terrestrials did not look like us? A whole species of sentient beings who GOD has little or no empathy for, and no real place in the universe or an afterlife.

Would an all-powerful, rational and empathetic GOD create a sentient species with no place in his plan? (unless it were to remind humans how special we are.) It would be a disturbing thought if He did...

You are the man dude!!!!!! I have been trying to get points like this across all the time.
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 12, 2005
abs wrote:God created man in His image. Becos the Holy Bible says so.
The Holy Bible is older than any other books on earth so don't argue with its accuracy .

God only created life on earth. There are no ETs.
The Bible says so.
Above us is the air thats surrounded by the forces of evil. We call it the layer of heaven closest to us.
The devil will send you all kinds of false signal to divert you away from the one true path to eternal life.

Jesus said: "I am the truth, the way and the light. Nobody goes to the Father BUT THROUGH ME!"
If you believe theres a God..then believe this.

Aliens will come in the end to deceive many.
Don't be naive.

The ways of man is not the ways of God.
Do not think for 1 sec that what you think is right Should be fine in the eyes of God.

To make it easier for you to understand..think of the movie "MATRIX".
Many think they are living the life they know until they take the "Red Pill".

Jesus is the Only Way.

Without believing in Him...God will not hear you at all.
Without the shielding of Jesus...God will kill you on base on the sin thats in ALL of us.

Peace and Grace.

Because the Bible says so......... such an obtuse viewpoint. But as long as you believe it, than that's what's important, it gives you hope and purpose.

Un-learn the Truth
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Jul 12, 2005
What's to say that their arent smarter beings in existance on Earth, but we havent noticed yet because we think "Man" is the best thing since indoor plumbing? In a universe that is forever expanding, I find it hard to believe that the same parimeters that created life on earth couldn't happen someplace else. Odds are it has serveral times and will continue to do so. Man thinking he is the best thing in the universe will eventually be our downfall.
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Jul 12, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:What's to say that their arent smarter beings in existance on Earth, but we havent noticed yet because we think "Man" is the best thing since indoor plumbing? In a universe that is forever expanding, I find it hard to believe that the same parimeters that created life on earth couldn't happen someplace else. Odds are it has serveral times and will continue to do so. Man thinking he is the best thing in the universe will eventually be our downfall.

Man is not the best thing in the universe. The best of the best is God. If God chose to create life elsewhere it is well within his power and perrogative and I would not question it.

Nothing in the Quran says that life is limited to Earth. Nothing says it isn't. God will not limit things this way.

Weird that abs thinks that whats up in the sky sky are demons... Thats odd especially since Christians refer to the bright star in the night sky 2000 years ago as marking the birth of Jesus... :?
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Jul 12, 2005
I had a dog once that was pretty cool, will it go to Heaven, even if i dont? What about my turtle when I was five?

A lil of the p :wink: oint, but I was wondering, what does the "Bible" say abs?
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Jul 12, 2005
We Christians spread the gospel for the sake of all.
It does not make us feel we are better. (atleast not me)
If I know theres something bad coming, I will do all I can to warn as many people as I can before that disaster get me. Atleast I will die knowing I have done my best.

All religion DOES have the same goal but NOT THE SAME PATH.
And the Bible has proven itself over and over again in history for people to take it seriously. Its no longer some fairy tale.

And Dubaiman, you are one of those who reads the bible out of context.
So please read them carefully. God - creates everything. It is HIS choice to decide who can see Him and lives. You wanna go argue with Him, be my guest.

Evil in the sky describes the world. We do not fight visible demons but principalities of this world.
The evil ones are there because God allows it. Nothing is beyond God.
They are there until Jesus comes and it will be that way.
And the star and mark the place of Jesus's birth has nothing to do with the evil in the first heaven. Do remember, God controls everything.
He let them live until they have accomplish His plans.

So stop reading the Bible out of context.
If you have any questions about something confusing in the bible, feel free to post it here.
I am not challenging you but simply want to help clarify things.

