Science Vs Religion?

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Jun 27, 2005
Nice train of thought Nik.

Ahhh Quantum Physics, very interesting science.

Pumpkin what book you reading out of interest?

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 27, 2005
Ladies and gentlemen.

Imagine God's knowledge is the size of the universe.
Now imagine the consolidated knowledge of all mankind on earth ..the size of a coin.

Science is but one of the action of God.

Everything can be explained with science. Its just that we human are not as clever as the God Almighty. And we can never be.

Science and Religion does not go in the same catogory.
Religions are beliefs with no 100% scientific proofs of what its talking about.
Christianity is not a religion. Its a relationship with God.

God snapped His finger, and the Big Bang occurred.

Now lets look at the creation of the universe.
All the stars/planets are rotating..all the time. Now look at the milky way. And again all the stars and planets and revolving. And if you trace ALL their orbit and shifts over centuries. You will realise that A L L the stars and planets ROTATED out from 1 single point in the universe.
Make it simpler, it means everything in the universe came from 1 point.
Because in the beginning, it was empty. And at this point, there is 1 MASSIVE energy source. Stable as can be.
And it just sits its own "super stable condition".
Nothing happening....nothing at all. And it sits there....just sits there....sitting.....sitting...for "billions and zillions and whatnotlions of years. Stable.
And then suddenly. B A N G !! <--(typing can only get so far..but that stands for "mother of all bangs")

And the next thing you dust settles and planets and stars are born.
Now. What caused this "BANG!"
There was nothing else in the universe except that point of energy.
And according to Einstein, all enegry stays at its state until another form of energy comes into contact with it and changes its direction,state,temperature...etc.

God knows.
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Jun 27, 2005
That is still in debate.

I am reading a book by Stephen Hawking called "A brief history of time" It is very good at explaining some of these theories and showing that mankind still has so far to go.
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jun 27, 2005
Read the Quran throigh the mind of a pragmatist scientist and you will quickly realize that the Quran is a book of science. Everything we have learned scientifically is written in it centuries ago. And what is to come in science is also written there. Our human minds just do not comprehend it yet.
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Jun 27, 2005
Pumpkin dude.
Time to cross over.

Heres what your beloved Stephen Hawkings said:

Stephen Hawking : "It is difficult to discuss the beginning of the universe without mentioning the concept of God. My work on the origin of the universe is on the borderline between science and religion, but I try to stay on the scientific side of the border. It is quite possible that God acts in ways that cannot be described by scientific laws, but in that case, one would just have to go by personal belief."

When asked whether he believed that science and Christianity were competing world views, Hawking replied, "...then Newton would not have discovered the law of gravity." He knew that Newton had strong religious convictions.

A Brief History of Time makes wonderfully ambiguous statements such as, "Even if there is only one possible unified theory [here he's talking about the unification of quantum mechanics with an understanding of gravity], it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?"(p. 174). I love that statement.

Hawking pokes fun at Albert Einstein for not believing in quantum mechanics. When asked why he didn't believe in quantum mechanics, Einstein would say things like, "Well, God doesn't play dice with human beings"(p. 56). Hawking's response is that God not only plays with dice, He sometimes throws them where they can't be seen.

The first time I read A Brief History of Time, for the first 122 pages I thought, "This is a great book; Hawking is building a splendid case for creation by an intelligent being." But then everything changes and this magnificent cosmological epic becomes adulterated by poor philosophy and theology.

For example, he writes, "These laws may have originally been decreed by God, but it appears that he has since left the universe to evolve according to them and does not now intervene in it" (p. 122). The grounds on which Hawking claims "it appears" are unstated and what happens is that a straw God is set up that is certainly not the God of Biblical history. What follows is a curious mixture of deism and the ubiquitous God of the gaps.

Now, lest anyone be confused, let me state that Hawking strenuously denies charges that he is an atheist. When he is accused of that he really gets angry and says that such assertions are not true at all. He is an agnostic or deist or something more along those lines. He's certainly not an atheist and not even very sympathetic to atheism.

