Live 8

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Live 8 Jul 03, 2005
Didn't quite know where to put this!

But what a great show an amazing feat to have all those acts in all those countries taking part.

Lets hope the world leaders take note.

Shame MBC4 trashed it with pathetic adverts - thanks!

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 03, 2005
I for one am sick of hearing about Africa this and Africa that.... The west is to blame for the problems in Africa today, yes, but Africans have been independant for 40+ years... They need to get their house in order... Only when they learn to get rid of their despots and criminals that they call their leaders can they truely use the funds being raised for them... We have been hearing about Africa since the famines of the 1980s, money has been coming in but has been plundered.... They outta clean house first then get the money.... All these funds will one way or another get into the hands of the ruling elite... Kinda like the familiar oil for food scheme in Iraq a few years ago...
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jul 03, 2005
What a terrible attitude! You show your ignorance and intolerance in your pathetic replies, why don't you start doing something instead of just slagging everything off.

The West is not to blame for everything, what have you ever done to make a difference.

Grow up and start looking at the world around you, it's idiots like you that cause the problems, with your self righteous, holy than thou attitudes.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 03, 2005
Learn to read... I didn't say the the West is 100% to blame... I accuse African leaders more than I do the west... Re-read my post and then rethink what you said to me...
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Jul 03, 2005
Despots are in power because they take advantage of the situation and escalate it...the people have not voluntarily chosen such leaders, even in sham elections...its the chicken egg scenario...which came first the despots or the extreme suffering...but one thing is for sure they need help, whoever's to blame, and we should do whatever we can do ....I tip my hat to Bob Geldof, there's a guy who can stand up and say his life meant something significant to the world

and another thing, do you think independence is enough to free a country from all its problems? it rarely fact the period just after independence is the most crucial...can make or break a country...look at too has been pillaged by greedy individuals

No one can say how much of the aid collected is actually going to find its mark, but apathy and cynicism are much bigger evils in this context than corruption of individuals I feel...we must try with the faith that somewhere we are making a difference
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... Jul 03, 2005
Well said Nik. We can either choose to ignore the facts or do whatever we can. There are 2 action points as far as Africa is concerned. One... to take stock of the situation in Africa and do whatever we can as citizens of the world in terms of providing food releif, education and medical facilties etc. This is critical and programs like Live 8 go a log way in this direction.

The other issue is ofcourse the political and economic set up existing in Africa. I am sure the ordinary people of African nations have not chosen the predicament that they are caught in. This is very important from the long term perspective. We need to form pressure groups and lobby with the govts to bring about reforms & other necessary changes.

However, in the short term, we need to do something. We cannot wait for an ideal scenario (political) to lend a hand.

Live 8 .. cheers By the way....I think Madonna was still the best performer of the evening!! What do you think?
Dubai Forums Talker
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Jul 04, 2005
Liban wrote:I for one am sick of hearing about Africa this and Africa that.... The west is to blame for the problems in Africa today, yes, but Africans have been independant for 40+ years... They need to get their house in order... Only when they learn to get rid of their despots and criminals that they call their leaders can they truely use the funds being raised for them... We have been hearing about Africa since the famines of the 1980s, money has been coming in but has been plundered.... They outta clean house first then get the money.... All these funds will one way or another get into the hands of the ruling elite... Kinda like the familiar oil for food scheme in Iraq a few years ago...

well could you teach to African ppl how to overthrow despot leaders by first overthrowing ur own Arab monarch government? :roll:
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jul 04, 2005
Yes it shows how much you know.... Lebanon is the only arab parliamentary democracy finally exercing its right after Syrian withdrawal as witnessed by our free and open recent elections...
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Jul 05, 2005
The richer countries should start buying sniper rifles to the guerillas.
Tons of it. And then we will see how the corrupted leaders still live peacefully.
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Jul 05, 2005
That would make matter worse... These guys are insane.... You don't answer the sword with the sword with those kinds of people... The Prophet and his followers did that to take over Mecca only when it was commanded to him by God... Those people were not insane of course but enlightened and blessed, thats how they were able to overcome vastly superior forces over time....
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Jul 05, 2005
Liban wrote:Yes it shows how much you know.... Lebanon is the only arab parliamentary democracy finally exercing its right after Syrian withdrawal as witnessed by our free and open recent elections...