Peace and Grace to you all.
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Jul 13, 2005
Hi abs,

There are in fact many things I find confusing about the Bible. Some of which is listed below. My biggest challenge with the Bible, or any other religious text, is finding that point at which the metaphors end, and what is literal begins... A few of these are quoted below, but first I would like address a few things you said in a previous statement:

abs wrote:God created man in His image. Becos the Holy Bible says so..

Fair enough. Here's a few more things the Bible has to say:

“He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.” 1 - Chronicles 16:30
“Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ...” - Psalm 93:1
“Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken.” - Psalm 104:5

This points to the geocentric belief that the earth is the center of our universe. Do you not believe the earth is traveling around the sun?, which is travelling through the galactic arms of our galaxy?, which is traveling amongst it's galactic cluster? and so on?. Here's a few more references to the nature of the Earth:

“Behold, he is coming with the clouds! Every eye shall see him...” - Revelation 1:7
“Once again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world [cosmos] in their glory.” - Matthew 4:8

These two passages would likely be possible only if the earth were flat.

So abs... Do you believe the earth is flat? Do you believe the earth is fixed and "immovable"? The Bible says so... If I am guilty taking the Bible out context, than what of those who still believe the above passages have some contextual or symbolic merit? Wouldn't they be changing the very context it was originally taken in as well?

abs wrote:The Holy Bible is older than any other books on earth so don't argue with its accuracy.

Actually, Hinduism is generally considered to be the oldest religion still being practiced today. The texts they created are the Vedas, which were written around 1,500 B.C.E. The Torah (the Jewish holy text) was written by Moses in 1,400 B.C.E. But again, Hinduism has the oldest recorded roots, which lie in Dravidianism. Dravidianism is estimated to have been practiced around 6,000 to 3,000 BCE and as such predates even the Sumerian, Egyptian, and Babylonian cultures.

And hey, doesn't a certain logic dictate that the older a religion, and it's holy text equivalent is, the more inaccurate it would be? What if GOD made a mass sighting tomorrow and rewrote the all holy texts? I would be far more inclined to follow that book, than one which was written thousands of years ago, over a period of hundreds of years, and re-translated a few times. Most of us know the "purple monkey dishwasher" effect when telling a story down the line...

abs wrote:God only created life on earth. There are no ETs. The Bible says so.

Please post the quote from the Bible stating this. To be honest, I haven't heard of that anywhere in the Bible. Genesis simply states that on the first day He created the heavens and the Earth, and spent the next few days preparing for his final creation... Man. Actually Eve was created after Adam... I guess one could deduce that Woman is the epitome of his creations.

abs wrote:I believe Above us is the air thats surrounded by the forces of evil. We call it the layer of heaven closest to us.
The devil will send you all kinds of false signal to divert you away from the one true path to eternal life.

Jesus said: "I am the truth, the way and the light. Nobody goes to the Father BUT THROUGH ME!"
If you believe theres a God..then believe this.

Aliens will come in the end to deceive many.
Don't be naive.

The ways of man is not the ways of God.
Do not think for 1 sec that what you think is right Should be fine in the eyes of God.

To make it easier for you to understand..think of the movie "MATRIX".
Many think they are living the life they know until they take the "Red Pill".

Jesus is the Only Way.

Without believing in Him...God will not hear you at all.
Without the shielding of Jesus...God will kill you on base on the sin thats in ALL of us.

Peace and Grace

Please do not take offense to this, but most of what your saying in the above is rhetorical and based on references to the Bible which is typical of those defending their judaeo-christian beliefs. For the sake of the rest of us, please try to make a case for GOD using what we as humans can measure about the existing universe, so those who are of different faiths or even agnostic can relate on some level.

