lol dont fear "the the other chiks" they wont hang u lollllllll
Lol you wanna bet ? Women can be mean evil creatures when you push the wrong buttons.
Anyway, here's a part of something else I've written. You'll notice the difference in style. This still isn't my most grimy, that stuff would be way too complex for females to fathom (I'm sorry I just couldn't help teasing

Anyway, this poem is unfinished (as is half a ton of scribblings I have stashed all over my house). It's just one verse, but I thought sharing is caring so I might as well lol.
Apocalypse Sunrise
Erratic distortions of war-time emotions/
Render obsolete whatever think-tank precautions//
Despite all attempts at the enforcement of notions/
Earthquakes of wrath will inflict upon the reckless the same effects with which - they'll hit the cautious//
Said anonymous dark forces repatriate to mother ships the world's vital resources/
Puppet kings and android heirs-to-thrones await the grandmaster's orders//
Total galactic eclipse, Army of the apocalypse will now come to order/
From the mountains will descend titans and from the valleys arise fighters that make the dunes smolder//
Inhale - the wrath of the beholder/
Legions of doom that bring forth the new order//
Annihilating arsenals, char-broiling soldiers/
Tell who dares to ask, These are the Jeneral's orders//
Insurmountable fury strikes foes with toxic mortars/
Jaw-dropping outbreak of phenomenal manslaughter//
Bloody corpses washing up-shores in numbers light years beyond murder/
Apocalyptic seas,
Downfall of regimes,
As legions of regents kneel down and pledge allegiance-
All praise the almighty for all seems in order
All seems in order
All seems in order ...
- Jeneral ECS