Olmert: "Half Of Lebanon Is Destroyed; Is That A Loss?&

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Olmert: "Half of Lebanon is destroyed; is that a loss?& Sep 16, 2006
Dubai chat master
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Sep 16, 2006
What do you think this quote means?
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Sep 16, 2006
half of the houses is destroyd, not the people's mind. so it is easy to fix the houses. but it is hard to fix people's mind. in this case, it is only the house. build new one. that is it. my habiby
my habiby
Dubai Forums Enthusiast
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Sep 16, 2006
my habiby wrote:half of the houses is destroyd, not the people's mind. so it is easy to fix the houses. but it is hard to fix people's mind. in this case, it is only the house. build new one. that is it. my habiby

who is gonna fix ur mind? :roll:
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Oct 02, 2006
sniper420 wrote:
my habiby wrote:half of the houses is destroyd, not the people's mind. so it is easy to fix the houses. but it is hard to fix people's mind. in this case, it is only the house. build new one. that is it. my habiby

who is gonna fix ur mind? :roll:

I see that you have more than 3000 postings, are you posintg just to insult others and leave offensive personal remarks?

By the way the invasion of Lebanon was preplanned by the Zionists of Occupied Palestine in order to create a panic in the middleeast and use the media to label themselves as the permanent victims of aggression.

Zionists Jews used clustor bombs and deliberately targetted the hotels and tourism industry and the non combatants of Lebanon and massacre d thousands of innocents while only 125 jews died in this invasion majority of then being soldiers.

Jewish radicals not only lost the war but its stature of being the victim of this conflict....
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