Children Seeing Private Parts

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Children seeing private parts Nov 01, 2006
I saw this letter to the editor in 7 Days today and thought it was interesting.

It’s amazing the ignorance of some parents’ behaviour in the presence of their children. This can be immensely damaging to the psychological wellbeing of any child. In a shopping mall’s public toilet, I was hit, in a state of disbelief, by the scene of a man peeing using the bidet, with a five-year-old child (assuming it’s his son ), staring at everything including the man’s private part!! How in the world any parent can do that to their child? And I guarantee that moment, will never be erased from any child’s memory!

Rashed Abdulla Al Janahi
Dubai ... tinueStory

I saw my parents naked (and peeing) when I was a child and I am in no way traumatised. Anyone here been traumatised by seeing a parent's private parts or watching them pee?

Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Nov 01, 2006
I think if I ever have a son, I'll walk in front of him naked when he's three or four. It would only be once, but from that day forward he'll think his old man will have the biggest penis.

just one question, what's a bidet?
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Nov 01, 2006
yeah, i did...and it did bother me for the longest time. i couldnt look at either one of them. i still cant look at my dad...i cant even stand when he walks aorund without a shirt now...but thats me. im not too comfortable looking at peoples bodies....
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Nov 01, 2006

However, I think he might have meant a urinal. I actually have no clue whether they have urinals in Dubai or not. Certainly they have bidets. We have one in our master bath, but I use it for washing the cats or washing my feet. :lol: Hey, the toilet has a little shower hose next to it, so who needs a separate bidet anyway?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Nov 01, 2006
bushra21 wrote:yeah, i did...and it did bother me for the longest time. i couldnt look at either one of them. i still cant look at my dad...i cant even stand when he walks aorund without a shirt now...but thats me. im not too comfortable looking at peoples bodies....

Really? I just can't identify with this at all. I've also seen my dad, step-dad, brother etc. without shirts when they work in the hot sun on some home construction project, or if mowing the lawn. It doesn't even phase me.

The first time I ever saw adult genitals it was very interesting. They are larger and looked a bit different than mine. I was actually reassured that my parts were similar to my mom's parts. Male parts were definitely interesting because they looked so different from female parts. After the first time seeing them it is no big deal.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Nov 01, 2006
yeah, it bothers me like crazy.

my friends make fun of me about it and what not.

but hey, i guess its true, everyone is different.
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Nov 01, 2006
Well, I suppose that is the same way some people feel about thinking about their parents having s.e.x and producing them in the first place. Obviously they did it or we all wouldn't be here, but some people get really creeped out thinking about it. :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Nov 01, 2006
especially if they see their parents having a go at it :roll:
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Nov 01, 2006
There was a theory about this, cant remember if its Charles Darwin or Sigmund Freud or maybe another guy that tried to explain the attachment of a child to his parent touching this kind of subject.

If anyone can remember that, please....
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Nov 01, 2006
Sigmund Freud - Oedipus Complex
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Nov 01, 2006
Thanks bushy :wink:

Oedipus complex -

In psychoanalytic theory, a desire for sexual involvement with the parent of the opposite sex and a sense of rivalry with the parent of the same sex. The term was introduced by Sigmund Freud in his Interpretation of Dreams (1899) and is derived from the mythological Oedipus, who killed his father and married his mother; its female analogue is the Electra complex. Considered a normal stage in the development of children ages three to five, it ends when the child identifies with the parent of the same sex and represses its sexual instincts. Freud believed that the process of overcoming the Oedipus complex gave rise to the superego.

For the record, I do not believe in this.
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Nov 01, 2006
Well, I would feel embarrassed to see my parents in the act. That is a bit of a private activity. Anyone would likely be embarrassed.
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Nov 01, 2006
zam wrote:Thanks bushy :wink:

Oedipus complex -

In psychoanalytic theory, a desire for fun involvement with the parent of the opposite fun and a sense of rivalry with the parent of the same fun. The term was introduced by Sigmund Freud in his Interpretation of Dreams (1899) and is derived from the mythological Oedipus, who killed his father and married his mother; its female analogue is the Electra complex. Considered a normal stage in the development of children ages three to five, it ends when the child identifies with the parent of the same fun and represses its fun instincts. Freud believed that the process of overcoming the Oedipus complex gave rise to the superego.

