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STOP SMOKING Oct 08, 2006
smoking is not good so what guys you think to do to stop it?
isay for people who smoking your killing your selfes because you cannout breath from it and may let die faster .any other ideas?

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Oct 08, 2006
Everything in moderation. Enjoy life a bit. I smoke cigars and sheesha. Cigarettes are shite.
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Oct 08, 2006
Smoking is akiller, proved, no doubts, so why do it?????????????
sage & onion
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Oct 08, 2006
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Oct 08, 2006
sage & onion wrote:Smoking is akiller, proved, no doubts, so why do it?????????????
say why they sell it in shops
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Oct 08, 2006
r3ay-alborsh wrote:
sage & onion wrote:Smoking is akiller, proved, no doubts, so why do it?????????????
say why they sell it in shops

Because you go and buy them in the same shops.
sage & onion
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Oct 08, 2006
Desperado wrote:Ya, we all know this. How come the prophet didnt? Dont drink but you can smoke? Red wine in moderation is actually good for you.
red wine is good for you but for us muslimus not good .
you non muslims dont have manners cause every boy let his sister to sleep with a man what this shut but we muslimus we have manners
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Oct 09, 2006
Really though man, you would think a prophet would have warned the people about the dangers of smoking. After all, they warn us about a bunch of other stuff that isnt nearly as deadly and damaging. Why not smoking? Imagine how many lives would be saved if it was haram.
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Oct 09, 2006
cause there aint no dangers .... it aint proven yet ... there are ppl who smoke since there teens till death an smokin has done them no harm

i remember that french woman who died a couple of years back she was like 120 or somethin ... an she said the secret to my long life is my ciggaretts .... i mean i know doctors say it causes cancer an other stuff ... but what about all those ppl who smoke an nothin happens to them .. how is that explained????????

i guess it jst reacts badly to some ppls body an doesnt to others .... so its a risk a gamble kindda thing .... an life is a risk baby sometimes u just gotta take it..
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Oct 09, 2006
*takes a long drag from her cigarette*

Is there anything else you would like me to quit?

Also, about the whole non-muslims having no respect concerning their sisters...look at yourself mate. Im guessing you are a local, which means that you must know how most of the local girls are here....

How does it feel when people generalize you?

*blows smoke into the air*
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Oct 09, 2006

damn girl u held that nicotine in there for a long time

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Oct 09, 2006
i have skills, what can i say :wink:
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Oct 09, 2006
word :)
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Oct 09, 2006
Worried about others, who cares lol
Smokin is very stupid yeah, BUT, Many things are killer these days
So no harm smokin some :D :P
Kiddo, go worry about your own people & tell 'em that!!!
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Oct 09, 2006
If a non-smoker thinks smoking is bad and wants to stay away from it, then a smoker should respect that and try not to do it around them, especially with kids around.
If a smoker enjoys smoking, regardless of what it may do to him, a non-smoker should respect that and should try to stay away from smoking areas.
It's all a matter of respect I think
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Re: STOP SMOKING Oct 09, 2006
r3ay-alborsh wrote:smoking is not good so what guys you think to do to stop it?
isay for people who smoking your killing your selfes because you cannout breath from it and may let die faster .any other ideas?

yep tryin to quit.
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Oct 09, 2006
Smoking is really a bad thing. They've found direct influence of I must admit that those who say its ok to smoke r all smokers.. or wanna try out smoking some day...

Studys at different times and different universities have found out that the chances of lung cancer is directly connected to the number of cigarettes a person smoked. An astounding connection was revealed when the doctors examined persons who died of lung cancer.

An example of study facts,

Axiom : It is estimated that one in three people will develop cancer at some stage in their lives and that one in four will die from the disease

Premise1 : In 2000, there were 42,800 cancer deaths in the UK attributable to smoking: approximately a third of all cancer deaths

Premise2: 146,000 Americans died of lung cancer in 2000, and 90 percent of these deaths were caused by cigarette smoking

Proof my studies,

According to the studies conducted at Midway to Hell n Heaven at St.Lucifers academy, there were some un-identified and surprising studies,

Axiom : It is estimated that one in three people will develop cancer at some stage in their lives and that one in four will die from the disease

Taking into account the death rate and smoking, the researchers found out another common cause that is suspected to be the reason for this alarming rate of 1 in 3 people having a chance of cancer.

All of them go to Toilets in the morning
:shock: :shock:

Considering that this toilet going and cancer ratio is 100% ,it can b seen as a major reason for cancer than that of smoking.

Jokes apart it reduces lung capacity, may b a cause to cancer, damages skin, and lot of other health related issues. and who knows it may even b adding on to the Global warming. :)
I wanna kick the habit. well some day or the other. :)
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Oct 09, 2006
smoking is truely bad for you, planning to stop in the end of ramadan. Start all over again and hit the gym.

inshallah i will get rid of the this addiction and never smoke a cigerette again

can i have an amen?!
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Oct 09, 2006
ummmm aaaaaa...NO :twisted:

but i can give you an Inshalla :D
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Oct 09, 2006
bushra21 wrote:ummmm aaaaaa...NO :twisted:

but i can give you an Inshalla :D

how about a high 5?
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Oct 09, 2006
how about.....

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Oct 09, 2006
Well, you'd have to be an idiot to think that smoking is healthy, but I don't consider it to be truly as bad as it is made out to be.

The problem though is the recording of smoking related deaths and the means they use.

For instance, if I smoke, but I also eat 20 cheeseburgers a day, and I die of a heart attack, in Australia or the USA this would be recorded as a smoking related death purely because I was a smoker.

If I got cancer of the stomach (which i did have once) and also was a smoker (I wasn't at the time), and I died (thankfully I didn't) this would have gone down as a smoking related death.

Yet, if I was driving, and smoking, and the cigarette fell in my lap, and I lost control of the vehicle and ploughed through 10 cars and killed myself and 15 other people, this would not be recorded as a smoking related death, even though there's a clear and unambiguous link.

Go figure.

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Oct 09, 2006
Bleakus wrote:smoking is truely bad for you, planning to stop in the end of ramadan. Start all over again and hit the gym.

inshallah i will get rid of the this addiction and never smoke a cigerette again

can i have an amen?!

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Oct 09, 2006
sounds like some one found themselves a cheerleader :roll:
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Oct 09, 2006
bushra21 wrote:sounds like some one found themselves a cheerleader :roll:

looks like someone is jealous because i got an ameen ;)
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Oct 09, 2006
mema wrote:
Bleakus wrote:smoking is truely bad for you, planning to stop in the end of ramadan. Start all over again and hit the gym.

inshallah i will get rid of the this addiction and never smoke a cigerette again

can i have an amen?!


see bushra, these people who give you motivation, learn from mema

thank you mema
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Oct 09, 2006
it should be the other way around :twisted:
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Oct 09, 2006

anyways, smoking is bad
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Oct 09, 2006
wait...busted? as in how exactly?

also are you trying to say i dont motivate you?!

fine, i guess ill just have to rethink a few things that were discussed earlier ......

i can motivate others just fine :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

i mean, i havent received any complaints thus far....
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Oct 09, 2006
Bleakus wrote:hahaha....busted

anyways, smoking is bad

this comming from man who can smoke two packs in a sitting

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