XRW-147 wrote:Love is blind and should hold no bounds but heartache can be a stronger catalyst for one to seek 'just' rewards.
Thanks XRW, exactly my point.
My friends have regretted not doing it. One of them lost his fathers house to his ex.... what right did she have over his Fathers house? the law just favoured her and she chose it over their house. Painfull it was for him.
It is only a safeguard. Divorce makes people do crazy things. Each tries to geet themselves the best deal.
If she has much less than you, than you stand to lose the most. By "Pre Nupping" you safeguard the years of hardwork pre marriage and save yourself a lot more pain afterwards. All achieved durng the time together should be the shared spoil.
If you partner cannot understand that - surely you have to question it. As it would seem she is more interested on your things than the marriage itself.
anyone staunchly disagree?