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Oct 09, 2006
The health benefits of stopping smoking start almost immediately:


20 minutes: Blood pressure and pulse return to normal
8 hours: Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood are halved, oxygen levels in the blood return to normal
24 hours: Carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body and the lungs start to clear out the build up of tar
48 hours: There is no nicotine left in the body. Taste and smell are greatly improved
72 hours: Breathing becomes easier, bronchial tubes begin to relax, energy levels increase
2 - 12 weeks: Circulation improves, making walking and running a lot easier
3 - 9 months: Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve as the lungs have room for up to 10% more oxygen
1 year: Risk of heart attack is halved
10 years: Risk of lung cancer is halved
10 years: Risk of heart attack is at the same level as non-smokers

Medium to long-term: Risk of developing lung cancer, other cancers, heart attack, stroke and chronic lung disease is reduced - the sooner you stop, the sooner your risk starts going down

Medium to long-term: Stopping smoking at any age increases your life expectancy, provided that you stop before the onset of serious disease. Even if you have developed a disease, you can benefit from stopping as your body will be under less strain and be able to fight it more easily

Medium to long-term: A smoker who has suffered from a heart attack can halve the risk of a second heart attack by stopping smoking
Medium to long-term: Ten years after stopping smoking an ex-smoker's risk of lung cancer is reduced by 30 - 50% compared with that of a continuing smoker

Medium to long-term: Smokers who stop before the age of 35 have a life expectancy not significantly different from that of a non-smoker
Medium to long-term: Smokers who stop between 65 and 74 years of age have a better life expectancy beyond 75 than those who continue to smoke
For life:
Reduce stress
Any physical activity is easier
Don't tire as quickly
Improve sense of taste and smell
Improved skin

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 09, 2006
Bleakus wrote:
Jeevan wrote:i wanna quit but well... err.. hopefully... will do it soon.

but i dont smoke if someone is offended, in malls if i have to smoke i smoke in designated areas, even back home i dont smoke in the house , so even if i feel like smoking i am too tired to get up and go out for a drag :) eventually adding up to cutting down heavily.:)


ok then angie jeevan and myself will quit but the end of ramadan


bleakus dude :shock: i will try, but quitting overnight causes rebound effect, its not adviced to try quiting in a day, reduce it gradually and it will happen. i have cut down from a pack a day to around 8 a day in last month and half. i guess soon i will get completely over it.

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Oct 09, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Good for you too Jeevan! Maybe we should start a forum support group for you guys who want to quit. I know it's not an easy thing to do, and some will find it easier than others, but it'll be worth it in the end.

Hey Chocs, it's really not easy to quit smoking - maybe for a few days or a few weeks, but eventually we'll smoke again.

Lack of smoking room in my office lessen my smoking habit... Cant stand outside in the heat to smoke hahaha But when I get home... gosh (dont mention a chimney)
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Oct 09, 2006
jeevan you have to start a new habit every time you want to smoke to do it. some say gum helps.
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Oct 09, 2006
Jeevan wrote:
Bleakus wrote:
Jeevan wrote:i wanna quit but well... err.. hopefully... will do it soon.

but i dont smoke if someone is offended, in malls if i have to smoke i smoke in designated areas, even back home i dont smoke in the house , so even if i feel like smoking i am too tired to get up and go out for a drag :) eventually adding up to cutting down heavily.:)


ok then angie jeevan and myself will quit but the end of ramadan


bleakus dude :shock: i will try, but quitting overnight causes rebound effect, its not adviced to try quiting in a day, reduce it gradually and it will happen. i have cut down from a pack a day to around 8 a day in last month and half. i guess soon i will get completely over it.


I think that's great jeeves...
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Oct 09, 2006
sara_uk wrote:jeevan you have to start a new habit every time you want to smoke to do it. some say gum helps.

i am already chewing hard 8) , sara i am a pharmacist, i know what the ill effects are, but then still its a habit from 14 years will take time to quit. but i know i will quit. if i decide on something no one can stop me from doing it.

