Let me first say what my definition of religion is:
A set of rules by which a person chooses to live their lives, which governs their spiritual conduct (eg how, to whom, how often they pray etc) and also their social conduct (how they treat each other, dietary, dress etc codes).
The above will therefore encompass 'humanism' and 'atheism' (as well as 'agnosticism') as 'religions'.
However for the sake of this discussion, let us answer the question i relation to religions who claim to be from a Prophet or ultimately from God ... i.e. Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Budhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confuciousism, Zoroastrianism, Bahaism, Sikhism and so on.
What is good, and what is bad about these.
For extra credit, compare and contrast the goods and bads with 'secular' laws - both current and historical laws (eg. many countries had laws which said a wife was the property of the husband, that it was ok to have slaves, that it was ok to discriminate based on race etc -- oops, I may be biased here
