Annoying Kids And Parents In Dubai

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Oct 05, 2006
Why don't you propose a sterilisation policy then - just stop people from procreating at all - then the world will certainly be free of annoying children. :roll:

Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Oct 05, 2006
kanelli wrote:Why don't you propose a sterilisation policy then - just stop people from procreating at all - then the world will certainly be free of annoying children. :roll:

Mint Tulip
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Oct 05, 2006
I just don't see what all the fuss is about. I have been in this country for heading towards a year now and I have been out in public places, yet have not faced nearly the same problems with kids that some of you have. I seriously have not seen that many out of control kids in the malls and restaurants. Then again, I don't think that kids who run around and play with siblings are out of control - I mean, you can't expect a kid to just be quiet and walk calmy in the mall like an adult does. I've been to the movies many times in the evenings and not once has there been a baby or small child there. I've eated in a restaurant or cafe with screaming kids from time to time, but they are family eateries, not fancy fine dining restaurants and cafes. Maybe kids and parents are well-behaved in my part of town - who knows!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Oct 05, 2006
I love kids very much... it's just that sometimes they are so annoying.

Take for example:

1. Inside the restaurant, when a child starts to shout or begin his tantrums and the parent/s just let their child continue their behavior - that's when I get annoyed.

2. Inside the mall, sometimes the parents let their children run and bump you, ie. in the skalator... sometime I looked at those children with my big eyes and tell them 'Dont play here, ok.' hahaha

Kids are cute and lovable when they are behaving well, but when they begin their tantrums and their parents do nothing, that's annoying.

(On the contrary, I cant stand seeing a mother slapping/hitting their child inside the shopping mall)
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Oct 05, 2006
And about kids going to parties at people's houses - I'm sure many parents won't bring them anyway - especially if the people there are only interested in getting drunk and being loud. Not exactly a child-friendly environment.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Oct 05, 2006

Do any of you know how hard it is to bring up a child? Please, wait till you have kids, then comment on the 'problems' that the parents have, because it is all very easy to sit there and judge when you have no idea just how hard it is to look after a child 7 days a week.

And if we are not allowed to push our babies round in strollers in the mall (in your perfect dream world) then where can we go in summer>? Make them sit in the heat of a park or go stir crazy shut away in the house? And although people's kids are annoying to you, just remember that to their parents, they are the centre of the universe. Yeah ALL kids can be badly behaved sometimes, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be allowed to be out in public.. have some sense! :!:
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Oct 05, 2006

If this is not a problem for you, great! good for you, Why the defensiveness and sarcasm then?

It is a nuisance for me and for many of my friends. I know that kids need spaces to run around, but the supermarket should not be one of them. I used to live in a building with neighbors who had small kids. There was no playground in the building and the main street was too dangerous for kids to play in, so some of them would play in the hall in front of my place and would frankly make a lot of noise at times. I did not mind at all, why? Because I understand that kids need to play and be kids and I would not want to see them put in danger by going down to the streets. But this is different than what my gripe is all about. I'm specifically talking about unruly children in public places and that the blame lies with the PARENTS. I also think that there is a need for more kid-free spaces. If you don't understand my point, even though I've been pretty clear about it, then I don't know what's up with you....

Maybe kids and parents are well-behaved in my part of town - who knows!
Classist much?
Mint Tulip
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Oct 05, 2006
What part of town do I live in Mint Tulip? What class do you think I belong to? I'm very interested to know why you jump to such conclusions about my comment.

I find your attitude towards children selfish and offensive.

As Lauren pointed out - do you know how difficult it is to raise a child? They are small beings that have to learn how to behave and they make mistakes. They have energy and can be wild sometimes! Parents have to learn how to deal with their children and it isn't easy. Just wait until you are a parent and your child lays screaming in the floor in shop. Are you guaranteed to be able to deal with it quickly and efficiently? Are you 100% sure your child will not have a tantrum? I'm yet to meet any parent that hasn't had a child pull a tantrum. Is it embarassing? Yes - and I have sympathy when I see such things. Being a parent is probably the hardest job out there.