For the record, I do not believe in this.

No, I don't believe it either. I've never had dirty thoughts about my dad, step-dad or step-brothers, even when I've seen them in some form of undress.
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Nov 01, 2006
Freud wasn't right about everything, indeed some of his theories have ended up in the dustbin of history, (for example his assertion that clitoral orgasms are for immature women and vaginal orgasms are for more mature women). But I do believe Freud got it right with the Oedipus complex. What I don't understand about one of his theories is why don't boys during the Phalic stage ever become envious of girls?
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Nov 01, 2006
Exactly. Children are innocent until they reach certain age where they start to think of something else.
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Nov 01, 2006
Exactly Kanelli . Children are innocent until they reach certain age where they start to think of something else.
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Nov 01, 2006
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Nov 01, 2006
It is really sad if parents make their children feel uncomfortable with family nudity. I mean, if you can't be nude in front of the people who created you, who can you be nude in front of? I mean, even a husband or wife is not the same thing.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Nov 01, 2006
Valkyre's girl..? Is this thread lifted from Ladies Forum..? I dont see anyone else posting on this... :roll:

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Nov 01, 2006
Maybe Valkyrie is a hermaphrodite? Who knows. Please post on topic St. Lucifer.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Nov 01, 2006
my mom still changes in the same room my computer is at, most of the time I'm present when she's taking clothes on and off, and I'm 16.I guess it's wierd or wrong cause people always say how gross it is to think of your parents naked or something along the lines... but I don't really care,even sometimes when she's completly naked, I simply don't look.big deal.
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Nov 02, 2006
I've never caught my parents in the act, gladly. I think it would be less about trauma and more about awkwardness.

I don't see the emotional/traumatic/unnatural context within the human body. Believe it or not, we are all built the same way. Sure we don't all look the same naked, but we do all have the same parts (of course differing for gender). I can understand why a person might not want to see another in the buff, especially if it's a parent, but I fail to see how it could be traumatic.

And with regard to Frued... he was full of it... With his Oedipus and Electra complex, he theorized that it is common and part of human nature for a boy to be attracted to his mother and a girl to be attracted to her father. By doing so, the windfall is that mental defectives and $exual deviants every where have something to point to when committing unnatural behaviors.

In my opionion, you can not take advise or direction from a $exual deviant, psychological or otherwise.
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Nov 02, 2006

darn computer
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Nov 02, 2006
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Nov 02, 2006
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Nov 02, 2006
St.Lucifer wrote:Valkyre's girl..? Is this thread lifted from Ladies Forum..? I dont see anyone else posting on this... :roll:

Test test.. does this post appear.. Test...

kanelli wrote:Maybe Valkyrie is a hermaphrodite? Who knows. Please post on topic St. Lucifer.

you guys, as much as valkyrie's posts bother me occasionaly, he did post something related to the topic that was not i dont really see why the comments...especially from you didnt even add to the discussion yet.

moving on.

bear, i agree with you as does most of the world these days. however in his time and for the field of psychology, many of freud's theories were considered a majour breakthrough (sorry for my choice of words, i couldnt think of anything else)
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Nov 02, 2006
Bushra, you should read valkyrie's post again. He was being humorous, not serious. :lol:

It is interesting that some of the same people who think that their child seeing their naked body parts is so traumatic, probably allow their children to play violent video games, and watch violent TV shows and movies. I'd take naked body parts over violence any day.
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Nov 02, 2006
So here's my thoughts.... I think socio-cultural and familial backgrounds make a difference in this case..

Well it wouldnt be quiet traumatic in any case but, for someone born in a concervative society, it would create lot of confusions. places where there are no s.e.x education and no proper communication in the family. In such a state... If a child gettin on to puberty (pubrety age is gettng lesser) sees' his/her parents private parts.. first thing that would come to their mind would b sense of guit and then confusion.. as of small babies.. it doesnt make a big impact..

I've had some of my friends confess to me abt his/her relationhips with siblings ... not deviating from the topic... so i think if the kid is not given proper education on the topic it may create confusion till he's grown up to a stage to understand by him/her self.. my 2 cents
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Nov 03, 2006
Friends confessing about relationships with siblings? That sounds warped. What exactly do you mean?
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