What Happens To A Person After Death

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what happens to a person after death Oct 05, 2006
what happens to a person after death?

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Oct 05, 2006
Your opinion first Westside please.
sage & onion
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Oct 05, 2006
You meet your maker or you don't.

Can we move to the philosophy area?
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Oct 05, 2006
sage & onion wrote:Your opinion first Westside please.

i thin ktht it all ends after u die wht do u think sage and onion
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Oct 05, 2006
westside wrote:
sage & onion wrote:Your opinion first Westside please.

i thin ktht it all ends after u die wht do u think sage and onion

As Ian says let the thread be moved
sage & onion
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Oct 05, 2006
westside wrote:
sage & onion wrote:Your opinion first Westside please.

i thin ktht it all ends after u die wht do u think sage and onion

The s.e.x certainly stops.

Death is terrible, stiffest you've ever been, and no bonking.
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Oct 05, 2006
you become worm food and grass fertilizer
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Oct 05, 2006
I believe that your body will decay and be lost forever but the spirit will be resurrected and if youve been good in your life then you will have an everlasting life or otherwise you will be forever in the boiling oil/fire of hell. :wink:
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Oct 05, 2006
[quote="zam"]I believe that your body will decay and be lost forever but the spirit will be resurrected and if youve been good in your life then you will have an everlasting life or otherwise you will be forever in the boiling oil/fire of hell. :wink:[/qu

What do you think, how terrible the hell is?
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Oct 05, 2006
mraph33 wrote:you become worm food and grass fertilizer

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Oct 05, 2006
kanelli wrote:
mraph33 wrote:you become worm food and grass fertilizer


Agree ... Sleeping is a prova to death ...
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Oct 05, 2006
kanelli wrote:
mraph33 wrote:you become worm food and grass fertilizer


Ditto x 2

Plus I don't think about it. Easier.
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Oct 05, 2006
I dont know(lack of experience).. but i do know that after the death of a person, that person will no more b alive :)
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Oct 05, 2006
Nick81 wrote:
kanelli wrote:
mraph33 wrote:you become worm food and grass fertilizer


Ditto x 2

Plus I don't think about it. Easier.

hmmmm ever heard of cremation?!!
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Oct 05, 2006
weary_heart wrote:
Nick81 wrote:
kanelli wrote:
mraph33 wrote:you become worm food and grass fertilizer


Ditto x 2

Plus I don't think about it. Easier.

hmmmm ever heard of cremation?!!

Was this for me?? If so, I don't get it.
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Oct 05, 2006
mraph33 wrote:you become worm food and grass fertilizer
I'd not b worm food and grass fertilizer ...... like weary said.. my body will be cremated.
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Oct 05, 2006
St.Lucifer wrote:
mraph33 wrote:you become worm food and grass fertilizer
I'd not b worm food and grass fertilizer ...... like weary said.. my body will be cremated.

um your ash might be used as grass fertilizer :P
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Oct 05, 2006
Nick81 wrote:
St.Lucifer wrote:
mraph33 wrote:you become worm food and grass fertilizer
I'd not b worm food and grass fertilizer ...... like weary said.. my body will be cremated.

um your ash might be used as grass fertilizer :P

It can b but .. nope according to our custom, it'll b collected and washed away at different holy rivers or at a confluence..
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Oct 06, 2006
St.Lucifer wrote:It can b but .. nope according to our custom, it'll b collected and washed away at different holy rivers or at a confluence..

Hope its not too personal, what religion do you follow ?
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Oct 06, 2006
Im guessing he follows Hinduism....

is that right St. Lucifer?
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Re: what happens to a person after death Oct 06, 2006
westside wrote:what happens to a person after death?

They become wormfood
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Oct 06, 2006
AnnaSvensson wrote:
zam wrote:I believe that your body will decay and be lost forever but the spirit will be resurrected and if youve been good in your life then you will have an everlasting life or otherwise you will be forever in the boiling oil/fire of hell. :wink:[/qu

What do you think, how terrible the hell is?

Can't be that bad, according to Dante sodomites reside there...
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Oct 06, 2006
In response to your question

westside wrote:what happens to a person after death

I personaly havent given that part much thought. I know I will die some day, I have no fear of dying, but I can honestly say I dont really know what will happen.

According to my religion (Islam), however, the following is what is said to take place:

Before burial:

The body of the individual is washed and then shrouded. There is a specific way of washing the body, which I am not going to go into detail, unless you wish to know. After the washing of the body, it is wrapped in a white cloth.

There are also certain rules put into place when it comes to the washing of the deceased, i.e. the sex of the individual, relation of the deceased to the one who is washing and so on.

After the washing has been done,the deceased is then buried (following the guidlines set out by Islamic law), and a funeral prayer is later carried out.

