Tradtional Islam- Was Politics Seperate From Religion?

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tradtional islam- was politics seperate from religion? Oct 08, 2006

in the news above one thing caught my attention -

In his sermons Mr Boroujerdi advocated a traditional interpretation of Islam which separates religion from politics. He is accused of misinterpreting Islam.

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Oct 09, 2006
is there any way that i can find the sermon he gave?

i am pretty interested in hearing what he had to say.
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Oct 09, 2006
Since the early days of islam, politics was always associated with islam. Actually, Islam was someitmes exploited for political reasons, like other nations during the Dark Ages of europe. Its the continuous struggle to be the most powerful nation using any means necessary.

I wonder if USA is using this tactic also? :wink:
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Oct 10, 2006
uae75 wrote:Since the early days of islam, politics was always associated with islam. Actually, Islam was someitmes exploited for political reasons, like other nations during the Dark Ages of europe. Its the continuous struggle to be the most powerful nation using any means necessary.

I wonder if USA is using this tactic also? :wink:

Show me a country that has'nt - even Tibet has its controversial stories of Politics and Religion :)

Organised Religion is a powerful commodity within the world and just as you say has been for several thousand years.

True Religion on the other hand has never really been much of an earner and never gets that noticed...when do we see humility and unconditional love rewarded with power, riches and real estate.

I sometime wonder if Mohammed (pbuh), Jesus(pbuh) and Buddha(pbuh) are all looking down on us thinking - you guys really have missed what we were saying.
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Oct 10, 2006
jabbajabba wrote:
uae75 wrote:Since the early days of islam, politics was always associated with islam. Actually, Islam was someitmes exploited for political reasons, like other nations during the Dark Ages of europe. Its the continuous struggle to be the most powerful nation using any means necessary.

I wonder if USA is using this tactic also? :wink:

Show me a country that has'nt - even Tibet has its controversial stories of Politics and Religion :)

Organised Religion is a powerful commodity within the world and just as you say has been for several thousand years.

True Religion on the other hand has never really been much of an earner and never gets that noticed...when do we see humility and unconditional love rewarded with power, riches and real estate.

I sometime wonder if Mohammed (pbuh), Jesus(pbuh) and Buddha(pbuh) are all looking down on us thinking - you guys really have missed what we were saying.

Dubai Forums Zealot
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Oct 10, 2006
definitely true jabbajabba
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