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Oct 14, 2006
ADding an Alien to the mad cat should keep you, your friends, your neighbour and the whole of dubai fully entertainED


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Oct 14, 2006
ADd is what I am almost positive I haVE
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Oct 14, 2006
VEry sorry I am for your late responSE
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Oct 14, 2006
SE = Special Edition

and it is the birth mark on Bushra's shouldER

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Oct 14, 2006
ERrrrrr :shock: I thought we were going to keep that as a everyone knows that WE... :twisted:
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Oct 14, 2006
WE are adults and we can do what we like... no one is our gardiAN

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Oct 14, 2006
ANd it seems i took it too far with that smiLY :oops:

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Oct 14, 2006
ANd there you go posting up our video.......well, as long as others dont mind, maybe they could give you a few tips...since we are all adults heRe :wink:
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Oct 14, 2006
Remake will be required....

I'll be the winner tOO :twisted:

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Oct 14, 2006
OOooooo, I am very competitive, so what are we competing fOR
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Oct 14, 2006
ORiginally OOOOOOO is not a word.... stop cheating or you will pAY

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Oct 14, 2006
Aye, well oooooo is to a word....just go to a playground a push one of the babies....what will the rest say....ooooooOO
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Oct 14, 2006
OO is commonl used as short for Object-Oriented .

Gurl, it seems you had a rough upbringing.... first cats and now babies...

i'm now thinking twice about that painball thing.... hope the got metal detectors :sad2:

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Oct 14, 2006
RS (rupees) is the form of currency in India, I believe....where do you hail from yshimy, or is that too personAL
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Oct 14, 2006
ALl along you should have noticed my poor english... HAIL ????

I HAILed from Egypt... with partial german roots...

Donno if this the QueST :?

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Oct 14, 2006
STarting to question my english are we...good for you. Egyptian and German......interestiNG
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Oct 14, 2006
NGo = Non governmental organization...

Not Egyptian German... more of ... Egyptian with some German in...

But officially in dubai i'm German, it is easier :D

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Oct 14, 2006 going to leak your secret to the preSS :twisted:
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Oct 14, 2006
SS coupe is the car i wanted, but i heard it is Fueloholic...

Leak it... you can't prove it... you are a cocktail yourseLF

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Oct 14, 2006
LF(low frequencey) waves are picking up on this conversation...

Yes, yes I am, however, I never said i wasNT
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Oct 14, 2006
NT is a version of windows for networks

You still assumes wrong, i don't hide it, but you get only one residancy stamp on one passport ;)

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Oct 14, 2006
ONslaughts of these waves woke me to join IN
sage & onion
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Oct 14, 2006
RT (right), sure, i bet thats what it is...and you chose your passport from Germany.....oh well, so, do you speak German or nOT
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Oct 14, 2006
OTher languages are always difficult for the English only speakeRS
sage & onion
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Oct 14, 2006
RSvp is required to attend any of my language classes...I never had problems learning different languages, it was pretty eaSY
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Oct 14, 2006
SYstems are there to help everyone learning new language.

I failed learning french after studying it for 3 years..

I know basic german..

As long as you don't practice the language it will evaporaTE

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Oct 14, 2006
GEtting the new systems to stay in the head is the challenGE

TErminate what I wrote above, I cannot even get it right in EngliSH
sage & onion
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Oct 14, 2006
TEll it like it is ma brotha .... hehehehehe, i couldnt help myseLF
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Oct 14, 2006
LF stands for Left in navigation systems

Bushra is making fun of S&O

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Oct 14, 2006
SO wrong you are, if you study the thread it was in reference to yOU
sage & onion
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