Look at the big space, wide aisles in a supermarket! Come on! It screams "run and play!" to a child. You seem to have lost touch with how you were when you were a child. Children are young and carefree and creative - they have their own minds. Children are not drones or mini-adults expected to be conservative and quiet like adults. And speaking of adults, I've met very poorly behaved adults in malls and restaurants - being rude, loud and offensive. Should we have some days in the week where rude adults are banned from public places too?

You need to chill out and stop being so negative about children and parents.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Oct 05, 2006
I don’t know what you guys are expecting from parents seriously. When kids misbehave in the public, some parents hit them, it makes the situation worst! You can never expect how kids will ‘behave’. In their world, they’re just having fun. Like Kenelli, lucky I have never encountered problems that you state, and in my case, I have been in Dubai for good 18 years.
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Oct 05, 2006
kanelli wrote: And speaking of adults, I've met very poorly behaved adults in malls and restaurants - being rude, loud and offensive. Should we have some days in the week where rude adults are banned from public places too?

can we please? :lol:
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Oct 05, 2006
'You need to chill out and stop being so negative about children and parents.'

I second that... those who have never been parents shouldn't judge those who are.. most people are working their bl00dy hardest and are doing the best job they know how to :evil:
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Oct 05, 2006

"Do any of you know how hard it is to bring up a child? Please, wait till you have kids, then comment on the 'problems' that the parents have, because it is all very easy to sit there and judge when you have no idea just how hard it is to look after a child 7 days a week."

That is not the point of this post. We're talking about unruly kids and complacent parents at malls, etc. not about how difficult it is to raise kids. That's some other Oprah type post.

"And if we are not allowed to push our babies round in strollers in the mall (in your perfect dream world) then where can we go in summer?"

Who is suggesting that kids get banned from ALL malls???
If it were up to me, it would make sense to have at least one space, yeah ONE, dedicated to a children-free environment. One mall out of dozens and dozens of malls in Dubai that is kid-free even if it is during certain hours of the day or even the week, will certainly not affect kids and their mommies.

"And although people's kids are annoying to you, just remember that to their parents, they are the centre of the universe."
This is no excuse for not disciplining a child!

"Yeah ALL kids can be badly behaved sometimes, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be allowed to be out in public.. have some sense!"

NO ONE has said that the solution is to ban kids from going out in public. And if someone did suggest that, it is OBVIOUSLY not going to happen, so there's no need to get worked up about it. You obviously did not read the posts. Wow, parents :roll: :lol:
Mint Tulip
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Oct 05, 2006
'That is not the point of this post. We're talking about unruly kids and complacent parents at malls, etc. not about how difficult it is to raise kids. That's some other Oprah type post'

Yea, you are saying that unruly kids in malls, restaurants etc. is the parent's fault, and I am saying that you have no idea how hard it is to bring up a child, so is it really the parents fault if kids have tantrums? So are all parents bad parents because their kids have had a tantrum in a shopping mall before? Please, you are trying to justify a view that is pathetic. Grow up.
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Oct 05, 2006
You're the one that needs to chill out. I'm stating how I feel about a very real problem, if you don't like it, it's fine, really! But your quasi-solutions to a problem that you see as non-existent are rather silly and unnecessary.
Mint Tulip
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Oct 05, 2006
So it seems I hit a sore spot, :wink:

I'm sure there's no need to feel like a bad mommy :)
Mint Tulip
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Oct 05, 2006
Take a chill pill peeps. I think the words here are 'some' kids and 'some' parents, not ALL.

Also there's a big difference between really young kids mis-behaving because they don't know any better, and older children who get into trouble just because they're bored with nothing to do.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 05, 2006
Number 1: My name is not Laura

Number 2: I know I'm a great Mum

Number 3: You post $hit, you've been on this forum for what, 3 days, and already you are trying to insult people? GET A LIFE!

I couldn't give a $hit whether you think I'm a good Mum or not, who are you anyway?!
You have hit a sore spot in the sense that you have made selfish and ridiculous comments about other people's kids and the way they discipline them, I am sure you would make a FANTASTIC mum lol.
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Oct 05, 2006
Lauren, my bad.
I personally do not find mums and their mommy talk interesting, so the whole thing about how hard it is to raise a kid, booooring. Sorry, but you were just asking for it.

