Yalla Squidoo!

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Yalla Squidoo! Oct 29, 2006
if you are not a member of Squidoo yet, then I suggest you join now and create your lens! :)

Yalla Squidoo http://www.squidoo.com/lensmaster/referral/yalla


A lens is one person's view on a topic that matters to her. It's an easy-to-build, single web page that can point to blogs, favorite links, RSS feeds, Flickr photos, Google maps, eBay auctions, CafePress designs, Amazon books or music, and more. Then, when someone is looking for recommended information, fast, your lens gets him started and sends him off in the right direction. It's a place for searchers to start, not finish.

Build one lens, build a hundred. It's fast, fun, and free. (And you could earn a royalty--for you or for charity). Our tens of thousands of lensmasters are getting traffic, credibility, and discoverability--their lenses are showing up in top Google results more often than not.


There are a few reasons to build your own lens:

• Share the knowledge: When you know a lot about something, it feels good to share. Help other people discover what you found out the hard way.

• Increase your profile: A popular lens gives credibility to the Lensmaster. A popular lens reinforces your role as an "everyday expert." And a popular lens makes you the go-to authority for those looking for help.

• Increase your traffic: Your lens points (if you want it to) to your blog and to your website. Lenses have huge credibility with search engines, so your lens can help your other sites rise to the top of Google searches.

• Earn a royalty for you, your organization, or your favorite charity. Think of the royalty as a bonus--and don't quit your dayjob yet! A single lens might not earn a lot, but if you imagine hundreds of lenses working to your favor, or fundraising for a charity, it can really start to add up.

To Dubai Forum Admins, if you are not a member yet the Squidoo can do this for you:
1. ...have a Web site and you're not happy with your PageRank in Google, a lens will increase it. That's because a lens provides exactly what search engines are looking for: authoritative insight so people can find what they're looking for.

2. ...have a blog, a lens is a great way to highlight your best posts, to feature a commented version of your blogroll, and to point to the products and services that you write about, read about, enjoy, or want to see succeed. A lens will allow you and your blog to have a bigger share of the commentary and influence on your topic of choice.

Click on the following link to join and enjoy the benefits!:

Yalla Squidoo http://www.squidoo.com/lensmaster/referral/yalla

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Posts: 3

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