You must understand that the Bible, Quran, Book of Mormon, Tao Te Chung, and the Vedas are all simply Books! Recorded a long time ago using very poor methods, unless you feel, that whatever GOD you believe in sat by and overlooked the recording of every word, while whatever human contributed to it wrote away... Trying to convince a non-believer that GOD exists using the Bible, is like trying to convince someone "the Matrix" exists using the movie... It maybe convincing, but it's ultimately flawed. I do like your "red pill" analogy though. One of the underlying points of the movie I enjoyed is that the world that we see around us, that which we can see, smell, touch, taste and hear, and connect to on an emotional level, does not exist outside of us, but is rather an interpretation in our own mind...

I hope I'm not really offending anyone here, but I sometimes think that if most people in this world didn't cling to their religious beliefs as absolute, the Hitlers, Bin Ladens, and Bushs of the world would have less ground to stand on, and would have a harder time rallying to their cause...
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Jul 13, 2005
DubaiMan KICKS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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Jul 13, 2005
No Dude,

The things you're saying are amazing and really open up lots of different avenues.

By the way why does everyone assume God is a man?
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Jul 13, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:No Dude,

The things you're saying are amazing and really open up lots of different avenues.

By the way why does everyone assume God is a man?

God is not a man, God is not a woman... God is God... Perhapes we refer to God using the word He but thats only for simplicities sake. More polite than referring to God as It...

God has no gender, not in the sense we understand for God is not of anything we know of... God is so great and complex that He is above such simple denominations.
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Jul 13, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:By the way why does everyone assume God is a man?

Funny you mentioned that Chocoholic. Your question reminds me of a stand up routine by comedian/actor George Carlin I heard a few years ago. He often integrated his irreverent and even disrespectful views on religion in to his performances. Seeing as how the lot of you seem to handle a little open criticism well, and don't mind some "objective thinking", I invite you to visit this link I was able to find, which posts an excerpt from that performance. Taken light-heartedly it can be humorous. Mind you, if you are easily offended by strong atheistic views, especially those put in a comedic or condescending manner, it may be best not to read. In any event he does offer a rather comical insight into why he thinks GOD is a man... (comical) depending on your point of view. A few of the other concepts might get your thoughts churning as well:

Liban wrote:God is not a man, God is not a woman... God is God... Perhapes we refer to God using the word He but thats only for simplicities sake. More polite than referring to God as It...

God has no gender, not in the sense we understand for God is not of anything we know of... God is so great and complex that He is above such simple denominations.

It is true... the Quran does not give any information about the physical attributes of God. It teaches that He created males and females but, He Himself, is above the scope of this division.

Liban... I'm interested to know what your reaction is to the Bible's specific claim that: “...God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” - Genesis 1:27. How does this conflict play out in your beliefs? Obviously, it is difficult for both to be true.
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Jul 13, 2005
There is nothing whatever like unto Him. (42:11)

God has image in the conventional sense and nothing is like Him in His Glory and Essence...

That quote has been misunderstood and abused. We all know that the bible has been modified and tampered with throughot time. But assuming that this quote is direct froim Jesus's mouth then what is means is that God created man from his own image of what man is supposed to look like. If God had an image in mind of a man that had 5 legs and one arm then thats what we would have appeared has... Its not His image as in His looks that we are supposed to represent but rather His idea His sort of mental image of what man should look like...
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Jul 13, 2005
Here's a religious question I often ponder:

Is there, in the world today, a major organized religion believing in a GOD who created the universe and then allowed it to unfold along its natural course, not intervening in it's development? Essentially the classic "deist" belief… Basically, my question is rooted in what I have noticed is this ironic fact: Those who believe in GOD, invariably believe there is also a life in the hereafter. It seems, in all major religions, you can't have one without the other... are we all desperately seeking life after this? Here's another, maybe a slightly deeper philosophical take on the problem I have seen in a Creator paradigm, and the afterlife concept...

Imagine yourself living a full, happy life, committed to whatever your beliefs are, at the end of which, whomever you believe GOD is rewards you with entry into heaven (or your equivalent)...