One of the most famous and quoted statements in the book is, "So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator [the cosmological argument]. But if the universe is really completely self- contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?"(pp. 140- 1).
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Jun 27, 2005
In a hundred years, we will find out that we are just part of a elaborate version of alien "Sim City"

Sit back and enjoy the chaos :twisted:
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jun 28, 2005
Ah I thought it might be something like that.

Stephen Hawking is a genius, a magnificent mind tragically housed in a broken body.
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Jun 28, 2005
I've started doing some research into this subject and it's truly fascinating.

You have the religious views and the humanist views which make very interesting reading.

One of the pieces I've read talks about the Universal laws through which the world and universe works i.e. Cause and effect. For every event that takes place, there must be some sort of catalist to put it into motion.

Take the creation of the world:

Either started by some creative design by a higher being to evolve into the world ew know today.


A product of natural evolution within the universe it's, in that all the elements were present at the correct time for the creation of the world.

Either way the result is the same.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 28, 2005
The single point of plasma energy that existed before time was absolutely stable for zillions of years.
Just like you say, all motion/effect need some kind of outside energy to be present and interrect with it.

When the single point plasma energy existed, there was nothing else. Nothing but space with no particles...just..nothing.

Moses: "What is your name oh mighty one? If the Pharoah asks me who is my God, what do I say to him?"

God:" Why do you ask my name? I am what I am. I am the Alpha and the Omega. Go tell him "I AM" sent you. Now go set my people free."
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Jun 28, 2005
God was here from the time before the begining of time and will be here till beyong the end of time. He is enternal, He all all knowing, He is all powerful, He is God.
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Jun 28, 2005
Look up the "Chaos Theory" It is pretty interesting.

I dont think it matters who is right, just as long as we wonder why. "Why" is the greatest word ever, that question separates us from the beast. Just the fact that man has a hunger to want to know more than what meets the eye is wonderful. It seems to be our greatest strength, but it could mean our undoing also. Fun isnt it? :)
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jun 28, 2005
abs wrote:The single point of plasma energy that existed before time was absolutely stable for zillions of years.
Just like you say, all motion/effect need some kind of outside energy to be present and interrect with it.

When the single point plasma energy existed, there was nothing else. Nothing but space with no particles...just..nothing.

Moses: "What is your name oh mighty one? If the Pharoah asks me who is my God, what do I say to him?"

God:" Why do you ask my name? I am what I am. I am the Alpha and the Omega. Go tell him "I AM" sent you. Now go set my people free."

Quarks, antiquarks, positrons, gravitrons.

There existed a singularity of mass before the universe was created.

In theory............

God bless science!!!!!! :)
Pumpkin Escobar
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Jun 29, 2005
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:Look up the "Chaos Theory" It is pretty interesting.

I dont think it matters who is right, just as long as we wonder why. "Why" is the greatest word ever, that question separates us from the beast. Just the fact that man has a hunger to want to know more than what meets the eye is wonderful. It seems to be our greatest strength, but it could mean our undoing also. Fun isnt it? :)

God created us to have reason. With reason comes the power to question and ask why. But that stops when it comes to His teachings.

Look at the human mind, it is a work of art... Soubhan Allah lilli khalakna (Glory to God our Creator)...
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Jun 29, 2005
abs wrote:Pumpkin dude.
Time to cross over.

Heres what your beloved Stephen Hawkings said:

Stephen Hawking : "It is difficult to discuss the beginning of the universe without mentioning the concept of God. My work on the origin of the universe is on the borderline between science and religion, but I try to stay on the scientific side of the border. It is quite possible that God acts in ways that cannot be described by scientific laws, but in that case, one would just have to go by personal belief."

When asked whether he believed that science and Christianity were competing world views, Hawking replied, "...then Newton would not have discovered the law of gravity." He knew that Newton had strong religious convictions.

