Hi there, wow I'm so pleased I found this Website.
I have read as much as I could around this topic but as most of you know every sitituation is different. So I would like your advice on the following package my partner has been offered.
We are both Australian and travelling on Australian passports (i've noticed that this can make a difference) Can anyone explain that????
He has been offered a job as a Health and Safety Manager on a Construction site. The following figures are monthly ones in Dirum
Base Salary 22,000
Car 3,000
Partuity 1,283
Accomodation 10,000 but i think there was some talk of the company leaseing something
Fuel 300
water/electricy 750
telephone 250.00
Health 1,361.00
Airfares 8,400 per year
Bonus performance 1,833
We like to live our lifes and socialise and eat out alot, we really need to save alot of money for we have many expenses here.
So any comments about the package????? Is it comparable to other Health and Safety Positions
How do you go about sending money home and not paying tax on it???
Do we have to get married before we go or can he accept a package with a partner and still get the martial benefits????
What is the difference between Qatar and Dubai to live in ????? Is Qatar like Dubai???
Thanks in advance