You are then reunited with all of your loved ones, offered forgiveness for all sins in your previous life, and begin an existence of eternal happiness on a new plateau; all things you pray and have been taught come to pass... Now, assuming you still experience linear time (as GOD does, answering prayers, working miracles, etc.) and you are not reincarnated as something or someone else on earth, you continue to exist in this state for 10, 50, 100, 1000 years and so on...

How long does this existence continue? My reason for asking is this: As we live out our twilight years, as say, those who live in a retirement home do, I have noticed we tend to grow tired of life on earth after what maybe only 70, 80 or 90 years. What happens in heaven after 1000, or even a million or a billion years? At some point, perception, consciousness, sentience, existence... it has to end doesn't it? Shouldn't it? No matter how blissful it is, do you really want to exist FOREVER?... and if you don't, then why be rewarded with an afterlife in the first place? Isn’t it arguable, that living for all of eternity, in any state of being, is a form of hell in itself? And, at the center of it, wouldn’t GOD, He, Himself, as a being of perception, grow weary of it? Wouldn’t He, Himself eventually desire to have an end?

I must admit, in this life, I have been very lucky... I have beyond model parents, and have been born and raised and am currently living now in what I consider the best part of the world. I am healthy and strong. I have much to be thankful for... I know others are not as fortunate as I am. However, the truth is, this existence is enough for me… Just as you cannot prove GOD exists, I cannot disprove it either. So, despite my slightly agnostic beliefs, I have genuinely thanked GOD for everything He has given me... but I do ask Him to not give me eternal life... I don't want to live forever. Do the rest of you?
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Jul 14, 2005
Hey Dubaiman,

I like your ramblings and thoughts.

Here's mine:

As I've said before I'm by no means a religious person, but more a spiritual person and think more about the harmonies of the world around me and how things work together, I have a more scientific view to things. With regard to your question about the afterlife, obviously no-one can ever answer that question unless you've truly died and been brought back to life, but I believe that everything is made up of energy and energy cannot really die, but gets transformed from one thing to another. So in that regard people's souls as it were would simply leave the physical body and become part of the bigger picture.

Don't they say when a person dies their body is 12grams lighter? Apparently the weight of your soul.

What about reincarnation? I guess it's perfectly feasible to keep hopping from one body to another.
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Jul 14, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:Hey Dubaiman,

I like your ramblings and thoughts.

Here's mine:

As I've said before I'm by no means a religious person, but more a spiritual person and think more about the harmonies of the world around me and how things work together, I have a more scientific view to things. With regard to your question about the afterlife, obviously no-one can ever answer that question unless you've truly died and been brought back to life, but I believe that everything is made up of energy and energy cannot really die, but gets transformed from one thing to another. So in that regard people's souls as it were would simply leave the physical body and become part of the bigger picture.

Don't they say when a person dies their body is 12grams lighter? Apparently the weight of your soul.

What about reincarnation? I guess it's perfectly feasible to keep hopping from one body to another.

21 grams.

like the movie :roll:
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Jul 14, 2005
DubaiMan is my hero!!!! :D

It certianly would suck to go on, in any sense, FOREVER. When I die, just blast my ashes into space, what do I care, I'll be dead. It would seem that if spirits, souls, etc retained their consciencousness and had a perception of time, that they would eventually go mad. In which case Heaven or Hell would be nothing short of a mental home for the Eternal :? Question: Do you think in Heaven or Hell, you would be in a form most suitable to you, say if I died at 103, would I be able to live in Heaven(or Hell) as a 23 yr old? Or what if I wanted to be 5 or 67? Could I grow my hair, get a tat, take up pottery? If people stay in Heaven FOREVER, it would make me believe in ghost, because after awhile, doing things in Heaven or Hell would get boring and they would probably start to fcuk with us, those morose ghost!!!
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Jul 15, 2005
mmmmmm some serious discusion is goign on here may be I should join in :twisted:
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Jul 15, 2005
sniper420 wrote:mmmmmm some serious discusion is goign on here may be I should join in :twisted:

The key word is serious. You are incapable of that...
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Jul 15, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:Hey Dubaiman, I like your ramblings and thoughts.