A Brief History of Time makes wonderfully ambiguous statements such as, "Even if there is only one possible unified theory [here he's talking about the unification of quantum mechanics with an understanding of gravity], it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?"(p. 174). I love that statement.

Hawking pokes fun at Albert Einstein for not believing in quantum mechanics. When asked why he didn't believe in quantum mechanics, Einstein would say things like, "Well, God doesn't play dice with human beings"(p. 56). Hawking's response is that God not only plays with dice, He sometimes throws them where they can't be seen.

The first time I read A Brief History of Time, for the first 122 pages I thought, "This is a great book; Hawking is building a splendid case for creation by an intelligent being." But then everything changes and this magnificent cosmological epic becomes adulterated by poor philosophy and theology.

For example, he writes, "These laws may have originally been decreed by God, but it appears that he has since left the universe to evolve according to them and does not now intervene in it" (p. 122). The grounds on which Hawking claims "it appears" are unstated and what happens is that a straw God is set up that is certainly not the God of Biblical history. What follows is a curious mixture of deism and the ubiquitous God of the gaps.

Now, lest anyone be confused, let me state that Hawking strenuously denies charges that he is an atheist. When he is accused of that he really gets angry and says that such assertions are not true at all. He is an agnostic or deist or something more along those lines. He's certainly not an atheist and not even very sympathetic to atheism.

One of the most famous and quoted statements in the book is, "So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator [the cosmological argument]. But if the universe is really completely self- contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator?"(pp. 140- 1).

I read the book when I was in grade 9. He is real genius. It quite takes time to next dimension.
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Jun 29, 2005
Well...after saying so much about science and theories of men...its time to do something better.
God said:" Seek and you shall find."
So lets ignore all the science and move into the supernatural realm.
God's promises never changes.
If you ever wonder why we are there a there life after death..its easy to find out.
Since HE said "Seek and you shall find" ..Lets all seek.
Pick one night....get down on your knees and talk to God.
He is the Lord. Call on Him and say this:

Hello God, I hear so much about you. And today I heard from someone You said:"Seek and you shall find." You said shall..not maybe..but shall.
So I ask of You, Mighty God. Show me the way. I want to believe that there is life after death and that you promise us paradise.
I bring myself before you now...I am Yours. Lead me to the Light.
Help me find You. Give me the directions. Dear Lord,please hear my plea and have mercy on my soul. I now invite you into my life."

Something like that..ofcos you can say it in your own words.
Just remember..its "God"...."I want to know".....please show me..come into my life."

You have to be have to be really really sincere.
And thats the hardest part.
And if you can do this...I GUARANTEE you.
Something WILL happen. Maybe not immediately..BUT IT WILL!
And you will start to see the Light.

I hesitate to add...many Christians have been Christians for life and never saw the light becos they went about it the wrong way. You MUST have the Holy Spirit in you to feel a change. And when you have invited the Holy Spirit to come into you...He will never...ever..leave you. He will show you God. The Holy Spirit IS God.

May God look upon you with favor. Amen.
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Jun 30, 2005
Abs, homosexuality is a sin, so the first thing sniper420 needs to do is seek forgiveness from God and then repent and change his ways... Right now he is playing right into the hands of satan...
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Jun 30, 2005
Yeah I am asking the satan to perform a good deed by asking him to show the straight path to straightness and teach you homos*xuality is a sin.... :lol:
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Jun 30, 2005
Fun is a sin????
I will have to go ahead and disagree on that.
Christians live a fun life.
We can do anything we want as long as we "Love our neighbours."
As long as we believe Jesus is THE Son of God.
I seriously don't believe God created us so that we can be an unhappy bunch.
We are allowed to drink have a wife and make sweet love to her.
We are allow beautiful cars that the Lord blesses us with.
We are allowed beautiful clothings.
God IS the Ultimate creator. He loves to create. And I don't think He is EVER gonna stop creating.
And it will please Him to no end if we humans can enjoy and praises God for the wonderful things that He has created and WILL create.
We Christians do what we like but are very sensitive to sin because of the Holy Spirit in us. We are actually allergic to sin.
When I was touched...overnight..I could not swear anymore. Not an "F" word could escape my mouth. And I used to swear like a sailor.
Fun is good.
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Jun 30, 2005
Fun is not sin.... H0m0$exuality is sin... The word was modified...