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Oct 09, 2006
Jeevan wrote:
sara_uk wrote:jeevan you have to start a new habit every time you want to smoke to do it. some say gum helps.

i am already chewing hard 8) , sara i am a pharmacist, i know what the ill effects are, but then still its a habit from 14 years will take time to quit. but i know i will quit. if i decide on something no one can stop me from doing it.


great man, i understand my friend use to smoke since she was 12 and now she is pregnant still can not quit, she feel very bad but she says that she can not. I know smoking is bad but food can be bad too, people die from obesity and heart problems more than smoking, I wonder which is is harder to lose weight or to give up smoking? Or it has to be in different thread. :roll:
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Oct 09, 2006
sara_uk wrote:
Jeevan wrote:
sara_uk wrote:jeevan you have to start a new habit every time you want to smoke to do it. some say gum helps.

i am already chewing hard 8) , sara i am a pharmacist, i know what the ill effects are, but then still its a habit from 14 years will take time to quit. but i know i will quit. if i decide on something no one can stop me from doing it.


great man, i understand my friend use to smoke since she was 12 and now she is pregnant still can not quit, she feel very bad but she says that she can not. I know smoking is bad but food can be bad too, people die from obesity and heart problems more than smoking, I wonder which is is harder to lose weight or to give up smoking? Or it has to be in different thread. :roll:

I bet sara - it's harder giving up smoking!
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Oct 09, 2006
ok i started a thread about it.
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Oct 09, 2006
smoking is bad.....nnnnkay?? you shouldn't smoke.....nnnkay? (southpark guy)
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Oct 10, 2006
Desperado wrote:Everything in moderation. Enjoy life a bit. I smoke cigars and sheesha. Cigarettes are shite.

SHISHA! u know that 1 shisha equal a whole pack of cigs becareful
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Oct 10, 2006
All joking aside, I do want to quit...but I dont think right now.

I've tried the gums -- disgusting bleh :pukeright:

I've tried the patches -- :roll: that is all I have to say concerning that option

I've tried cold turkey -- but I just went back to smoke again after a while.

The thing is, I'm kind of happy I'm smoking and not doing the other shit I used to do... I know it might sound bad, but I dont know, it makes me feel better knowing that I had quit doing those things...which reminds me that when I really am ready and really do want to quit for my own reasons I can.

The only thing I'm worried about, is that I have an addictive nature, and I'm wondering what's going to happen after I quit the smoking...what habit I'm going to pick up next....guess I'll only know once I quit...
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Oct 10, 2006
Ian, you say that smokers are the best people. Care to elaborate?

Personally, I find people who give in to vices, don't exercise, and who eat crap food disrespectful of the bodies that are meant to carry them for their whole lives. They are weak people who put temporary pleasure over long-term health. Health costs for the whole population in many countries rises because of people who give in to vices like smoking too much,drinking too much, and eating too much, and taking recreational drugs - all vices that create serious health concerns like cancer, diabetes, and neurological problems.

Of course, each person can do what they like because it is their body after all - but it is painfully clear that they don't think about the future or the effect on others.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Oct 10, 2006
I have seen the future of this planet, and it's not pretty.

You did :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Oct 10, 2006
Jeevan wrote:i wanna quit but well... err.. hopefully... will do it soon.

but i dont smoke if someone is offended, in malls if i have to smoke i smoke in designated areas, even back home i dont smoke in the house , so even if i feel like smoking i am too tired to get up and go out for a drag :) eventually adding up to cutting down heavily.:)


I don't believe that cutting down is a way to stop.

I quit smoking 8 years ago after being a dedicated smoker for more than 30 years, with the last 20 years being 2 packs a day (cheap here). When I quit it was hell for a couple of months, then it eased slightly for the next 5 years, and now, no craving at all. Their is absolutely no doubt that I am a healthier (if overweight) person.
I wish you the best of luck.
sage & onion
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Oct 10, 2006
^ian^ wrote:
kanelli wrote:Ian, you say that smokers are the best people. Care to elaborate?

Well there are exceptions to every rule, but overall, I find smokers have much better socials skills, and I find them generally a touch more intelligent. Ironic I know since apparently we have a social disease and are too stupid to read the warnings.