Well, I think we can all agree there certainly is a lot of ramblings and thoughts in this forum... and since Chocoholic and Pumpkin Escobar seem to like mine, here's a few more based on your last comment:

Chocoholic wrote:With regard to your question about the afterlife, obviously no-one can ever answer that question unless you've truly died and been brought back to life.

It's my view, that anyone who has died and came back to life, didn't really die in the first place. Certain functions simply ceased temporarily. Even today, doctors have a hard time defining death. Does it occur with cardio-pulminary death? Brain death? Cellular death? Legal death? Personally I haven't put much faith in near-death experiences. Every single night your brain is able to make you believe a series of events are real which aren't. It's called dreaming. I have little encouragement to listen to the stories of dreams people have had, after being rendered unconcious from a near-death event... especially traumatic ones.

Chocoholic wrote:but I believe that everything is made up of energy and energy cannot really die, but gets transformed from one thing to another.

A long time ago, I had the same discussion with a family member. The problem I see with this, is that a number of us tend to think of our conciousness or ability to self-percieve as a form of energy in itself, instead of the by-product of a number of different energies working together (eg. electro-magnetic, chemical, etc.).

You're correct in your statement that energy is transposable and is never lost (The Law of the Conservation of Energy). And when we die, these energies are still inside the body, in the form of potential chemical energy.

Something which might parallel this, is a candle. When a candle is lit, it's releasing light energy (which we see), and thermal energy (which we can feel). When we extinguish a candle, its matter still harbours the equivocal potential chemical energy. Except this form of energy has a rate of reaction which is so slow, it's beyond the human sensory threshold (we can't sense anything happening). So, we have a tendancy to look at an unlit candle or a dead organism and think it is without energy, or at the very least has less energy, when in fact, the same potential energy is there... it's simply not being transposed.

chocoholic wrote:Don't they say when a person dies their body is 12grams lighter? Apparently the weight of your soul.

If you really see the soul or our conciousness as a form of energy, the immediate issue I see with this, is that every energy form I can think of (chemical, thermal, electric, electro-magnetic, magnetic, gravity, light, kinetic, potential, nuclear) doesn't have weight. So why would soul energy have weight? Energy is either emitted, harboured or transferred. Energy doesn't exert physical pressure on matter. Even plasma (the closest thing between energy and matter), weighs almost nothing... probably a fraction gaseous (air) matter.

chocoholic wrote:What about reincarnation? I guess it's perfectly feasible to keep hopping from one body to another.

Perhaps, but here's one issue with reincarnation: It took (from the best of our knowledge) 100,000 years or more, to achieve a population of 1 billion around the turn of the 19th century. That means the 5 billion+ increase in the world's population has only occurred in the past 200 years... With projections ranging from 9.5 to 13 billion by 2050, whether you believe in re-incarnation or not, seems GOD will be busy. Don't you think that's a lot of new souls in a very short amount of time?... Where are all these souls coming from? Where were they before our population boom? To give you a little perspective on this problem: it takes 12 days to live a million seconds... but it takes over 31 years to live a billion!

I do apologize for taking up so much thread space with ramblings... but thanks for listening.
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Jul 15, 2005
Greetings Dubaiman. I am impressed at your questions.
You are the 2nd person who has asked me the exact same questions.

The first one went to argue with me over the phone.
HE went deep into quantum physics and tried to explain to me the timing in the bible is totally wrong.
OFcourse, he being the smarter one (just like you) won the arguement somewhere around space expansion=time expansion.
Thats when I gave up.

I will not attempt to answer all your questions here but I will say this:
The ways of God is not the ways of man.
The knowledge of God is wide that the very universe itself is too small to contain it.
KNowledge of man is but the size of a coin.
YOur "flat earth" question is very amusing. Almost childish.
You are comparing God with man.
Or rather, satan and JEsus on the mountain top.
Do you think when satan show Jesus "the world" , Jesus is going to ask him: "Hey ..what about those places BEHIND that mountain...and that piece BEHIND That land?."

