Thank You Gyus

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Sep 27, 2006
DaveDXB wrote:Wow....talking abt being anti social....the uprise of the lezbians! lol

har har har....gud one Dave! :lol:

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Sep 27, 2006
yshimy wrote:I can see nothing about also decent guys who are willing to really help...

I don't clam i'm one of them, and not clam i'm one of the others.

but from the top of my mind i can recall....


Cheers all... life is not full of evil.. there is more good.

Excusez mi.......... u left a guy starting with "s" and ending with "0"
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Sep 27, 2006
Snip boy

i saw you with my two eyes running after the forum gurls...

but unfortunatly HP posted his photos and.... well, he is gone now, so lets not talk about his naughty side :P

hehe,,, on a serious note.

I mentioned there are alot of helpful guys, but from my own experience... These two guys are kings.... and noone would argue about their genuinity (if such word exist)

cheers mate...

PS: stop poking the cat... it is annoying.

In the after life you will be a cat and someone will poke you back

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Sep 27, 2006
Well yshimy, you are right, but the thing is - Fayz and Shafique aren't PMing women on the forum to try to date them. So they aren't the same kind of guys we've all been talking about.
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Sep 27, 2006
Yes, but usually people ask for help in public and then go into PMs.

I'm not refering to PM stalkers as they are too obvious.

I'm refering to those who pretend to help but with other intentions for the future (bad helpers) vs. The geniuen good helpers as given examples.

The point of my post is just to tell the ladies around here that there also some good people who like to help for the sake of it.

Other regular stalker are very obvious, like as you mentioned before their several techniques.

A good way to avoid both stalkers (PM ones and Trying to help ones) is as you adviced in this or other thread.


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Sep 27, 2006
its funny how everybody is herassing everybody in this forum...haha

everybody sending out numbers to each other and then boom.....the drama has began

am i right or do i have low blood sugar right now because im fasting? ;) ;)
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Sep 28, 2006
B__Lady wrote:
Bleakus wrote:its funny how everybody is herassing everybody in this forum...haha

everybody sending out numbers to each other and then boom.....the drama has began

am i right or do i have low blood sugar right now because im fasting? ;) ;)

I am sorry to say, no you are not right.
Some people monitors the PM's checks them filters them, and its from there the personal information's leaks out

who can see peoples PM other than the sender and reciever?
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Sep 28, 2006
As far as I know only Andyba (the Admin) would be able to read PM boxes, but even then I think it is really difficult - he/she would have to wade through lots of code to do it. Moderators cannot access anyone's PM boxes whatsoever, and neither can other forum members unless they know the person's password and access their account that way. Moderators have no access to anyone's passwords.

B_lady, I have no clue what you are going on about now.
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Sep 28, 2006
someone went through your pm's? is that what your saying?

how do you know?
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Sep 28, 2006
yeah word.....whats up b____lady
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Sep 28, 2006
B__Lady wrote:
Bleakus wrote:its funny how everybody is herassing everybody in this forum...haha

everybody sending out numbers to each other and then boom.....the drama has began

am i right or do i have low blood sugar right now because im fasting? ;) ;)

I am sorry to say, no you are not right.
Some people monitors the PM's checks them filters them, and its from there the personal information's leaks out

In my opinion this is not possible B-Lady, but hey lets invite Arnie in and ask the question.
sage & onion
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Sep 28, 2006
sage & onion wrote:
B__Lady wrote:
Bleakus wrote:its funny how everybody is herassing everybody in this forum...haha

everybody sending out numbers to each other and then boom.....the drama has began

am i right or do i have low blood sugar right now because im fasting? ;) ;)

I am sorry to say, no you are not right.
Some people monitors the PM's checks them filters them, and its from there the personal information's leaks out

In my opinion this is not possible B-Lady, but hey lets invite Arnie in and ask the question.

arnie knows abt phbb! :shock:
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Sep 28, 2006

where art thou super mod!?!
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Sep 28, 2006
B_lady, it is impossible for anyone to go through your pm's unless they know your password. Admins and mods can only send a new password request to you - not read or give people back their passwords if they forget - so you cannot accuse and admin or mods of reading your PM box because they have no access to the passwords. You must have been hacked or let someone know your password for that person to read your PM box.