I said that I hit a sore spot because of your incredible (I would say ridiculous) over-reaction and defensiveness. Just because your kids are the center of your universe does not mean that they are for the rest of us. Stop living in a bubble, there are other people out there!

As Choco pointed out we are talking about "some" kids and "some" parents. I know that not all parents are lousy and non-disciplinarian, thank goodness.

I have been here on DF for a long time, on and off.

You must make one hell of a mom, with that language of yours... :lol:
Mint Tulip
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Oct 05, 2006
M.Tulip, just practice some more tolerance towards unruly kids if you can't avoid them.
One day when you finally become a parent you can get even :twisted:
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Oct 05, 2006
You really really aren't in a position to judge.

And I have no idea who you are.. I know that my friends from the forum have met my son, and he's an angel so my parenting skills can't be that bad! And I save bad language for idiots :roll:
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Oct 05, 2006
My name is Sophie, I am French (please be indulgent as my English level is not so tip top :oops: ) and I am currently working in Switzerland. We will move to Dubaï in February. I have myself 2 children of 2,5 years old (Twins) and I must say that I understand Mint Tulip point of view even though his arguments sound very provocative. In brackets Mint Tulip, Mum’s are able to talk about something else them children :wink: !

I used to live in Countries where children are treated as a King, where children can do everything they want and behave with an unacceptable manner just because we as adults shouldn’t blame the creativity of these little Angels…It is good for children to go out and explore the world but it is also the responsibility of the parents as much as they can to give them some rules and limits, what they can do and when they can’t. It is very basic I know and it is a 100% job I tell you :cry: . It happened once or twice that one of my daughters was having a terrible behavior in a shop (crying, throwing a tantrum…), my husband simply took her away while I was finishing some shopping. As far as there are public spaces, everybody has to learn to live together.
As parents and when we will be in Dubaï, I must say that I worry a lot of having to explain to my children why they can’t do one thing or another that the others kids are allowed to do. Never mind, I will start the fight :twisted: !!!
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Oct 05, 2006
LaurenX wrote:You really really aren't in a position to judge.

And I have no idea who you are.. I know that my friends from the forum have met my son, and he's an angel so my parenting skills can't be that bad! And I save bad language for idiots :roll:

he is one of the most well behaved lil guys i've come now a days have a lot of free reign...and its the parents responsibility...but you can't advocate a peaceful environment purely based on your peace of mind...for me personally dubai being a young working town...seeing kids and families around gives it some semblance of family home and security...its a jungle out there people...and you sometimes need to step back and realise the game can get too old to play...imagine...a singles mall...perhaps we should put up some disco balls and boogie down while shopping at carrefour... :lol: :lol:
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Oct 05, 2006
Can we please stop the personal attacks, and bad language, I don't want to see this thread moved to fight club!

I'll tell you something from experience, I used to work in a nursery school 3 - 7 year old children, and the majority were great, and some not so well mannered or behaved, and I'll tell you this, one look at the parent and how they were behaved and mannered and you could see exactly why the children were like they were.

It's all down to upbringing and what experience children are given in the world.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 05, 2006

constantine and pinoy,
Well the reality is that I do put up with annoying kids, not much of a choice, though I have been known to point out to a parent that their child is behaving badly (in public) - if it comes to a point where it is really annoying.

This forum is a place where people can be free to post their gripes about personal experiences and situations in Dubai. And that's just what I'm doing. :wink: (though constantine, you might be joking about the singles mall, but I think it would be great!)
Mint Tulip
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Oct 05, 2006
'you sometimes need to step back and realise the game can get too old to play'

What do you mean?
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Oct 05, 2006
LaurenX wrote:'you sometimes need to step back and realise the game can get too old to play'

What do you mean?

edited by moi (constantine-self appointed MOD... 8) )
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Oct 05, 2006
'you sometimes need to step back and realise the game can get too old to play'

What do you mean?
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Oct 05, 2006
edited by moi (constantine-self appointed MOD... 8) )
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Oct 05, 2006
I don't get you... but i think maybe there is a message in there somewhere
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Oct 05, 2006
LaurenX wrote:I don't get you... but i think maybe there is a message in there somewhere

edited by moi (constantine-self appointed MOD... 8) )
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