The Tragedy Of Wasted Life

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Jun 30, 2005
You make less and less sense the more you post something on these forums...

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Jul 01, 2005
Liban wrote:You make less and less sense the more you post something on these forums...

Actually u r losing sense the more U read the forum.. :lol:
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Jul 01, 2005
If that thought makes it easier for you to live with yourself then so be it...
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Jul 02, 2005
Liban wrote:If that thought makes it easier for you to live with yourself then so be it...

And if that thought makes u uneasy go diw with ur bf and let the homos*xual population decrease by 100. ask y 100?
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Jul 02, 2005
Yes, very interesting... Oh dear do you ever amuse us here... And no I will not ask....
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Jul 02, 2005
Liban wrote:Yes, very interesting... Oh dear do you ever amuse us here... And no I will not ask....

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Jul 03, 2005
More preaching and less listening it seems. My point was completley taken out of context. I meant that Jesus was a MAN. Think about that. Just like the rest of us. You dont think he ever doubted himself or wanted to quit? THat is alot of pressure for a 12 yrs old boy to handle "Your the son of GOD and you are going to die because of it by your own people" Oh, he had flaws, GUARANTEED! But making him seem more human would greatly decrese the legend of him being perfect and therefore the Messiah of a whole world. You are like sheep being lead to the slaughter unfortunatley. Look beyond what someone told you, and think for yourself.
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 04, 2005
Jesus was a man... Althoughy a very great man to get the honor of being God's messanger on Earth...
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Jul 04, 2005
Pumpkin dude.
Thats call blasphemy.
Jesus had no flaw.
Thats how He can pay your debt.
He was pure as snow. Never spoken anything bad..never does anything bad.
At a very very young age..He was able to absorb ALL the teachings in the synagoge. He couldn't get enough of asking question and very soon He was the "walking bible".

Cruxified, lay behind a stone.
He lived to die, rejected and alone.
Like a rose, trampled on the ground.
He took the fall, and thought of me,
Above all.

I don't deserve that kind of love. I can never.
But He said that He loved me since before I was born.
He knew my name before my dad thought of it.
He knew the color of my eyes before I was conceived.

Jesus did not pop into history from nowhere.
Jesus is the Word.
He was with God since the beginning.
The "Word" came to us in flesh.
All the work was done when Jesus died on the cross.
He has paid everything. He bought us for Himself with His life.
Before He died, He looked up into Heaven and shouted:
"Father! Why have you forsakened Me!??"
Many non-believers said Jesus lost His faith then and that Christianity do not surmount to anything because Jesus Himslef lost His faith.
The truth is this. He is suffering on our behalf. According to the law, thats what we must face. Forsaken by God and left to die. Then go to hell.
Thats what happened to Him. He faced that for us so that we don't have to because we can't afford to.
After He said that. He calmed down and said in a low voice:" It is DONE."
And He dropped His head and gave up His life.
At tht very moment, the sky turned dark and the sun was hiden behind rolling clouds.
Every single synagoge/temple in the land got their floor split open all the way up the curtian in the middle of their holy place.
This happened all at the same.
Its a sign from God. Telling us, if we ever need to repent or speak to God, we can do it directly. No need for priests. No need for reverends.
God WILL talk to us directly. Praise God.
Jesus left and He send the Holy spirit to us.
Someone thats "Like Me but not Me." is what Jesus said.
Because while Jesus was on earth as human, He can only be in 1 place at a time.
Now with the Holy Spirit, He can be everywhere all the time.
The Holy Trinity- Father,Son and Spirit.
They are one and the same. Nobody can understand how can 3 be 1....just believe.
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Jul 04, 2005
Reciting scripture dosent show that you understand what it means :wink:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 05, 2005

But I recite them and understand them.

You are starting to sound like a 15 year old, Pumpkin.

Next thing you will be sitting on the floor crying and kicking your legs because you forgot how to spell the words "shut up".

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Jul 05, 2005
It's more fun to play the bad guy. :wink:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 05, 2005
You mean the devil?? Mwaa hahahah Mwaa hahaha :twisted:
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Jul 05, 2005
Not really the devil, but it's good to make people think..... :roll:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 05, 2005
I think that the sky is green... Wanna debate that with me?
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Jul 06, 2005
Liban wrote:I think that the sky is green... Wanna debate that with me?

The sky IS green, Liban. What r u talking about..? :roll:
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Jul 06, 2005
Pumpkin thinks its purple....
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Jul 07, 2005
abs wrote:
Liban wrote:I think that the sky is green... Wanna debate that with me?

The sky IS green, Liban. What r u talking about..? :roll:

Liban says "sky is green"
Pumpkin says "sky is purple"
Kilani says "sky is orange"
Yorky says "sky is yellow"
Lee says "sky is red"
Kilana says "OW OW NO NOW(sky is white)

Together thay say "sky is gay pride flag (rainbow colour)"

But me , abs and other staright ppl say "sky is blue" .... :lol:
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Jul 07, 2005
Did your mommy help you write that? THat's so cute.........
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 07, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:Did your mommy help you write that? THat's so cute.........

atleast my mommy is anti-gay unlike urs.... Ahem that retort sucked like ur face big time... :lol:
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Jul 07, 2005
sniper420 wrote:
abs wrote:
Liban wrote:I think that the sky is green... Wanna debate that with me?

The sky IS green, Liban. What r u talking about..? :roll:

Liban says "sky is green"
Pumpkin says "sky is purple"
Kilani says "sky is orange"
Yorky says "sky is yellow"
Lee says "sky is red"
Kilana says "OW OW NO NOW(sky is white)

Together thay say "sky is gay pride flag (rainbow colour)"

But me , abs and other staright ppl say "sky is blue" .... :lol:

The flag you got hanging in your home and car rear view mirror...
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