mema wrote:rudeboy
Im sorry u had to face these situations but u can't build ur entire views on locals from those u met in the immigration.
i have many expat friends .and i mean real friends..more than family.. different nationalities and different colors..i'm very disturb and upset readin all the posts here i called my friends and asked their views of Dubai do they feel discriminated against they said no..they added some of the luxury they have here couldn't dream of it back home and they feel this is their home..
my expat friends were living in uk they r black moved to Dubai recently according to them "yes there is racisms in Uk" but this is not my concern im sure they went through some bad experience but this shouldn't be generalized there nor here.
com'n Dubai is not that bad..we (local) r not that bad.

Once again, i find myself sticking up for rudeboy.
He was only speaking of his experiences, just like your friends told you theirs.
mema wrote:they added some of the luxury they have here couldn't dream of it back home and they feel this is their home..
even though you prob have good intentions, its suggesting two wrongs make a right. and unfortunately some people exploit that....
my basic point is, as Kanelli mentioned earlier, that Dubai has a terrible almost class system.
In UK or Sweden if you are Asian, and went into a restaurant, and some Europeans followed later, and then some locals came in.
The Asian would be served first, then the Europeans, then the Locals.
In Dubai, with the same scenario, the LOCAL would get served first, the European second and the Asian last, even though they entered first.
its everyday issues like that which make Racism... my friend who is of Asian Origin, was adressed as a "Miskeen" at the Airport - even though he was born and bread in the UK!
He has to pay entry fee's when on his own or with other asians in bars, he pays nothing when with Europeans, gets served near to last while in restaurants. These are day to day issues and happens to many. Some people dnt make a big deal of it.... but that only allows it to continue.
The UK has problems. So does Sweden. But in Sweden and UK staff get fired easily if there are complaints of discrimination in all sectors. How often does that happen in Dubai, when a local is concerned?