The Evolution Of Prophet Jesus

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The Evolution of Prophet Jesus Oct 02, 2006
We all know that majority of the sayings of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) has been lost to humanity for ever. But some of his life's actions have survived even today but not far from controversy, contradictions, and errors.

As time progressed after the alleged killing of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) many myths and stories arouse among the local population which were looking for an escape from the Jewish Controlled territories which were given ruling authority by the Romans.

We can easily see the adulteration in the Injeel given to Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) by the apostles preceding him.

This can be easily researched with evidence and clarity from the Christ's holy book which the Popes of the Church claim to have safeguarded.

I recommend the followers of the Christ's faith to have a look at this video and submit their honest opinions....

The Highlights of this lecture are in terms of changing the Status of Jesus from a Prophet to god, the authors of the famous gospels among the Christian community have inserted their words and have seriously distorted the message of Prophet Jesus for the purpose of:

1) for the purpose of having the later generations who will inherit his writings to perceive Prophet Jesus as Allah.
2) for the purpose of having Jesus himself describe himself as Allah.
3) for having people call Prophet Jesus the son of Allah.
4) for calling Allah 'father' or Prophet Jesus referring Allah as 'father.
5) for having people pray to Jesus
6) for reducing Prophet Jesus’ emphases on the one god.
7) for reducing the distinction between Prophet Jesus and his Creator 'Allah'.
8) for covering up the human limitations of Prophet Jesus.

Now these might sound startling claims which may shake the foundations of the Christianity. But these verses which are used as evidence here have been taken from the Gospels. If they are correct then one must accept the harsh truth that the image of Jesus shown today is not accurate of the historical Jesus the real Propeht Jesus.

Any one who needs to seek the Jesus with its purity must seek the real historic Jesus so where can that Jesus be found, see the video here: ... abbir+ally

Dubai Forums Member
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Oct 02, 2006
*yawn* I remember a muslim telling me that their religion doesn't proselytize.

about JC, of course the claim of him being the son of god is false, but i think the stories about him is what is important. He believed in nonviolence (unlike some other prophet) and did not exploit his status among the locals. He was very a pious individual, never accumulated wealth or a plethora of wives/concubines. In the end if you believe that he was crucified (which im inclined to believe) he forgave his tormentors and the people who were cheering on his death.

So in conclusion, Jesus is just alright with me
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Oct 02, 2006
valkyrie wrote:*yawn* I remember a muslim telling me that their religion doesn't proselytize.

about JC, of course the claim of him being the son of god is false, but i think the stories about him is what is important. He believed in nonviolence (unlike some other prophet) and did not exploit his status among the locals. He was very a pious individual, never accumulated wealth or a plethora of wives/concubines. In the end if you believe that he was crucified (which im inclined to believe) he forgave his tormentors and the people who were cheering on his death.

So in conclusion, Jesus is just alright with me

Jesus didnt use violence because he never needed to. how many times did the people around him reject him?

some jewish people rejected him simply because he was like moses and wasnt here to save them from the romans, but rather, he was ther to bring them back to gud morales, manners, character, justice, etc.

To muslims, Loving Jesus and believe in his miracles is part of faith. so no1 denys that.

we just deny the lies attached to him. like the curcifiction, ressurection, death, being God, being the Son of God, etc.

you know its funny, because people who pick and chose what to believe in ther religion are normally the most confused ones, or ther just precautionary believers, ie the believer just in case, but inside, they cudnt careless....

If many people HAD accepted Jesus and he had enough of an army AND the romans wantd to kill Jesus, his family and followers, he would have been the first one to defend them because this is who he is, a Servant of God, sent down to help the people.

you say he died and saved us? saved us from......? adam's sin? you believe that a son of a father shud be punished for the father's crimes?

do u consider that to be justice and peace and loving?
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Oct 02, 2006
I didn't say Jesus saved us from anything, I said Jesus FORGAVE his tormentors. And Jesus's life was threatened well before his supposed crucifixion by both the romans and Pharisees
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Oct 02, 2006
valkyrie wrote:I didn't say Jesus saved us from anything, I said Jesus FORGAVE his tormentors. And Jesus's life was threatened well before his supposed crucifixion by both the romans and Pharisees

did he say he forgave them?
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Oct 02, 2006
And tell me exactly why there are 'lies' about Jesus? Just because Islam says so? Christians do not believe what Muslims believe about Jesus and I think to just sweep the beliefs of a far older religion is pretty disrespectful.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 02, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:And tell me exactly why there are 'lies' about Jesus? Just because Islam says so? Christians do not believe what Muslims believe about Jesus and I think to just sweep the beliefs of a far older religion is pretty disrespectful.

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Oct 02, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:And tell me exactly why there are 'lies' about Jesus? Just because Islam says so? Christians do not believe what Muslims believe about Jesus and I think to just sweep the beliefs of a far older religion is pretty disrespectful.

Au contraire, the lies about Jesus came from the Vatican, or to be more precise, the various edits that the bible has been put through in the name of converting polytheists to monotheists and separating the Anglos from us brown folk.
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Oct 02, 2006
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 02, 2006
Islaam didn’t came to change the natural order or to destroy the previous messages given to Prophet Jesus and Prophet Moses as they were all on Tawheed. Its was the later apostles and followers who corrupted the injeel and Torah.

By the way no one has given a constructive response to the video lecture.

Regarding the peaceful teachings of Prophet Jesus:
1) didn’t Jesus say sell your garments and buy the swords to fight?
2) wouldn’t Jesus chase Jew out of places of worship because of their wickedness
3) didn’t Jesus abuse and humiliate the Jews calling them snake, wicked etc?
4) didn’t Jesus tell his prophets to slaughter villages and leave non alive, even the non combatants, live stock and even trees?

