Guilo2 wrote:Am curious. What's the 408?
that would be our little secret Guilo2....tnx weary, you r n angel...
And tnx for all your messages, nick,kanelli, dubai_gril, asc, alexandra.....
I have the similar situation with your colleagues nick, my husby is now working in MoE, we live in Deira. While Im getting all sad bec we dont really have much time to spend with each other now, I can see at the same time that he is all doing it for me and our son.
I guess I'll take all your advices....
I will put love his wallet, closet, maybe even in his shoes?
I will make his breakfast, lunch and dinner yummier than ever!
And when its my rest day, I will see to it that Im awake when he comes home! And I will prepare my best toot toot for him to toot toot
Wrapping it up, your inputs really made me stop and think! Thanks again. I will give this marriage mah best shot as I love him so dear and I cant imagine life w/o him.