Invasions : U.S. Troops Amassed On Syrian Border?

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Invasions : U.S. troops Amassed on Syrian Border? Jun 18, 2005
Invasions and Rumors of Invasions: U.S. troops Amassed on Syrian Border?
Thursday June 16th 2005, 9:13 pm
Filed under: Politics
From United Press International:

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, June 15 (UPI) — A United Arab Emirates daily, citing unnamed sources, reported Wednesday the United States was massing troops on the Syrian-Iraqi border.

The pro-government al-Bayan daily quoted unidentified Arab officials as saying that Egypt and Saudi Arabia “have reliable information from Damascus of U.S. military mobilization on the Syrian-Iraqi border.”

The sources also told the paper the U.S. forces have repeatedly crossed the Iraqi border with the “pretext of chasing infiltrators and Iraqi insurgents.”

They said that Egypt and Saudi Arabia will express their “grave concern over the growing U.S. administration’s threats against Syria” during U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s visit to the Middle East that starts at the end of the week.

Here’s a bit of semi-ancient history (Jim Lobe writing for Foreign Policy in Focus back in April of 2003):

Many of the same people who led the campaign for war against Iraq signed a report released three years ago that called for using military force to disarm Syria of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and to end its military presence in Lebanon.

Not surprisingly, this clarion call to invade and kill Syrians was authored by the Middle East Forum duo—Islamophobe Daniel Pipes and investment banker and troublemaker Ziad Abdelnour, founder of the U.S. Committee for a Free Lebanon, described as an “advocacy group” supported by the usual suspects: Michael Ledeen, Jeane Kirkpatrick, James Woolsey, Elliott Abrams, Douglas Feith, and Frank Gaffney—the whole World War IV cast of characters.

But wait a minute. Syria pulled out of Lebanon, so why the troops allegedly amassed on the border? I mean, we were told the beef was with Syria occupying Lebanon—and all they had to do was get the heck out of there to patch things up.

Imad Moustapha, Syria’s ambassador to Washington, said earlier this week his country is not so “foolish” as to “actually leave Lebanon and keep some elements there and (let Washington) use these elements as the pretext to harm Syria,” reports Reuters.

Dubai Forums Member
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Jun 19, 2005
Damn US government... These Americans do not know when to stop... Sure th Baath sucks but if they Americans do invade Syria then they would have also declared war on Lebanon whome they are supposedly "friendly" to, because even though Lebanon is a wholly sovereign state of the Arab Nation, it is still the brother nation of Syria.

The Americans will alienate even more the Europeans and will create millions more ennemies in the arab and greater world.

I doubt they will invade.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Jun 25, 2005
They are coming after you two next, look out the window...........
Pumpkin Escobar
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