Personally, I find people who give in to vices, don't exercise, and who eat crap food disrespectful of the bodies that are meant to carry them for their whole lives. They are weak people who put temporary pleasure over long-term health. Health costs for the whole population in many countries rises because of people who give in to vices like smoking too much,drinking too much, and eating too much, and taking recreational drugs - all vices that create serious health concerns like cancer, diabetes, and neurological problems.

Too much living? The exhaust fumes from cars are ten times as dangerous as cigarette smoke and contribute far more to pollution and personal health problems, yet I don't see people crying out to ban cars?

The reality is Kanelli, over the years smokers have become easy targets for people to vent their frustrations upon. Smokers are dirty, smokers are going to die, smokers contribute to the rising costs of health care (The Australia public health system would collapse without the contribution from Australian smokers), smokers are responsible for all the ills in the world.

I always find it amazing, when non-smokers say to me "those things will kill you!" - like after 10 years I don't know this? I have readily accepted my fate could well and truly be lung cancer.

My fate could also be:

* Death by driving on SZR
* Dying in a plane crash
* Dying in a nuclear holocaust
* Being killed by a machine sent back in time to eliminate the saviour of the human race.

The reality of it is, no matter what I do, I will meet the grim reaper sooner or later and I may as well have a jolly good time whilst here.

Now, having said that, if I am smoking near someone, if they ask me to put it out, I will. I won't gripe, I will apologise, and I do consider other people.

Next time you eat a lettuce leaf in public, please be considerate of those who campaign for vegetable rights and find the act offensive. Like some non-smokers, they don't wear a sign on their head that says "I will flip out if you do x" so be sure to ask everyone in visible sight if they're a Pro-Veg.

Of course, each person can do what they like because it is their body after all - but it is painfully clear that they don't think about the future or the effect on others.

I have seen the future of this planet, and it's not pretty. Smoking should be the least of your concerns.

easy Ian easy dont take too much laxative for constipation
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Oct 10, 2006
one way to quit is wellbutrin. you start taking it and three weeks later you throw away the does work as i myself smoked for a long time and quit.
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Oct 10, 2006
gregory863 wrote:one way to quit is wellbutrin. you start taking it and three weeks later you throw away the does work as i myself smoked for a long time and quit.

and whats that? is it some sort of medication? any side effects?
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Oct 10, 2006
Yeah but someone eating a lettuce leaf, isn't forcing someone else to eat it as well are they. Not even a comparison.

Smoking and smokers stink - end of.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 10, 2006
wellbutrin is a anti-depression drug. one of the noted side effects was that many users quit smoking. it was seen and documented during the clinical trials. it is also used as an alternative to drugs like prozac as it has very little sexual side effects. there was another drug that was widely publicized as a stop smoking drug (i forget the name) my doctor told me that it was only wellbutrin repackaged and more expensive. for me it realy worked i was able to quit and was not irratable or nervous.
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Oct 10, 2006
^ian^ wrote:Well there are exceptions to every rule, but overall, I find smokers have much better socials skills, and I find them generally a touch more intelligent. Ironic I know since apparently we have a social disease and are too stupid to read the warnings.

That is hilarious. I can't believe you are serious about that. :lol: Does that explain why you took up smoking in the first place - to improve your social skills and increase your intelligence? :lol:

As for the rest of your comparisons, they are the typical excuses and prejudiced responses that many defensive smokers give. No one drives their cars in the shopping malls and restaurants, so it is illogical for you to compare exhaust fumes from cars to people smoking in indoor places -which is what everyone complains about. And in case you haven't noticed, there are environmental regulations coming into effect in many countries to reduce car exhaust. When tobacco and oil companies stick their hands and money in government affairs - it doesn't necessarily mean the average citizen gets the outcome they want.

Smoking should be done outdoors and banned indoors completely. It is smokers who are forcing their will on the rest of us by insisting on smoking indoors. The science backs the non-smokers - period. Denying that makes a person an ignorant fool.