I just get tired of the drama. Don't respond to PMs you don't like. Don't give anyone your number, and report anyone to the police if they are harrassing you by phone. What more can be said about your situation?
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Sep 28, 2006
busted ;)
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Sep 28, 2006
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Sep 28, 2006
B-Lady I liked u better when you were telling us about your bi experiences... See ppl what u did by deleting her post???
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Sep 28, 2006
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Sep 28, 2006
B__Lady wrote:
Nick81 wrote:B-Lady I liked u better when you were telling us about your bi experiences... See ppl what u did by deleting her post???

I was enjoying that myself also

blah :x
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Sep 28, 2006
Nick81 wrote:B-Lady I liked u better when you were telling us about your bi experiences... See ppl what u did by deleting her post???

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Mi Ange mi Demon
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Sep 28, 2006
i can tell you all it is a FACT, that nobody including ADMIN can access any pm boxes on this forum.

End of..................
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Sep 28, 2006
hehehee, thats great news




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Sep 28, 2006
yshimy wrote:I can see nothing about also decent guys who are willing to really help...

I don't clam i'm one of them, and not clam i'm one of the others.

but from the top of my mind i can recall....


And i'm sure alot are around the forum but as i'm not following alot lately i can't name all, but i'm sure this forum is full of them.... even if some went inactive sometime or have their ups and downs in participating as life usually gets them busy at times.

Cheers all... life is not full of evil.. there is more good.

Hey Ysh, welcome back where have you been?
How's life treating you?
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Sep 29, 2006
B__Lady wrote:
kanelli wrote:B_lady, it is impossible for anyone to go through your pm's unless they know your password. Admins and mods can only send a new password request to you - not read or give people back their passwords if they forget - so you cannot accuse and admin or mods of reading your PM box because they have no access to the passwords. You must have been hacked or let someone know your password for that person to read your PM box.

I just get tired of the drama. Don't respond to PMs you don't like. Don't give anyone your number, and report anyone to the police if they are harrassing you by phone. What more can be said about your situation?

You get tired from drama?
Am I complaining to you all the time?

I just found many topics in this forum where they think that this site is not secured; I thought to share my experience with them.

I could be wrong, I am not saying that I am going to fight people about it.

That it all

Why so many people of this forum are aggressive

Actually I'm a very nice person until you piss me off. If you have no clue how phpBB's work and someone else does - you should listen to them instead of making wild accusations about moderators or admin reading your PM box and leaking information.

This is the internet - almost nothing is secure, so a professional hacker could likely hack your PM box, but why would they choose you on this forum and not do it to anyone else? Only you are having these supposed "leaking" problems.

If you don't like something I post, it hardly warrants calling people on the forum "aggressive".
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Sep 30, 2006
I think that anyone reading your posts on this forum and my posts on this forum will be able to clearly see who has the problems. :lol:
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Sep 30, 2006
:Scroll to the top of the page to see the subject 'Thank you Guys':

Well, doesnt it clarify things B_Lady.
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Oct 01, 2006
OK...suggestion time.

What if anyone who sends an unsolicited creepy pm has it published here, together with their id, for everyone to see and read?

This would 'out' the serial stalkers and then every girl would know who was responsible and be warned. Maybe it would stop them from doing it in the future and even provide the Mods with sufficient information to block them or kick them off the Forum?

Anyones answers welcome and any views from the Mods?

:? :? :?

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Oct 01, 2006
i like the idea name and shame .. only thing is how would you know the pm wasnt made up.
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Oct 01, 2006
Nick81 wrote:B-Lady I liked u better when you were telling us about your bi experiences... See ppl what u did by deleting her post???

Just post your experiences in FC...and i hope it includes a shocker :)
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Oct 01, 2006
MaaaD wrote:i like the idea name and shame .. only thing is how would you know the pm wasnt made up.

using quote!! like now :lol:
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