Lebanon isnt the only arab country u moron, I was talking about Saudia, UAE, Qatar, Eqypt, Morroco etc... :x
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Jul 05, 2005
You said to me "by first overthrowing your own monarchist government"... My government is the Lebanese government and its a democracy...
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Jul 07, 2005
Liban wrote:I for one am sick of hearing about Africa this and Africa that.... The west is to blame for the problems in Africa today, yes, but Africans have been independant for 40+ years... They need to get their house in order... Only when they learn to get rid of their despots and criminals that they call their leaders can they truely use the funds being raised for them... We have been hearing about Africa since the famines of the 1980s, money has been coming in but has been plundered.... They outta clean house first then get the money.... All these funds will one way or another get into the hands of the ruling elite... Kinda like the familiar oil for food scheme in Iraq a few years ago...

Couldn't have said it better myself.
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Jul 07, 2005
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 07, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:Boooooo!

No, BOOOOOO you! :x

Live 8, Save the Children, buy-a-chicken-save-a-village, is all a load of crap. This is all just one big as conspiracy to pacify the masses into thinking that action is being taken in Africa-----it's not!

The Western world has already raped the African continant of all its resources and its condition is beyond repair. They have made the people slaves, destroyed the land, sold the diamonds and oil, shipped off animals to the zoos. Now Africa has Uncle Tom thieving goons "leading" the countries and they ain't trying to do **** to save their own people.

And what good would it do for G8 to forgive Africa's debt......not a damn thing because the coruption would just increase and Africa would go back into debt.

The only way to "save the children" would be to organize a massive Africa-wide take over.
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Jul 07, 2005
Yes but the past is the past, there are many good people around the world who want to help and make things better. If we all stuck our head in the sand then nothing would get done, do you think Robert Magabe gives a crap about his country? No! He's far worse than any others that have come before him.

If we had no charitable organisations to raise peoples awareness and raise cash to help then the world would be far worse off.

Instead of bitching about what other people have done or are not doing, why don't you set an example and do something about it?

It's very easy to point the finger of blame, but you know what, human beings have a voice, they can choose to use it and choose to take action to help themselves too!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 07, 2005
BrownEyez wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Boooooo!

No, BOOOOOO you! :x

Live 8, Save the Children, buy-a-chicken-save-a-village, is all a load of crap. This is all just one big as conspiracy to pacify the masses into thinking that action is being taken in Africa-----it's not!

The Western world has already raped the African continant of all its resources and its condition is beyond repair. They have made the people slaves, destroyed the land, sold the diamonds and oil, shipped off animals to the zoos. Now Africa has Uncle Tom thieving goons "leading" the countries and they ain't trying to do **** to save their own people.

And what good would it do for G8 to forgive Africa's debt......not a damn thing because the coruption would just increase and Africa would go back into debt.

The only way to "save the children" would be to organize a massive Africa-wide take over.

I agree. The west is the backbone of the problems in Africa. All the despots and peices of shit that rule Africa and the Arab world are because they were installed by the west either directly or indirectly. The African and Arab nations are artificial creation that were based on not tribal lines but haphazard drawings on a map by some drunken Europeans.... Go figure why we get the various tribal murders all over the place...
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jul 08, 2005
Ok for arguments sake, lets say the last thing someone should do is give aid to Africa....what is the alternative course of action then? Overthrow the despots with the help of foreign powers? Remember what happened in Iraq? Saddam Hussein was an undesirable despot as well, but even removing him left a void, and chaos set in...and forget prolonged involvement in rebuilding (like thats happening in Iraq anyways)...Africa's too huge! Agreed things like Live8 might not be the most effective way to bring about change, but really there is no other alternative....and to abandon your only alternative is to write off your fellow human being for the sake of cynicism....I think even if 10% of the aid finds its way thru to where its needed its better than 0%, even though that requires 100% more effort...and lets not forget the awareness factor...the very fact that we are passionately discussing a topic we would have ignored a week ago shows that Live8 has succeeded at least partially...and the great music emphasises the indelible effect...maybe not all of us will be inspired to action but am sure at least a few of the millions of people who watched the show are in a position to do something and have the inclination to do so...the longest journey begins with one small step
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Jul 08, 2005
The 90% that goes to the dictator serves to make him stonger. We need to choke the dictator off... If that means the people suffer today for properity for their children then so be it..

Its cold, but I am sure that people will be willing to sacrifice themselves for the betterment of their offspring...
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Jul 08, 2005
Liban wrote:The 90% that goes to the dictator serves to make him stonger. We need to choke the dictator off... If that means the people suffer today for properity for their children then so be it..

