Chocoholic wrote:Once again Sniper there you go with your judgmental attitude. Personally it doesn't bother me if the story was true or not, the point is, what is the point of the post? Whoopdidoo so someone converted to another religion - people do it everyday, it's hardly breaking news is it.
It would be a breaking news for some if they are religious and may raise some concerns, to the communist, fascist, imperialist, capitalists this does not seem to be Headline News...
Can this be a headline
In a "SHOCK SURVEY OF ANGLICAN BISHOPS" in June 1984 it was revealed that 31 of their 39 Bishops thought that "Christ's miracles, the virgin birth and the resurrection might not have happened exactly as described in the Bible."
"More than half of England's Anglican Bishops say that Christians are not obliged to believe that Jesus Christ was God, according to a survey published today. The pole of 31 of England's 39 bishops shows that many of them think that Christ's miracles, the virgin birth and the resurrection might not have happened exactly as described in the Bible. Only 11 of the bishops insisted that Christians must regard Christ as both God and man, while 19 said it was sufficient to regard Jesus as 'God's supreme agent'"
In deference to the Bishops of the Church of England (the "Anglicans") the Church of Scotland most respectfully omitted any reference to the "Virgin Birth" from its most recent publication "A STATEMENT OF FAITH." The topic of the miraculous conception of Jesus (pbuh) is getting increasingly hotter for Western Christianity to handle as you see here:

I wonder why stories like these fail to make headlines on CNN and BBC?