Prophet Summons UFO.

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Prophet summons UFO. Jul 12, 2005
Prophet summons UFO.

He is going to do it "live" on TV (again) on 15th July 2005.

I think he is going to succeed in it.

But be warn..he is a fake prophet just like many you hear today.

The Holy Bible says:

For the false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to decieve even the elect if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time.

Even if alien comes can be sure its the work of the devil to distract people away from the only way to God.

"I am the truth, the way and the light. Nobody goes to the Father but through me." - ...Nobody.
--Jesus Christ

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Jul 12, 2005
What a crock of sh!t... summoning aliens... Please, that guy is nothing more than a mere retard with some skills in magic "a la" David Copperfield...

PS - Magic is the work of the devil...
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Jul 12, 2005
Don't lump all things magical together like that!

All magic is not evil, or the work of the devil (if indeed he exists).
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Jul 12, 2005
I love how abs can relate anything in modern times to some abstract scripture in the Bible :D Faith is a wonderful thing, the blind leading the blind :wink:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 12, 2005
I hope he does just to freak all of you out!!!! :lol:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 12, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:I love how abs can relate anything in modern times to some abstract scripture in the Bible :D Faith is a wonderful thing, the blind leading the blind :wink:

He reminds of of Benny Hanna.... :)

Next people on this list are gonna start to pretend to quiver and fall down and claim that their disease is cured.... I doubt abs can afford to pay us as much as Benni Hanna pays those people that come on stage....

Those evagenical fanatics in the States that run around like Benni Hanna are full of crap and they make me laugh....

Quote of a sermon of abs:
Be gone demon of the night... Feel the power of the Lord... Be gone you creation and spawn of satan... Let it be known that I, abs, am the Benni Hanna of Dubai... :lol:
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Jul 12, 2005
Well I don't know who this Benny Hanna is, but I have heard some seriously miraculous things.
I will not elaborate on them. But God works in mysterious ways.

And as for pumpkin....this is what the bible say about the coming of Christ.
He said all those that will come and perform incredible signs and wonders are that of the evil one.
When He will be this:

The sky rolls back like a scroll.
He will come from Heaven riding a white horse.
Behind Him will be His angels (army) on clouds.
He shall come and He will speak words from the Holy Bible.
Demons that hears His voice will literally burst into a pool of blood and gore.

I think He meant for it to be this.."unbelievable" So that when you SEE IT, you know its the true.
But ofcos, by the time you see him could be too late.

He did said: "Not all who said to Me:" Lord Lord." will enter Heaven.

Less and less people are laughing at the Holy Bible and its "incredible stories".

Its not how I link every modern day happenings to the bible.
Its just that the Holy Bible IS tomorrow's newspaper.

I won't be surprise if people start worshipping "Aliens"
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Jul 12, 2005
You rule abs!!!! Because of people like you I will be filthy rich soon :D You would never believe that I was baptized, confirmed, and was an alterboy for 15 years :?


At least ur a Christian, unlike some of these infidels :D
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 12, 2005
Liban wrote:
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:I love how abs can relate anything in modern times to some abstract scripture in the Bible :D Faith is a wonderful thing, the blind leading the blind :wink:

He reminds of of Benny Hanna.... :)

Next people on this list are gonna start to pretend to quiver and fall down and claim that their disease is cured.... I doubt abs can afford to pay us as much as Benni Hanna pays those people that come on stage....

Those evagenical fanatics in the States that run around like Benni Hanna are full of crap and they make me laugh....

Quote of a sermon of abs:
Be gone demon of the night... Feel the power of the Lord... Be gone you creation and spawn of satan... Let it be known that I, abs, am the Benni Hanna of Dubai... :lol:

My sis used to belong to one of the evangalistic chuuuuuches. They were off the hook!!! Alot of energy and alot of give money for this fund and that fund :? She made me go up in front of "The Passa'" and he was gonna put his hand on my head and banish the devil in me :lol: It was sooo funny because everyone else falls to the floor and wiggles around, but I just stood there. So they ushered me out of the way and continued to save souls :lol: I guess it's whateva does the trick for ya!
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 15, 2005
You crack me up.

I heard the pumpkin demon is more resilent then any other lesser demons. LOL!

You're alright pumpkin..

You have only been baptised by water. That is just a show of obedience. Theres nothing magical about the water baptism.

You need to be baptised in the Holy spirit. FIRE, BABY!! FIREEEE!!!!
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Aug 24, 2005
Did that UFo ever come? I hope I didnt miss it :lol:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Aug 26, 2005
nah. The liar said the aliens were "angry" and has postponed the "summoning" to next year.
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