And no worries about the negative comments about me eating primarily a vegetarian diet. Last time I checked I wasn't forcing it on people and my eating lettuce doesn't affect the health of those around me nor offend anyone. Feel free to take a cheap shot at me anytime you get defensive about your smoking. Afterall, that is the intelligent thing to do. :lol:
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Oct 10, 2006
kanelli wrote:
^ian^ wrote:Well there are exceptions to every rule, but overall, I find smokers have much better socials skills, and I find them generally a touch more intelligent. Ironic I know since apparently we have a social disease and are too stupid to read the warnings.

That is hilarious. I can't believe you are serious about that. :lol: Does that explain why you took up smoking in the first place - to improve your social skills and increase your intelligence? :lol:

* sigh * spin the words however you will - it's just an observation, I can see yours is totally different.

As for the rest of your comparisons, they are the typical excuses and prejudiced responses that many defensive smokers give.

I'm not a 'defensive' smoker - yes it is bad for you, lots of things are bad for you, I just happen to enjoy smoking, a lot. Now I don't push cigarettes onto other people, and I will not smoke if someone asks me not to. You know this!

No one drives their cars in the shopping malls and restaurants, so it is illogical for you to compare exhaust fumes from cars to people smoking in indoor places -which is what everyone complains about.

And not every smokers smokes in shopping malls or restaurants. But if there are designated smoking areas in a restaurant, then that's fair game I think, in so much as there are designated non-smoking areas.

And in case you haven't noticed, there are environmental regulations coming into effect in many countries to reduce car exhaust.

You mean justice is meant to be seen to be done, not actually done. A lot of these so called enviro regs are nothing but a smokescreen in themselves.

When tobacco and oil companies stick their hands and money in government affairs - it doesn't necessarily mean the average citizen gets the outcome they want.

In democratic countries, voters get the governments they deserve. Here, well, the government is trying to be progressive but also trying to please the common masses as well.

Smoking should be done outdoors and banned indoors completely. It is smokers who are forcing their will on the rest of us by insisting on smoking indoors. The science backs the non-smokers - period. Denying that makes a person an ignorant fool.

Where did I deny it?

And no worries about the negative comments about me eating primarily a vegetarian diet. Last time I checked I wasn't forcing it on people and my eating lettuce doesn't affect the health of those around me nor offend anyone. Feel free to take a cheap shot at me anytime you get defensive about your smoking. Afterall, that is the intelligent thing to do. :lol:

Yeah well you see now you're just taking this far too personally and there is where I'm going to get off the subject. I didn't know or remember you had a primarily vegetarian diet, a lettuce lead was merely used as an instrument of my point, however, it's not for me to tell you how to feel on this issue, just perhaps that's you're very over the top on it.

But you know, smokers are an easy target, and so are fat people too it would seem. I really do feel for the grossly obese whatever the reason when smoking is eliminated. The poor people will be persecuted. I bet they're hoping the muslims are pushed up the list of non-conforming members of society to target.

Wish I was like Jim Fixx
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Oct 10, 2006
tempian wrote:
kanelli wrote:
^ian^ wrote:Well there are exceptions to every rule, but overall, I find smokers have much better socials skills, and I find them generally a touch more intelligent. Ironic I know since apparently we have a social disease and are too stupid to read the warnings.

That is hilarious. I can't believe you are serious about that. :lol: Does that explain why you took up smoking in the first place - to improve your social skills and increase your intelligence? :lol:

* sigh * spin the words however you will - it's just an observation, I can see yours is totally different.

As for the rest of your comparisons, they are the typical excuses and prejudiced responses that many defensive smokers give.

I'm not a 'defensive' smoker - yes it is bad for you, lots of things are bad for you, I just happen to enjoy smoking, a lot. Now I don't push cigarettes onto other people, and I will not smoke if someone asks me not to. You know this!

No one drives their cars in the shopping malls and restaurants, so it is illogical for you to compare exhaust fumes from cars to people smoking in indoor places -which is what everyone complains about.

And not every smokers smokes in shopping malls or restaurants. But if there are designated smoking areas in a restaurant, then that's fair game I think, in so much as there are designated non-smoking areas.

And in case you haven't noticed, there are environmental regulations coming into effect in many countries to reduce car exhaust.

You mean justice is meant to be seen to be done, not actually done. A lot of these so called enviro regs are nothing but a smokescreen in themselves.