Its cold, but I am sure that people will be willing to sacrifice themselves for the betterment of their offspring...

yeah right why dont u lead em? :lol:
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Jul 09, 2005
I don't see many people in the UAE complaining about the way the palce is going!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 09, 2005
The UAE was not created by the west... A bunch of autonomous emirates decided to form a country back in the early 1970s (technically Oman should have been part of this and on paper is actually part of it though it never signed). Thats why they are fine.
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Jul 09, 2005
This place is so westernised, how can you say that. And what about the years of British occupation, I suppose that counts for nothing?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 09, 2005
The outside facad is westernized. This country really is not westernized at all if you dig deeper.

Also, sure the brits occupied it. Just like every other imperialised expansionist western nation did in various parts of the world. Hoewver the Brits did not carve out the UAE from a greater entity like say, Kuwait from Iraq and Israel from Palestine or Jordan from Iraq..... And all those latter carved out countries, all are or have suffered problems in the past... Or the French... Lebanon carved from Syria or Western Sahara carved from Morocco... Those countries have also suffered....

The west bred the violence and hatred that exists worldwide today. They are to blame for the existance of Al Qaeda and extremism with their lopsided policies.... When people die in the Middle East, London, New York, Bali, etc... I blame the policies and actions of the west.

Shame on the west for what they have bred. Damn them for breeding groups bent on destruction that sprung out because of western policies and tarnishing the peaceful nature of the great and proud faith of Islam that boasts 1.5 billion of the world's population.
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Jul 11, 2005
BrownEyez wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Boooooo!

No, BOOOOOO you! :x

Live 8, Save the Children, buy-a-chicken-save-a-village, is all a load of crap. This is all just one big as conspiracy to pacify the masses into thinking that action is being taken in Africa-----it's not!

The Western world has already raped the African continant of all its resources and its condition is beyond repair. They have made the people slaves, destroyed the land, sold the diamonds and oil, shipped off animals to the zoos. Now Africa has Uncle Tom thieving goons "leading" the countries and they ain't trying to do **** to save their own people.

And what good would it do for G8 to forgive Africa's debt......not a damn thing because the coruption would just increase and Africa would go back into debt.

The only way to "save the children" would be to organize a massive Africa-wide take over.

Fcukin Aye!

Let's buy a big boat, go to Europe, rape and pillage and enslave them, then bring there asses to Africa to work as slaves.
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 11, 2005
Liban wrote:The outside facad is westernized. This country really is not westernized at all if you dig deeper.

Also, sure the brits occupied it. Just like every other imperialised expansionist western nation did in various parts of the world. Hoewver the Brits did not carve out the UAE from a greater entity like say, Kuwait from Iraq and Israel from Palestine or Jordan from Iraq..... And all those latter carved out countries, all are or have suffered problems in the past... Or the French... Lebanon carved from Syria or Western Sahara carved from Morocco... Those countries have also suffered....

The west bred the violence and hatred that exists worldwide today. They are to blame for the existance of Al Qaeda and extremism with their lopsided policies.... When people die in the Middle East, London, New York, Bali, etc... I blame the policies and actions of the west.

Shame on the west for what they have bred. Damn them for breeding groups bent on destruction that sprung out because of western policies and tarnishing the peaceful nature of the great and proud faith of Islam that boasts 1.5 billion of the world's population.

U live and work in Canada right? Hmmmmmmm :roll:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 11, 2005
Canada doesn't contribute to the hatred of the West as the US or Britan do or as all of Europe in the past did...
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Jul 11, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:
Liban wrote:The outside facad is westernized. This country really is not westernized at all if you dig deeper.

Also, sure the brits occupied it. Just like every other imperialised expansionist western nation did in various parts of the world. Hoewver the Brits did not carve out the UAE from a greater entity like say, Kuwait from Iraq and Israel from Palestine or Jordan from Iraq..... And all those latter carved out countries, all are or have suffered problems in the past... Or the French... Lebanon carved from Syria or Western Sahara carved from Morocco... Those countries have also suffered....

The west bred the violence and hatred that exists worldwide today. They are to blame for the existance of Al Qaeda and extremism with their lopsided policies.... When people die in the Middle East, London, New York, Bali, etc... I blame the policies and actions of the west.

Shame on the west for what they have bred. Damn them for breeding groups bent on destruction that sprung out because of western policies and tarnishing the peaceful nature of the great and proud faith of Islam that boasts 1.5 billion of the world's population.

U live and work in Canada right? Hmmmmmmm :roll:

Canada aint imperialist country. Try improving ur history GK :x
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Jul 11, 2005
I'll do that if you work on your vocab :wink:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jul 11, 2005
It would be easier for a chimp to discover a method to perfect fusion powered cars.... 8)
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