If Jesus believed in Non violence then Mahatma ghandi is not far behind, may be he should be given a title also? One should not jump to preconceived conclusions about Jesus.....

Jesus time spam of preaching his message was not more than 2 to 2.5years, Jesus never successfully converted any sizeable people to his faith even after performing miracles and was never up against the army of infidels (Now a days Muslims) who wanted to destroy his faith. Jesus never went to war and laid down rules of war as he was never comforted with one.

Regarding the slander of wives/concubines, one should first look at their own faith, didn’t Jesus, prophets have more then wife/concubines. Their is not even one authentic saying of Jesus condemning polygamy. Even Jewish and Christian prophets practiced polygamy. The bible tells us of one with 1000 wives and 3000 concubines.....

IF polygamy is abandoned then the world will fall into fornication and adultery and sexual crimes which is quite evident in the Christian dominated west.....

Of course to some Jesus is alright as they don’t recognize the historical Jesus rather find comfort in the myths surrounding Jesus by the later unknown authors of the bible.
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Oct 02, 2006
So you say! Even with 4 wives, many of these guys still can't just cope with that. Sorry but I don't agree with anything you're saying. In fact I find it quite offensive.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Oct 02, 2006
bear wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:And tell me exactly why there are 'lies' about Jesus? Just because Islam says so? Christians do not believe what Muslims believe about Jesus and I think to just sweep the beliefs of a far older religion is pretty disrespectful.

Au contraire, the lies about Jesus came from the Vatican, or to be more precise, the various edits that the bible has been put through in the name of converting polytheists to monotheists and separating the Anglos from us brown folk.

Only today when true religious freedom, scientific knowledge, and archeological discoveries have come together in the study of the Bible and other ancient documents have Christians started to see the truth. An example of this can be found in the British newspaper the "Daily News" 25/6/84 under the heading "Shock survey of Anglican Bishops" We read that a British television poll of 31 of 39 Anglican Bishops found 19 to believe that it is not necessary for Christians to believe that Jesus (pbuh) is God, but only "His supreme agent." Muslims too, strangely enough, have been told this over 1400 years ago by God Almighty in the noble Qur'an. The Qur'an tells us that Jesus was not God nor the Son of God (in the orthodox sense), but only a very pious and elect servant and messenger of God. This is even testified to by Jesus (pbuh) himself in John 17:3

"And this is life eternal, that they might know YOU the ONLY true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have SENT."

This verse is evident enough for the sincere seekers of truth to denounce Christ as god and to accept Jesus as a messenger sent to Israel who was raised up into heaven by Allah (father) and will come back with the truth to teach a lesson to the friends of Dajjal.
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Oct 02, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:So you say! Even with 4 wives, many of these guys still can't just cope with that. Sorry but I don't agree with anything you're saying. In fact I find it quite offensive.

There is no record of Prophet Jesus opposing polygamy. If he did so, it would have meant that the condemned the practice of the prophets before him. There are a number of examples of polygamous marriages among the prophets recorded in the Torah. Prophet Abraham had two wives, according to Genesis 16:13:

“So after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, Sarai, Abram’s wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her maid, and gave her to Abram her husband as a wife.”

So Prophet David, according to the first book of Samuel 27:3,

“And David dwelt with Achish at Gat, he and his men, every man with his household, and David with his two wives, Ahin’o-am of Jezreel, and Abigail of Carmel, Nabal’s widow.”

In 1st Kings 11:3, Solomon is said to have

“...had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines.”
Solomon’s son, Rehobo’am, also had a number of wives, according to 2nd Chronicles 11:21,

“Rehobo’am loved Ma’acah the daughter of Absalom above all his wives and concubines (he took eighteen wives and sixty concubines, and had twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters).”

In fact, the Torah even specified laws regarding the division of inheritance in polygamous circumstances. In Deuteronomy 21:15-16, the law states:

“15 If a man has two wives, the one loved and the other disliked, and they have borne him children, both the loved and the disliked, and if the first-born son is hers that is disliked,
16then on the day when he assigns his possessions as an inheritance to his sons, he may not treat the son of the loved as the first-born in preference to the son of the disliked, who is the first-born.”

The only restriction on polygamy was the ban on taking a wife’s sister as a rival wife in Leviticus 18:18, “And you shall not take a woman as a rival wife to her sister, uncovering her nakedness while her sister is yet alive.” The Talmud advises a maximum of four wives as was the practice of Prophet Jacob.

According to Father Eugene Hillman, “Nowhere in the New Testament is there any explicit commandment that marriage should be monogamous or any explicit commandment forbidding polygamy.” He further stressed the fact that the Church in Rome banned polygamy in order to conform to Graeco-Roman culture which prescribed only one legal wife while tolerating concubinage and prostitution.

Islaam limited polygamy to a maximum of four wives at one time and stipulated the maintenance of justice as a basic condition for polygamy. In Chapter an-Nisaa (4):3, God states:
“Marry of the women that please you two, three or four. But if you fear that you will not be able to deal justly, then [marry only] one ...”

We can also see that the abandonment of Allahs (father) law beget more evil like in the case of the christian dominated west where every second a women is being raped, and sexually molested even though the governemtn legalized prostitution to safeguard a few moral woman. But as we see that sexual crimes against women have increased and have reached volcanic levels compared to the whole Islamic world, rape and sexual ofences are at the minimum even though only 1.2% of the population practice polygamy...

the choice is for you to make...
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