When tobacco and oil companies stick their hands and money in government affairs - it doesn't necessarily mean the average citizen gets the outcome they want.

In democratic countries, voters get the governments they deserve. Here, well, the government is trying to be progressive but also trying to please the common masses as well.

Smoking should be done outdoors and banned indoors completely. It is smokers who are forcing their will on the rest of us by insisting on smoking indoors. The science backs the non-smokers - period. Denying that makes a person an ignorant fool.

Where did I deny it?

And no worries about the negative comments about me eating primarily a vegetarian diet. Last time I checked I wasn't forcing it on people and my eating lettuce doesn't affect the health of those around me nor offend anyone. Feel free to take a cheap shot at me anytime you get defensive about your smoking. Afterall, that is the intelligent thing to do. :lol:

Yeah well you see now you're just taking this far too personally and there is where I'm going to get off the subject. I didn't know or remember you had a primarily vegetarian diet, a lettuce lead was merely used as an instrument of my point, however, it's not for me to tell you how to feel on this issue, just perhaps that's you're very over the top on it.

But you know, smokers are an easy target, and so are fat people too it would seem. I really do feel for the grossly obese whatever the reason when smoking is eliminated. The poor people will be persecuted. I bet they're hoping the muslims are pushed up the list of non-conforming members of society to target.

Wish I was like Jim Fixx

Come now Ian, you knew exactly what you were posting. :wink:

I see you are moving from defensive to persecuted. Smokers are easy targets for what? Common sense that smoking is becoming more socially unacceptable because it pollutes indoor air and smells disgusting, and overwhelming medical evidence shows that it seriously harms people's health? Shame on us non-smokers for being so, so... unreasonable. :lol:

If you would like to discuss obesity, please address the topic in the thread you started on the subject. Plenty of people have given their opinions there.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Oct 10, 2006
kanelli wrote:Come now Ian, you knew exactly what you were posting. :wink:

To be honest I didn't make the link. I have a lot on my mind at the moment, quite a lot, and your diet is not something I'd considered.

I see you are moving from defensive to persecuted.

nono, I have always been a persecuted smoker. In Australia smokers are extremely persecuted. There's just no smoking anywhere, and whilst I can tolerate this, I don't like the negative connotations that go along with it.

I can dig you don't like smoking, I can even agree with many of the points you raised, but smoking like all things is a matter of free choice. I don't interfere with other people's choices, no matter how much they differ from mine.

Smokers are easy targets for what?

Well, without getting into Freudian psychology, I'll just say that people like to target specific traits in other people. Yes, I live quite the hedonistic lifestyle, and it has always been a personal choice to do so. No, I don't think smoking is contributing to my longevity, but then I have always favoured quality over quantity.

Common sense that smoking is becoming more socially unacceptable because it pollutes indoor air and smells disgusting, and overwhelming medical evidence shows that it seriously harms people's health? Shame on us non-smokers for being so, so... unreasonable. :lol:

Yes, mind your own business. As I said, and I repeat and reiterate, I agree with bans in malls and shopping centres, and I don't agree with smokers who smoke irrespective of those around them. I also don't agree being lumped into the same 'box' as these people.

If you would like to discuss obesity, please address the topic in the thread you started on the subject. Plenty of people have given their opinions there.

Well, you know I'd like to be posting with my proper account but it seems that is not do-able at the moment.

Aren't you supposed to be in Malaysia? You should be out enjoying the place not posting here with us nuffies. :D :D :D :D :D
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Oct 10, 2006
kanelli wrote:Ian, you say that smokers are the best people. Care to elaborate?

Well there are exceptions to every rule, but overall, I find smokers have much better socials skills, and I find them generally a touch more intelligent. Ironic I know since apparently we have a social disease and are too stupid to read the warnings.

Personally, I find people who give in to vices, don't exercise, and who eat crap food disrespectful of the bodies that are meant to carry them for their whole lives. They are weak people who put temporary pleasure over long-term health. Health costs for the whole population in many countries rises because of people who give in to vices like smoking too much,drinking too much, and eating too much, and taking recreational drugs - all vices that create serious health concerns like cancer, diabetes, and neurological problems.