PS - I, as a Muslim, agree with most of what you said except when it comes to who Jesus is, drinking alcohol, and (even if you didn't mention it) eating pork.

Also you know there is no proof that Jesus ate pork for he was a Hebrew and it is forbidden by Hebrews. So technically as Christians should try and follow Jesus, they should eat that disgusting meat either...
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Jul 01, 2005
Jesus said: "Its not what goes into a man that makes him unclean but what comes out of him."

By saying so..Jesus has declare all food clean.
And there is no proof of Him Not eating pork either.
He has never specifically ban pork. So I don't know where Muslims got it from.
However, I do know of 1 instance whereby Jesus cast out a legion of demons from 1 man's body. The demons asked Him why was He so early in destroying them and that its not time yet. Jesus said He was not here early to destroy them as the time is not due. He commanded the demons to leave the man and ordered them to go into a flock of nearby pigs. The herd of pigs then went crazy and ran into the lake and all drowned.
And if you are taking this story in the wrong'd think all Pigs have a demon in them. lol...for cos not. Or I'd be one too...

It is true that there are certain bacterials found only in pork. But scientists has already confirmed that is no worse then walking by the road side and breathing in the car fume for 30secs.
Pork is the sweetest meat on earth. And please don't call pigs unclean. They happen to be one of the cleanest animal in the world.
They roll around in mud to keep themselves cool.
Many very rich women in the world will pay alot just to roll in mud themselves. So think about it. You don't see pigs with pimples do you?

And also...don't call unclean what the Lord has made clean.
And in the old testament, God himself tasted some wine and He said: "Wine is Good."
I will find that scripture for you. And infact, He also said something about sex too. I think He said its good too...but let me get back to you on that.
But take note that that is only for married couples.

All you have to do is thank God for the food you receive..and you can swallow cyanide pills and still be OK. But take not test the Lord.
It only works if you take it accidentally or someone else is trying to poison you. Saying the "Grace" is a life and death matter.

Peace and grace to you all.
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Jul 01, 2005
God encourages married couples to have $ex... The Quran says it many times. A healthy sex life helps a healthy marriage.. Certain acts are forbidden like sodomy but all in all passionate, erotic, arousing, exciting $ex is encouraged...

Jesus was born Hebrew. Jews don't eat pork. So I doubt he broke the rules of his own people being as he was put here by God to do His bidding...

I disagree with God drinking alcohol. For one, He doesn't exactly have a mouth.... :)

And if pigs are clean, why are then the only animals that will eat anything even their own shit??? Dogs smell each others asses and we consider them dirty animals that are not to be allowed in a house and are to be used for defensive purposes - hence gaurd dogs outside...
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Jul 02, 2005
Everyone is entitled to have fun.

Pigs are great creatures and they only eat meat and other horrible things because that's what man has fed them in capitivity and it's now a banned practice the world over.

Dogs are also great, they are not dirty and just as horses will go nose to nose and breathe in the breath of one another to get to know another animal so dogs to the same, just not in such a nice way.

People should be allowed to live their life as they see fit, as long as it's not hurting anyone else, what's the point of living if not to enjoy life.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 02, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:Everyone is entitled to have fun.

Pigs are great creatures and they only eat meat and other horrible things because that's what man has fed them in capitivity and it's now a banned practice the world over.

Dogs are also great, they are not dirty and just as horses will go nose to nose and breathe in the breath of one another to get to know another animal so dogs to the same, just not in such a nice way.

People should be allowed to live their life as they see fit, as long as it's not hurting anyone else, what's the point of living if not to enjoy life.