No dude. Jesus understood what satan is offering. Satan is offering Him the world in the time while He is alive. Which frankly only the middle east region. I am actually feeling funny while trying to explain what I am saying.

So back to that 1st fella who asked me those questions. He was dead sure the bible is wrong because he was so "highly educated".

So few months later, all hell broke loose for him.
I am not saying God punished him, but I believe God wants him in His Kingdom too.

So for such a highly educated person and a very business minded guy, you'd think he'd be rich real fast. Which he was.
Then his business in a foreign land failed and crumbled. His wife left him.
His partners in business wants their money back. And the next thing you know..he is stuck in another country with no money to go back to his country.
He called me and told me he has hit rock bottom and is thinking of jumping off the roof of his building. All he wanted was to find a simple job in a new part of China and start over. After all, he does have extremely high academic qualifications. But to his surprise...nobody wanted him. It was utterly unbelievable. He said he could not even get a job as a teller in a bank!!

HE told me he was about to jump...and I told him theres one more person who can help him.
He asked :"Who?"
I said: "Jesus"
And he said: "Jesus Christ!! Will you give it a rest! I am about to jump off a roof here, buddy!!!"

I told him he has no other choice but to look to the only person who can help in this life and death situation.
I told him to get down on his knees that night. And I told him I will pray with him. I will ask God to take it easy on him because he such a proud person and that if he really did kneel down and call on you for mercy..please answer.
I told on Jesus and repent. And tell Him that you believe He is the Son of God and has died on the cross for all our sins.

I told him:" If you do this, I GUARANTEE you somethng will happen tomorrow. God HEARS all His children when they plead for help. You just need to have the right motives."

2 days later, letters started to pour in from under his door. People offering him jobs. The offer was so overwhelming..he could actually suit down and pick them.

When I called him again and ask him how was things,..
He said:" Its incredible the speed which God works in."

He did it. And I cried till my eyes almost popped out.

He now has an even higher paying job and also the shareholder of a certain company. Making millions a year. Has a new wife that loves him.
And a heap of good friends.
He now goes to church weekly and gives generously back to the Kingdom.

He told me , with his level of intelligence, he knows this:
If you send out many resumes and you wait. Within 3 months, if nothing comes back to you, you can be sure nobody wants you.

It was a miracle. And the country he was in ain't that big too.

This is just one of the testimony I am sharing with you. Its close to my heart and everytime he sees me, he thank for it. And I always told him I didn't do anything more then pointing him in the right direction. The rest was the doing of our LORD JEsus Christ.

Some people became a believer at a young age and lived a good life.
And for those that God loves more, He will bring down disaster upon the person just so that he has nowhere else to turn to but God.
And if the person has faith, GOd will return everything he has lost and EVEN MORE. Just so that he knows HE is God.

Now, you can't tear that friend of mine from Jesus. Even if you point a gun to his head.
Just like me, I am willing to lose everything for my God. Even my wife and kids. Because I know He will give them back to me eventually.

You see, if you try to explain God in scientific terms and human understanding, you will not get far. Because our mind is too small.
You have to understand it with the help of the Holy Spirit. -Alos parakleetos (Greek word for Holy Spirit which literally means "one who comes alongside you")

The Holy Spirit is everywhere. He is standing beside you right now while you are reading this. Waiting.
Now if you go ahead and tell God that you know you are a sinner and that you believe that Jesus has died on the cross to pay for your sins. You believe He is the Son of God. And you now give yourself to Him and invite Him into your life. The Holy Spirit will enter you and make Himself at home. From then on, your body becomes the temple of God and because the Holy Spirit is in you, you will have become allergic to sin.
It happened to me. Overnight, I could not say the "F" word anymore and I used to swear like a sailor.

For God who so love the world, He gave us HIs only begotten Son.
And those who ever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

Grace and peace brothers and sisters.
God Bless.
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