In the grave:

When the deceased is laid to rest at his grave sight, it is said that two angels will come and ask four questions: ( i have not listed them in the correct order, or maybe I have, I cant remember)

1. Who is your creator?
2. What is your religion?
3. What is your book?
4. Who is your Prophet?

Following the questions, depending on the lifestyle the deceased had lived (whether he was pious and kind or was evil and disbelieving) his grave sight will accomodate him until the Day of Judgement/Ressurection.

Note: when determining whether the deceased was good or not, the religion is not the determining factor...

When the Day of Judgement/Ressurection arrives, all the graves will be opened and everyone will await to meet their creator. They will then be questioned on their actions in their past life. God Himself will decide who enters Heaven and who does not based on their deeds.

So, that is a breif summary of what happens after death according to the Islamic religion. I have left a bunch of stuff out mainly because it is a lot of information and I wasn't sure how detailed of a response you were looking for.[/quote]
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Oct 06, 2006
well baby ... if wat you said above is according to your religon ... then dont say you honestly dnt know wat will happen ... belive in wat your religion is tellin you .. cause aint nutin else but wat is mentiond gonna happen...

cause i belive tottaly in wat islam says ... as a muslim ....

an all muslims should not even for a split second doubt there religon ... cause islam is submission .. we've given ourselves to it .. so we aint never suppose to doubt it ..
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Oct 06, 2006
Jamal wrote:well baby ... if wat you said above is according to your religon ... then dont say you honestly dnt know wat will happen ... belive in wat your religion is tellin you .. cause aint nutin else but wat is mentiond gonna happen...

cause i belive tottaly in wat islam says ... as a muslim ....

an all muslims should not even for a split second doubt there religon ... cause islam is submission .. we've given ourselves to it .. so we aint never suppose to doubt it ..

its not that i doubt, is just...well, yes, i guess your right. I do question at times what my religion says because, to simply put it, its so hard to understand. What i mean to say is that some things (like the part about what happens after we die) is so far beyond my level of comprehension.

So i wonder. I try not to think about those things though because I dont want to have doubts in my religion. So for me, not thinking about them, or not contemplating will/wont happen makes it easier for me.

I hope that makes sense...

Also, since your muslim, could you tell me if I had written anything wrong in my previous post ...I dont want to put up wrong information. I know I left a bunch of stuff out though...but I think it gets the point across.
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Oct 06, 2006
bushra21 wrote:In response to your question

westside wrote:Note: when determining whether the deceased was good or not, the religion is not the determining factor...

I asked a cleric this question. He said that all Jews that didn't convert to Christianity went to hell and all Christians that didn't convert to Islam when the message of Islam was revealed will go to hell.
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Oct 06, 2006
valkyrie wrote:
I asked a cleric this question. He said that all Jews that didn't convert to Christianity went to hell and all Christians that didn't convert to Islam when the message of Islam was revealed will go to hell.

Well, all my information is comming from what I have studied and what I used to teach. There is no way for any one of us (human beings) to be able to say, yes, he will go to heaven and no, he will go to hell.

Ultimately the decision is up to God, and according to what I know and the information I have gathered over the years, the Religion of the person is not always the determining factor for this.
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Oct 06, 2006
nahh bushra ur post was good ... it pretty much coverd the points that were needed to be known ... if someone needs to know more then i guess theyll jst have to research deeper ..

an i understand wat u mean .. sometimes it jst gets all confusin .. i get you ... im like that too..

and valkryie .. wat u wrote down is true ... cause islam is allah's final message .. an all ppl will be judged upon his final message ..
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Oct 06, 2006
bushra21 wrote:
valkyrie wrote:
I asked a cleric this question. He said that all Jews that didn't convert to Christianity went to hell and all Christians that didn't convert to Islam when the message of Islam was revealed will go to hell.

Well, all my information is comming from what I have studied and what I used to teach. There is no way for any one of us (human beings) to be able to say, yes, he will go to heaven and no, he will go to hell.

Ultimately the decision is up to God, and according to what I know and the information I have gathered over the years, the Religion of the person is not always the determining factor for this.

The fundamental requirement to enter into Jannat is accepting the Oneness of
Allah and finality of the Prophethood of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi
Wasallam). Non-Muslims will be rewarded in this world for their good deeds
or alternatively the punishment in the hereafter will be decreased for them
as will be the case with the Uncle of Rasulullah, Abu Talib, who protected
him as safeguarded Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) from the harms
of the disbelievers.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

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Oct 06, 2006
what you wrote is true val, but i believe i also read something agreeing with what i said...i will try and find it online since all my books and notes are in the states and not with me.

religion leaves a lot of room for interpretation. and with islam there are 4 schools of thought, so there are sometimes disagreements amongst the scholars on how certain things are interpreted...

make sense?

p.s. dont get me wrong, im not saying that what your wrote is incorrect...actually quite the opposite...i completely agree with it
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