Too much living? The exhaust fumes from cars are ten times as dangerous as cigarette smoke and contribute far more to pollution and personal health problems, yet I don't see people crying out to ban cars?

The reality is Kanelli, over the years smokers have become easy targets for people to vent their frustrations upon. Smokers are dirty, smokers are going to die, smokers contribute to the rising costs of health care (The Australia public health system would collapse without the contribution from Australian smokers), smokers are responsible for all the ills in the world.

I always find it amazing, when non-smokers say to me "those things will kill you!" - like after 10 years I don't know this? I have readily accepted my fate could well and truly be lung cancer.

My fate could also be:

* Death by driving on SZR
* Dying in a plane crash
* Dying in a nuclear holocaust
* Being killed by a machine sent back in time to eliminate the saviour of the human race.

The reality of it is, no matter what I do, I will meet the grim reaper sooner or later and I may as well have a jolly good time whilst here.

Now, having said that, if I am smoking near someone, if they ask me to put it out, I will. I won't gripe, I will apologise, and I do consider other people.

Next time you eat a lettuce leaf in public, please be considerate of those who campaign for vegetable rights and find the act offensive. Like some non-smokers, they don't wear a sign on their head that says "I will flip out if you do x" so be sure to ask everyone in visible sight if they're a Pro-Veg.

Of course, each person can do what they like because it is their body after all - but it is painfully clear that they don't think about the future or the effect on others.

I have seen the future of this planet, and it's not pretty. Smoking should be the least of your concerns.
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Re: STOP SMOKING Oct 10, 2006
easternjewel wrote:
r3ay-alborsh wrote:smoking is not good so what guys you think to do to stop it?
isay for people who smoking your killing your selfes because you cannout breath from it and may let die faster .any other ideas?

yep tryin to quit.
to stop smoking drink to much coffe because it relases the headack and let you feel good or redauce smoking like smoke in aday two times then after aweek try to smoke 3 times a week only then you maybe quit it.
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Oct 11, 2006
thank you doctor...but did you want to elaborate on whether the coffee should be de-caf or not...seeing as caffiene is a drug and is also bad for you :roll:
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Oct 11, 2006
Smoking is killing u...First of all I didn't read all the posts, there were so many.. so I'm sorry if I repeat anything...

I was a hardcore smoker...meaning I smoked around at least 15 ciggies (and some other things lol)a day since I was 13..(long time ago, don't ask). I also have tried so many things to quit including acupuncture.. I quit almost a year ago. It's not just what it does to ur body and heart/lungs etc...Check out what it does to ur looks eventually. One of these twins had been smoking all her life and the other hadn't...

One of my friends stopped smoking after she saw these twins. Very vain

1- U need to be 100% sure you want to quit and make up ur mind that ur gonna give it all u got, the sooner the better (cos u have to if u wanna live longer and live a better quality life and the bonus is u don't smell like cigarettes anymore)
2- U need to listen to Gregory and get this product. I didn't find Wellbutrin here in Dubai but Wellbutrin is just the name of the brand. The actual product is Bupropion. What they sell here ( I found it at Spinneys Umm Sequeim) is called Zyban. It's a bit expensive, I believe around dhs250 for around a month, maybe bit longer don't remember, but it really works.

This has been a miracle product for me. I got it from the book: You, the owners manual (also higly recommended). They advice to use the product in combination with nicotine patches.

It's a weird product which does change ur Gregory said, it's an anti-depressant. U have to use it for around 8 weeks and then build it down. (in Europe and USA u can only get it on prescription, I understand why...)

I have to admit that after some time of not smoking cigarettes Í know I'm still not 100% cured and I do smoke shisha's a few times a week but I''m so happy that cigarettes r not occupying my handbag and my life anymore.

Bushra... please stop smoking. Ur still so young and believe me u will enhance ur life so much. All of my friends have quit in the recent past and they're all so happy and if you could c the difference how they look and feel you will know what I mean... by the way I voted for u..
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Oct 11, 2006
imagine being named Gay....well PARANOID that is a name i think you should be happy your parents didnt name you....

but yeah, about the quitting....i will,eventually, one day, soon.... inshalla
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Oct 11, 2006
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