I’m back in the rolling greenery of Northern England with my Celtic roots (I like to romantically think so, anyway) and have just completed a wander across the length of Hadrian’s Wall.... check your Roman history for those in the dark. Suffice to say, I'm knackered but nothing a few pints of traditional English ale won't put right. Really strange being able to walk without being burned to a crisp and melting in humidity after a few steps.
Anyway, here we go, a few of the things I miss and some of those I defo don’t miss from the Big D:
MISSING... in no particular order
1 The genuine warmth of the local family I was proud to call true friends and who made things so much easier and welcoming for me.
2 The amazing clubs, bars and nightlife and sheer variety of restaurants that I’ll probably never see the like of again.
3 The seemingly permanent sun in a bright blue sky and the beaches... putting even one foot into the North Sea would be just about enough to freeze your nuts off at any time of year!!! (BUT weather will feature again in the OTHER list, I'm afraid).
4 The incredible variety of pursuits from water sports, to desert safaris, skiing and everything else... someone somewhere caters for virtually any interest in Dubai.
5 The great opportunties for advancement if you show any sort of spark in your career and the fab motor that went with it!
6 The sheer variety of folk from around the world that add to your experiences and knowledge.
7 Brunch at the Burj... all right it wasn’t very often but hey... the sort of luxury to which I could become accustomed.
1 Those nutters on the road... Sometimes I just marvel that I’m back here without a scratch because jeez it was a close call on occasions as someone tried to overtake from left, right, underneath, over the top and seemingly sometimes through the car boot. It’s just so amazing to see people occasionally showing a bit of courtesy behind the wheel now and then. I don’t envy you lot one little bit negotiating the SZR death trap. Not good for the blood pressure either!
2 The bloody bureaucracy. Why did everything you do seem to be such a hassle and arse-on, from banks to just about everything. Always with yet another doument to produce and usually for a few Ds more to boot!
3 The sight of those poor blue-boiler-suited ones scampering about skyscrapers under that blistering sun for a pittance when I could barely walk five yards in it without expiring. And the thought of them packed off like cattle to some labour camp at the end of a 12-hour day.
4 The approaches from those ladies of the night when all you’re trying to do is have a good laugh and a good night out with your mates. I mean, do I look desperate??? Don’t answer that one please

5 The weather... must admit, with my North Britain background it was at times a summer of hell in that humidity. And sometimes the blast from AC was nearly as bad especially when it usually seemed to carry every other bugger’s flu bugs just waiting to get me!
6 The over-promoted, jumped-up, pretentious, think-they’re-God’s-gift, arseholes who seemed to be able to con their way into positions of responsibilty when in reality you wouldn’t normally trust them to take charge of a packet of paperclips. You know the ones I mean and yes they are found the world over but Dubai seems to have got more than the lion's share.
7 The racism that seemed to have crept into all parts, from careers to admittance to a club... but hey, I suppose again it’s everywhere to some degree. I think I kind of just expected that with that incredible racial mix, it would have been different.
8 The incredible s-e-x-i-s-m that seems to pervade the place... it seems to be just about as common as the burgeoning waistlines you see everywhere... the D belly strikes again

9 The soaring rents that seemed calculated to send people packing. I really felt it way OTT and it defo sent some I know back home.
Well I'm sure there's a lot more both pros and cons that you've all experienced but there's just a few thrown in there.
Do I miss it? YES. Was it enjoyable? HUGELY. Would I recommend it to someone? YES. Will I be back? SADLY, PROBABLY NOT.
It was good to have a peep on here and see arnie's still cracking the whip to keep you pack of delinquents in check, chocs is still in a strop (just joking

Cheers and keep up the good work... must dash to turn on the air con cos it just reached 18C (64F)

PS What's this I hear about dodgy diamond deals and a murder at the Burj? Sounds like a plot straight out of the pages of Poirot. Whatever is Dubai coming to