PIggs big piece of shit in the face of the earth, I have been to big farms many times and I saw if they are given grass , they always go for thier shit. I hate those skunky creatures. And yes Liban called Jesus a Hebrew lol > Hebrew is a language not a race! And abs, Jesus only asked to have s*x only after marriage and not to commit adultry or fornicate. He also asked not to stare at women with lust which unfortunately or fortunately 90% of the christain world fails really terribly. And one funny thing I noticed is that ur posts fro S*x changes to fun, that really fun seeing. :lol:
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Jul 02, 2005

I used to have a friend that had a pot bellied pig as a pet, it was great fun, they're really cute.

And my friend did you know that pigs have a greater sense of smell than dogs? That's why the french use them for sniffing out truffles, and certain organisations are now training the porkers to sniff for bombs and stuff, that would be a kick in the arse for you - sniffer pigs - hahahahaha
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 02, 2005
Pigs prefer eating shit to anything else... I have also been on a farm with pigs and the farmer showed me this pure fact. They are dirty animals and are really really unsanitary... Hence the expression "being a pig" means "being disgusting".... Also the squeal they make, thats so annoying.... I like to torture pigs....

And no, not everone is entitled to have $ex... if you are not married then you ARE NOT ENTITLED whatsoever... None of the prophets said that yes, go get laid, have orgies....
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Jul 03, 2005
Making love to the special person in your life is the most fantastic thing.

Like I said before, not everyone believes you have to have a piece of paper saying you 'belong' to someone else to have a committed relationship, it's personal choice.

Plus the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians were big fans of orgies and it was normal for men to have relatinships with other men before they found a wife, and this was thousands of years ago.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 03, 2005
Plus my grandfather used to run a pig farm so don't lecture me on that!

I like them, I've seen them not in farms - so there! :tongue1:

Some people think eggs cured in wee is a delicacy, does that make them disgusting too!

Some people drink wee to cleanse their own bodies, I suppose they are gross too!

Most animals eat poop, normally to get nutrients they're missing from their diet, does that mean they're all disgusting?!

Hippos, Rhinos and elephants also roll around in mud to keep cool in the sun and to provide a protective layer on their skin against biting bugs, I suppose they too are all disgusting.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jul 03, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:Making love to the special person in your life is the most fantastic thing.

Like I said before, not everyone believes you have to have a piece of paper saying you 'belong' to someone else to have a committed relationship, it's personal choice.

Plus the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians were big fans of orgies and it was normal for men to have relatinships with other men before they found a wife, and this was thousands of years ago.

First Paragraph - You are correct if that person is your spouse only

Second Paragraph - That "peice of paper" as you call it is a right given to you by God. Going outside such rules makes one a sinner and condemns him/her to hell

Thirs paragraph - And that makes it right? What about cultures that cannibalize humans? I suppose it is OK too? And how about people that screw animals? Is that fine too?
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Jul 03, 2005
Chocoholic wrote:Plus my grandfather used to run a pig farm so don't lecture me on that!

I like them, I've seen them not in farms - so there! :tongue1:

Some people think eggs cured in wee is a delicacy, does that make them disgusting too!

Some people drink wee to cleanse their own bodies, I suppose they are gross too!

Most animals eat poop, normally to get nutrients they're missing from their diet, does that mean they're all disgusting?!

Hippos, Rhinos and elephants also roll around in mud to keep cool in the sun and to provide a protective layer on their skin against biting bugs, I suppose they too are all disgusting.

1) Pigs are gross
2) You can eat eggs dupped in piss all you want... It is gross
3) You can drink your own piss till hell freezes over... It is gross
3) Yes eating feces is disgusting
4) They are animals, its their way... And yes it is disgusting...
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Jul 03, 2005
I've worked with or had different animals all my life, and I can truthfully say that some people are below animals.

I have nothing but absolute disgust and contempt for 'human beings' who will cause harm to innocent creatures.

But I'm thankful they're lots of people like me who'll do the right thing who'll show compassion and understanding to any species, that includes homosapians.

Everyone else will get what's coming to them in the end.
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